Chapter 1177 Sociology

Obviously, the woman is thinking about how to catch two high-quality prey in one go.

For this reason, she asked at the right time, trying to pull the man into the chat.

But what the woman didn't notice was that Lu Yan was stunned for a moment.

"Your name is Luo Ji?"

Lu Yan wanted to make sure, but at the moment his attention was completely on Luo Ji.

If it wasn't for the same name and surname, he thought he should know which world this is.

Three body.

For low-level civilizations, this is an extremely dark universe.

For these civilizations in the universe, it is meaningless to rely on themselves if they want to survive, it can only depend on luck.

Once the coordinates are exposed, there are countless ways to destroy a powerful civilization, which is even easier than manipulating a hero to clear a small soldier in the game.

Human civilization is a low-level civilization in the universe.

From this point of view, it is obviously not easy to protect human civilization. After all, there are too many civilizations in the Trisolaran world.

The most important thing is that Lu Yan is not very clear about the specific plot of the Three-Body Problem, he only has a certain understanding of the general direction of the plot.

This is not surprising.

No reincarnator can guarantee that he will know the next world of experience.

In fact, there are too many literary works, myths and legends in the real world. Even if you read a hundred books a day, watch ten dramas, and spend your entire life, it is impossible to finish them all.

At most, I can only scan roughly to ensure that I have a basic impression.

That is to say, Lu Yan now does not know when and how huge a crisis humans will encounter.

The good news is that in this world, there is no such thing as a powerful individual power, and some have only developed to unimaginable technology.


That might not be accurate either.

In fact, the individuals in the great god-level civilization, the means of crossing dimensions at will and freely transforming mass and energy, etc., although they are technological, they look no different from God.

Lu Yan looked at the ceiling inexplicably, as if he could see the starry sky outside through this wall.

"Zi's speechlessness is strange."

Luo Ji pointed at the crowd swaying wildly on the dance floor next to him with his cigarette butt, "If I have to say, don't they look more like ghosts?

Don't worry, I think even if there is a ghost, it probably won't kill you, or wait for you, let's call it a ghost state, wait for you to become a ghost and get up, isn't the ghost who killed you embarrassing? ...Oh~ beautiful Ms. Helen, I didn't mean to kill you, please don't take your anger on me~"

Luo Ji raised one hand and made an incomplete hand-spreading gesture.

He seemed to have planned to pick another "prey" to spend the night together, but his words were more casual.

Lu Yan looked at Luo Ji again: "Do you want to go out and have a chat?"

Luo Ji pointed to his ear, indicating that he didn't hear what he said clearly.

The music in the club has gotten louder, and it does feel a little uncomfortable not to get into it.

Lu Yan didn't bother to speak again, he raised his finger in the direction of the exit, and waggled his finger back and forth between Luo Ji and himself.

But seeing this scene, Luo Ji couldn't help showing a somewhat weird look on his face, and subconsciously moved his butt back.

"No, no, no." Luo Ji said, waving his hands.

Lu Yan nodded, then got up and left the nightclub.

He already knows which world this is, and what needs to be determined now is which point in time he is currently in.

However, judging from Luo Ji's performance, it should still be early days, and it seems that Luo Ji's plot has not yet begun.


After half an hour.

Luo Ji walked out of the nightclub staggeringly by himself. It seemed that he still didn't choose to take that woman with him in the end.

But as soon as he came out of the nightclub, before taking two steps, he was shocked.

The smell of alcohol on his body was suppressed a lot by fright.

Lu Yan looked at Luo Ji who came out of the nightclub, and greeted him with a smile.

"Why... are you still here?"

Lu Yan took the initiative to say hello, and it seemed that he was squatting on his own. Even if Luo Ji wanted to pretend that he didn't see it, he couldn't do it.

"I have no other place to go." Lu Yan replied honestly.

For some reason, Luo Ji felt that Lu Yan was not embarrassed at all when he said this.

Luo Ji hesitated for a moment, then waved his hand: "Then you should be careful."

After speaking, he planned to leave.

For the sake of safety, Lu Yan wanted to confirm.

"Are you studying cosmic sociology?"


Hearing this strange word, Luo Ji paused, then turned around again: "What is that?"

He was sure that he had never heard of this term, and he did not have this subject in his mind.

But for some reason, he secretly felt that sooner or later he would have a connection with this thing.

Lu Yan shook his head, mainly because he had only a half-knowledge, so naturally he couldn't explain in detail.

He still had a kind smile on his face: "If you need help in the future, you can find me."

Luo Ji frowned and didn't speak, just watched Lu Yan and turned to leave.

In any case, from Luo Ji's point of view, Lu Yan's series of behaviors felt too strange, and he couldn't figure out what he was trying to do.

Fortunately, Luo Ji is more casual most of the time.

He shrugged and returned home reeking of alcohol.

If he can't figure out the problem, he won't delve too deeply into it, just treat it as meeting a strange person.

Probably only when he heard the term cosmic sociology for the second time, would he recall what happened in front of the nightclub that night.


The next day.

Lu Yan, who had been wandering the streets all night, was finally taken to the police station by two urban management officers.

With the Olympic Games just around the corner, and in such an important city, no matter how you look at it, unidentified people cannot be allowed to wander around.

Of course, normally, you only need to show your ID to get rid of interrogation.

The problem is that Lu Yan was only sent to this world last night. I don't know if it was because of the difficulty of the task. The reincarnation system did not provide identification or other things.

As a result, Lu Yan, who didn't go home at night and wandered around, became more and more suspicious, and the two urban management officers decisively turned him over to the police station.

Fortunately, Lu Yan didn't do anything wrong, and he was not handcuffed, so he sat in the place where the police were called.

"Hey, give me the whole job early in the morning."

A middle-aged man in a police uniform came up to Lu Yan with a small notebook and half a fried dough stick in his mouth.


"Lu Yan."


After asking a series of procedural questions, seeing Lu Yan's cooperation, the middle-aged policeman smiled and said, "Young man, don't be dissatisfied, this is an extraordinary time."

(End of this chapter)

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