Chapter 1198 Miracles
Wang Miao stared blankly at Lu Yan and the others who walked in.

Having just experienced these things that collapsed his worldview, he is still in a trance.

Even when he saw these people in military uniforms, he didn't know what to say for a while.

Ye Wenjie turned around Shi Shiran, and nodded to Lu Yan and others.

Regarding the arrival of Lu Yan and others, she was indeed surprised, but she did not lose her composure.

"You are Xiao Lu, right?"

Ye Wenjie said in a calm tone.

As the commander of ETO, she had naturally seen Lu Yan's photo.

Although she doesn't know how Lu Yan found this place, she can accept it calmly as things have come to this point.

"You should be Ye Wenjie."

Lu Yan looked at the woman in her 60s in front of her.

Just looking at her appearance and temperament, Ye Wenjie is more like a kind old man who lived next door when she was a child, and would smile and give you two candies when she saw you.

If they hadn't known it in advance, no one would have dared to believe that such an old man would actually do such a thing as betraying mankind.

"I didn't expect you to find this place."

Ye Wenjie's emotion did not reveal much emotion.

For her, since she was found, she didn't bother to hide it.

"It's just luck." Lu Yan walked over and helped Wang Miao, who was slumped on the ground, to his feet.

That's really not self-effacing words.

His main purpose in coming to this radio astronomy observation base was to find Wang Miao.

It was a surprise that Ye Wenjie was here.

In fact, Sophon didn't give Ye Wenjie a warning, and it really wasn't because she abandoned her on purpose, it was purely because she didn't notice.

After all, in the final analysis, Sophon sounds mysterious, but in essence it is just a miniature supercomputing device that has been expanded into dimensions and has a large number of circuits etched inside.

What can be done is limited.

Sophon’s way of providing information seems magical. To put it bluntly, it moves quickly on the retina to create patterns of words.

In other words, even if a sophon moves at the speed of light, it only takes a few tenths of a second to fly around the earth.

It is also impossible to appear in the eyes of two people who are far apart at the same time.

If it can be done, that is another concept.

Fortunately, there are two sophons on the earth.

One is responsible for monitoring what is happening on the earth around the clock, and the other is responsible for providing two-way communication with Evans, and occasionally taking care of the task of destroying high-energy particle collision experiments.

In this way, under normal circumstances, there will be no omissions.

But it is different now, the sophon responsible for monitoring is unfolding in the distant outer space, conscientiously creating "cosmic flicker".

So the Three-Body Civilization didn't even know what happened to Ye Wenjie.

Ye Wenjie looked back at the red curve on the terminal screen, and calmly raised her hands folded in front of her.

"Do you need to put my handcuffs on first?"

"For me, it doesn't matter whether I catch you or not, I only have one question."

Lu Yan walked to the chair in front of the terminal screen and sat down. Looking at the wave peaks displayed on the screen at different intervals, he continued to ask with a slight smile.

"How long is it until this 'cosmic flicker' ends?"

Ye Wenjie inexplicably felt that when Lu Yan mentioned the twinkling of the universe, he was a little mocking.

For some unknown reason, she fell silent without elaborating.

Wang Miao, who was supported by Luo Ji, pursed her pale lips, and said weakly, "Mr. Ye said that the flickering of the universe will end at three o'clock in the morning."

Encountering such supernatural things one after another, Wang Miao was able to learn to control himself so quickly, which is considered pretty good.

Luo Ji supported Wang Miao, and kept silent the whole time, and did not choose to ask when he had doubts.

You know, he and Yang Dong were still high school classmates, and they actually knew Ye Wenjie very early.

Even so, Luo Ji still didn't speak.

His intuition told him that it would be troublesome to get involved in this matter.

It can be seen from the selection that although these two people are the two protagonists in different periods of the Three-Body Problem.

But their personalities are obviously quite different.

"Is it three o'clock in the morning?"

This answer made the corner of Lu Yan's mouth twitch.

Since it will last so long, he doesn't worry about it.

At that time, he will take action himself, and there is no need to take the risk of informing the military to attack the low-dimensional sophons.

In fact, a very interesting thing is that after the low-dimensional development of sophons, humans can attack them.

And technically speaking, it is easier than intercepting human missiles.

It's a pity that the problem is here, as long as this large-scale weapon is used, the Sophon will inevitably shrink.

Not to mention how high the success rate of doing this is, whether the military is willing to follow Lu Yan's command is a question mark.

It is obviously more convenient to be able to do it yourself.

Lu Yan glanced at the wall clock on the wall of the laboratory. Since he arrived by armed helicopter, he saved too much time, and the hour hand had not yet reached the 11 position.

There was still a period of time before zero, so he just lay down on the seat and began to close his eyes and meditate.

The three soldiers who followed Lu Yan couldn't help but look at each other when they saw his behavior.

Ye Wenjie was the one who was most uncomfortable with the current atmosphere.

She can neither stand nor sit.

Surrounded by three soldiers, she looked inexplicably cramped.

The most important point is that from Lu Yan's casual attitude towards her, she can really feel that the other party really doesn't care about her, and she doesn't mean to leave her alone on purpose.

This is outrageous.

Even if she doesn't have much control over ETO, she is still the commander-in-chief recognized by all ETO members.

After controlling himself, he didn't say he was going to take him away, and he didn't mean to interrogate him at all.

So what is this for?

Time, while Ye Wenjie waited more and more restlessly, slowly passed by.

There was an undetectable crisp sound from the wall clock.

It can be seen that on the clock, the hour, minute and second hands point to twelve at the same time.

It's past midnight!

Lu Yan opened his eyes.

It can be seen that the cosmic flickering is still going on.

The red curve on the terminal screen is like a blood-red poisonous snake wriggling.

He turned around and looked at Ye Wenjie, and then said to the leading soldier, "This laboratory is pretty good, let's go outside."

Ye Wenjie was no longer young. After standing for so long, she almost staggered when she took another step.

Fortunately, there were two soldiers supporting her from left to right so that she would not fall to the ground.

Luo Ji and Wang Miao followed silently.

Lu Yan walked ahead and said without looking back.

"If I remember correctly, creating such a spectacle like cosmic flickering should be called a miracle project by the Trisolaran civilization."

(End of this chapter)

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