Global League of Nations.

Conference hall.

Looking at the picture displayed on the big screen, everyone was dumbfounded.

The Resurrection of the Gods event started three years ago.

The problem is that, in addition to the long interval between the revived gods that happened before, the revived gods were not strong.

Even most of them belong to the level that even if you go to the local area to check the information, you may not be able to figure out the name of the other party's god.

Although human beings are helpless against these weak recovery gods, at least they will firmly resist.

But the strength displayed by Lord Shiva is simply beyond imagination.

They really couldn't understand what kind of means it was.

A huge wave hundreds of meters high can cause immeasurable damage to any coastal city.

This purple-black space crack was extinguished by the pale flame, and the damaged space naturally healed.

"Don't you look weird too?"

It can even be said that even an attack of the level of a large-yield nuclear bomb does not feel as big as the movement that God Shiva is making now.

At this moment, Lu Yan's figure appeared in front of the spreading cracks in the purple-black space as if flickering.

The place where the blockade wave passed was instantly calm.

This kind of power to control the wind and rain with a wave of hands, and the power to control the world, it is really difficult for human beings to develop the will to resist.

At least for now, Shiva's attack is shocking, but it can't cause the slightest harm to him. It's a face for Shiva if he doesn't directly ignore it.

The extremely exaggerated bad celestial phenomena before seemed to have never appeared before.

This blue-black divine fire that appeared out of thin air was the most powerful ability of Shutong, claiming to be able to destroy everything.

"Can...can be."

Obviously, this spreading process should be very slow.

Hearing Lu Yan's teasing words, Lord Shiva's calm expression was instantly replaced by gloom.

In the next second, Lu Yan's whole body suddenly ignited spontaneously.

But the fact is that the speed of this spread is far faster than Anubis's running speed, and it will hit Anubis first in a few seconds.

After doing all this, Lu Yan looked at Lord Shiva with some puzzlement and said, "Has the dog's head provoked you?"

Seeing that this desert god of death was honestly driving, Lu Yan raised his hand and patted Anubis on the head, signaling him to stay away first.

The huge body is like the yellow sand rolling upside down, moving away quickly.

Resisting the torment in his heart, he persisted like this.

"Even if there is a [Savior], can't we humans avoid the end of destruction?"

The vision of three eyes and four arms is what he is most proud of, how could he tolerate such ridicule.

After fanning out a cloud of pale flames, Lu Yan didn't pay attention to the result any more.

Legend has it that Lord Shiva once used the divine fire from the third eye to burn down three demon cities and a god.

Unlike Anubis, Lu Yan's expression did not change, he was still looking at Lord Shiva with a smile.

Being able to burn the gods, in other words, there is a huge power of rules in it.

Surprisingly, there was no deafening sound or horrible explosion in this collision.

"Just trust him."

Then, like swatting a fly, he casually slapped it with the back of his hand, and a pale flame emerged out of thin air.

After getting Lu Yan's approval, Anubis did not hesitate at all, and directly used some kind of means to suppress the bottom of the box.

Lord Shiva opened the vertical eyes between his brows and stared at Lu Yan.

The name of the Destroyer of the Three Demon Cities is also derived from this.

At first glance, it looked like he had fanned out a flame with his hand.

Above the pitch-black ocean, Anubis tensed up, ready to run at any time.

Not to mention, even in the mythology of the White Elephant Kingdom, Shiva is not the strongest.

The moment Lu Yan burned the blue-black divine fire, he used [Suotian] to separate the divine fire, and with his backhand, a divine light that was as light as dust was slashed towards Lord Shiva.

Whether it was the storm or the attack being prepared by the Trident, in Lu Yan's eyes, there was nothing special about it.

Severe wind and waves churned.

With just one breath, he has already appeared hundreds of miles away, and is still moving away. It seems that he is already ready to run away.

Of course, even though the two were fighting, out of fear of Lu Yan, Anubis didn't really turn around and run away.

The most desperate point is.

Lu Yan looked Shiva up and down.

He looked in the direction of Lord Shiva again, and at the same time, an invisible wave of blockade spread out in all directions centered on his position.


Almost in an instant, it collided with the spreading purple-black space crack.

Lord Shiva didn't dodge, but just formed an energy barrier in front of him.

After mastering many rule abilities, he can easily judge whether the opponent's attack has rule power attached.

This group of pale flames did not delay in the slightest, and after appearing, it expanded extremely rapidly.

"Inferior animals are not worthy of being gods."

If it wasn't for Lu Yan who was still sitting on his head, the desert god of death would have disappeared when Lord Shiva raised the storm.

"Can a nuclear bomb pose a threat to this kind of god?"

The reason is also very simple.

God Shiva seemed to have expected that Anubis would run away, holding the trident in his right hand, and pointed in the direction of Anubis.

There is no way, not to mention that Anubis itself does not have such terrifying power as Lord Shiva, and the harsh environment alone makes him quite uncomfortable.

Lord Shiva is already so strong, but in the mythology of various countries, there are still many descriptions of gods that are more exaggerated than Lord Shiva.

the other side.

Of course, he could ignore these attacks, but Anubis couldn't.

He seemed to be watching a panoramic movie, and apart from being more immersive, he didn't feel any threat at all.

God Shiva spoke arrogant words, but his expression was calm without joy or sorrow, as if he was stating the facts.

Click ~ click ~
The purple-black space cracks around the trident spread rapidly in the direction that Lord Shiva pointed.

But this is just caused by an inconspicuous artifact in the hands of Lord Shiva.

At this time, no one dared to give a definite answer.

The two collided together and dissipated at the same time.

"The news is indeed correct."

Lord Shiva was very satisfied with this result: "It is indeed a means to target the gods, and it is also very dangerous, but the attack speed is too slow, and it can be easily counteracted with divine power."

"If it's only to this extent...everyone can come out."

As soon as the words fell, the surrounding sky suddenly appeared circle after circle, ripples like water waves.

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