The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 1175 The second round of chapter experience

Chapter 1175 No.19 Reincarnation Experience
Probably because they have known each other for a long time, and Yu Wulin has always acted carelessly, without any aggressiveness.

As a result, even if Duan Jianhui knew that this guy was an extremely powerful reincarnation, it would be difficult for him to feel much awe.

After hearing Yu Wulin's ridicule, Duan Jianhui retorted weakly.

"If you don't have long-term considerations, you must have near-term worries. Do you know that? According to the inhumane style of the reincarnation system, it is impossible to tell when I will be put on a mission that must die."

"Then you recognize me as foster father, I guarantee you will not be killed by the reincarnation system."

Yu Wulin chuckled, as if he thought Duan Jianhui's state was amusing.

The most important thing is that the corner of Duan Jianhui's mouth twitched, and it seemed that he was really tempted.

This is not really a rush to the doctor.

Although I don't know the specific method of operation, Duan Jianhui actually knows that both Lu Yan and Yu Wulin can survive the obliteration of the reincarnation system.

To be honest, Duan Jianhui felt that he probably couldn't learn Lu Yan's way of ignoring the erasure of the reincarnation system.

But Yu Wulin is different. Judging from the information he inadvertently revealed, his way of escaping the obliteration of the reincarnation system seems to be replicable.

"Stop fooling him."

Lu Yan raised his eyes and continued, "If you have time, why don't you think about how to deal with paintings."

Several days have passed since returning from the duel field.

It was almost time for a new reincarnation experience, and during this period, Yu Wulin actually just nestled on the sofa and did nothing.


Yu Wulin covered his mouth with his hand and yawned: "Good night, I'm going to sleep, call me when it's almost twelve o'clock."

Before the words fell, he fell asleep at the speed of light.

I don't know if I really fell asleep or pretended.

Regarding this question, Lu Yan's answer was obviously in favor of the latter, but he didn't bother to expose it.

Speaking of which, the last few days have almost been regarded as the most peaceful period of time in the world.

Since the emergence of the reincarnation system, there has never been such a harmonious time. It seems that the reincarnation people, careerists, and major organizations who like to make troubles have all quieted down at once.

Not only the Long Kingdom, which has always had a stable social security environment, but also overseas, even Wakanda, where even if there is no reincarnation system, the place where daily zero-yuan purchases have become peaceful.

If you think about it carefully, this is quite normal.

The deathmatch duel was just a break in the middle, and it didn't end completely.

Those starry sky races didn't leave, they just hibernated temporarily to meet the next round of deathmatch and to avoid accidents.

As for the reincarnators, they were worried about the existence of the starry sky race, and they were no longer as ostentatious as they were under normal circumstances.

What's more, in this incident, the number of deaths was more than 5000. With such a large base, almost everyone in foreign countries had relatives and friends who died in the ring.

Another point is that the better the psychological quality, the easier it is to be bound as a reincarnation.

After so long of exploration, there are also some basic judgments on the psychological quality threshold of the reincarnation system.

The so-called psychological quality is actually a generalization.

Traits such as calmness, perseverance, rationality, boldness, and even flexibility can be recognized by the reincarnation system as meeting the psychological quality standards.

To be honest, even if there is no reincarnation system for this kind of people, generally speaking, they will not get along too badly in society.

This also led to the fact that the vast majority of the more than 3 million people who died in the deathmatch were middle or high-level people in society.

With so much free at once, it would be good to keep the society running. There is no extra energy to start a war at this time.

However, this kind of peace does not make people feel at ease, but it is like the calm before the storm.

Anyone with a little foresight can see that the situation is like a baby sitting on a pile of dynamite bags and playing with matches. It might be ignited and explode at any time.

Fortunately, human beings are extremely adaptable creatures after all, no matter how desperate the situation is, they will not lose the will to struggle to survive.

Not to mention that as far as the current situation is concerned, it is far from the point where it is impossible to survive.

Lu Yan turned on the phone screen and glanced at the current time, 23:36.

There is less than half an hour before the zero point training mission.

For some reason, Lu Yan always felt that the first half hour of each hour was a little longer than the second half hour.

The second half hour always passed in a flash.

Lu Yan turned off the phone screen again, and glanced at Yu Wulin, who was still soundly asleep, without any intention of waking him up.

Duan Jianhui has already laid down on the bed proficiently. Although he has been moaning and sighing all this time, when he really wanted to practice reincarnation, he didn't just let it go.

Ten minutes, whether it is long or not, is not short.

Lu Yan didn't bother to bother about anything during this time, so he sorted out his belongings symbolically.

Of course, he didn't actually need to bring anything.

Even though his [space hut] can hold a lot of things, there are only tortoise shells, stone slabs and those consumable scrolls inside.

By the way, he actually brought these items with him every time he practiced reincarnation.

But most of the time, it's useless.

Everything is ready, sitting on the sofa for a while, the notification sound of the reincarnation system will sound at the right time.

【Ding! 】

[After 30 seconds, the No. 19 reincarnation experience will start. 】

【The host please stay where you are and don't move around, otherwise you will be wiped out. 】

Lu Yan listened quietly to the familiar mechanized prompt.

He hesitated for two seconds, then stood up and took two steps.

【warn!warn! 】

[It is detected that the host deviates from the original place, please return the host immediately, otherwise it will be wiped out! 】

[The obliteration begins! 】

Lu Yan felt that special obliterating power flowing through his whole body before sitting back on the sofa.

If anything, he was a little used to this "massage".

If you don't come to the previous round of reincarnation experience, you may be really not used to it.

[Unknown reason detected, erasure failed. 】

[It is being processed urgently. 】

[Start backup plan. 】

[The highest difficulty trial of the current level will be selected, please return to the original place immediately and start teleporting! 】

As the prompt tone falls, it represents the fluctuation of transmission.

An obvious but not dazzling white light flashed.

Transmission starts.


This is not the first time, Lu Yan quickly adapted to the dizziness brought by the teleportation.

He opened his eyes and looked around.

Although he hasn't figured out the situation in this world yet, he has inexplicably felt a sense of disharmony.

Why is this world a bit awkward?

(End of this chapter)

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