Chapter 1176 Nightclub
Strictly speaking, the awkward feeling that Lu Yan noticed was not obvious.

It's also hard to say exactly what kind of feeling this is.

If it weren't for the fact that the world switched in an instant, which magnified this feeling, Lu Yan probably wouldn't have realized this "awkwardness" and just regarded it as an illusion.

Even if it is possible to determine that there must be some awkward places in this world, it is impossible to find where this awkward point is for a while.

【Ding! 】

[Transmission complete! 】

【Experience the world: (unknown)】

[Experience mission: Guard the current civilization]


[1: The mission time limit is unknown. 】

[2: Every natural day, supernatural power can only be used once, each time is 3 minutes, if the time limit is exceeded, the mission will fail. 】

Generally speaking, the difficulty of experience tasks is composed of two aspects.

The first, and the easiest aspect to increase the difficulty of, is the difficulty of the experience world.

On the other hand, there are mission constraints.

The more restrictions there are, the more difficult it is to complete the experience tasks.

Lu Yan was used to this, but when he saw the 3-minute time limit, he couldn't help showing a somewhat weird look on his face.

He raised his right forearm, and placed his left hand horizontally under his right elbow.

Although it looks a bit secondary, but I have to admit that after so many reincarnation experiences, Lu Yan has the aura of a savior for the first time.

Occasional convulsions end quickly.

He put his hands down and turned his attention away from the mission introduction.

For some reason, Lu Yan always felt that the reincarnation system was targeting him.

Every time during the reincarnation experience, the time when he was teleported here was always such a late night.

Fortunately, it was only late at night, and it didn't send him directly to some wilderness.

Lu Yan looked around, it was obvious that he was in a large bustling city.

Most of the shops on both sides of the street are closed, only the names of the shops are still lit.

There are no pedestrians on the sidewalk, and there are few vehicles on the road. It takes a while to see a car passing by.

From the looks of it, at least it was after midnight.

According to the usual practice, the most urgent task is to figure out which world this is.

Unfortunately, even if you want to find a passerby to ask about this point, it is not easy.

Lu Yan strolled along the sidewalk for a while, then naturally sat down on a public bench by the side of the road.

The efficiency of asking someone to ask is really too low now, he has already made plans to wait for one night and ask someone tomorrow.

Suddenly, a neon light flickered out of the corner of Lu Yan's eyes, and when he turned his head, it was a nightclub that was still open.

Thinking about it, if you are idle anyway, you might be able to find some clues inside.


"So, you are still a high-quality talent."

A woman with revealing clothes and big red lips looked at the man in front of her with winking eyes.

The man took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, and leaned against the bar in a dissolute manner: "This question, you have to understand it deeply yourself."

Amidst the strong rhythm of the music, the woman's laughter was not obvious, but judging from her expression, she was smiling happily.

The man laughed too.

It's really hard to say who is pretending.

After all, in nightclubs, everyone is a hunter, looking for each other's favorite prey.

The man has a lot of experience, he is sure, and if he develops at this pace, he can have a good night.

While chatting, the man keenly noticed that the woman's attention was actually diverted from him.

Following the woman's line of sight, a person walked in at the entrance of the nightclub.

He was dressed plainly and had a clean and handsome face.

The most important thing is that when the person walked, he had an extremely obvious aura of dust, just like a peaceful temple or a Taoist temple in a distant mountain.

The youthful appearance is combined with this temperament, but there is no disharmony.

The man knew an eminent monk, but now he felt that even that eminent monk didn't seem to have such a dusty temperament.

To be honest, men feel that people with this kind of temperament should never appear on such occasions.

Obviously, from the perspective of human nature, the more such a contrast, the more fatally attractive it is.

A man feels that he has to do something, otherwise his "prey" will be attracted away, which is really a bit of a shame for a hunter.

Even...he has already forgotten the name of the woman in front of him.

But what the man didn't expect was that the other party walked straight towards him.

Lu Yan didn't come to the nightclub to find an affair, and he didn't have any specific goals, so it was naturally the principle of proximity.

"Hello, my name is Lu Yan."

"Little handsome guy, you can call me Helen ~ are you alone?"

The woman was inexplicably excited.

She felt that she was really lucky today, to be able to meet two such excellent men at once.

Looking at the two people beside her, she inexplicably had a bold idea.

Yes, originally the man in front of her was very good, with outstanding looks, and he claimed to be some kind of young scholar.

And the other, just because of this appearance and temperament, the woman feels that she is not at a loss.

It's really hard to choose.

"My friend, you are breaking the rules."

The man frowned slightly.

He and this woman have only known each other for less than half an hour, so it doesn't matter if it's another "prey".

But this was being stepped in, and the attitude was naturally not much better.

Seeing the other party's resistant attitude, Lu Yan skillfully showed a kind smile that met the expectations of the society: "Don't worry, I have no malicious intentions, I just want to ask you something."

The man took a deep breath of the cigarette, and then let the smoke float out freely: "Police?"

Lu Yan shook his head.

Hearing no, the man crossed his legs and sighed: "That's a pity, we have no obligation to answer your question."

It's a pity that it was demolished in the next second.

"Little handsome boy, what do you want to ask?"

The woman sat down between the two of them with great interest: "Why don't you have a drink before asking?"

Lu Yan ignored the latter question, and asked straight to the point: "Do you know any supernatural events in this world?"

"Yes, yes, last night I dreamed of encountering a ghost, and I was so scared that I dare not go home alone tonight."

The woman's answer was obviously not very serious.

Lu Yan was silent for a moment.

"What I want to know is what really happened."

The woman blinked blankly.

However, she would always be more patient with good-looking people. She stroked her small chin and thought about it seriously.

"I don't seem to have heard of it, Luo Ji, do you know?"

In the second half of the sentence, women are speaking to men.

(End of this chapter)

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