Chapter 1199
Hearing Lu Yan's question, Ye Wenjie remained silent.

Lu Yan didn't care too much about this, he didn't want to get any answer from Ye Wenjie himself.

But what he said, to Luo Ji, Wang Miao, and even the other three soldiers, was like a thunderclap on the ground.

What is the miracle plan?What is the three-body civilization?
Wang Miao's spirit was shaken, and the desire for knowledge gradually emerged in his eyes.

This strong desire for knowledge even overwhelmed his inner fear.

It's a pity that he and Lu Yan met for the first time, and they were not familiar with each other at all, so he was too embarrassed to ask.

Luo Ji, on the other hand, upheld the principle that silence is golden, pretending that he didn't know anything.

However, with his intelligence, he actually already had the answer in his heart.

"Okay, here it is."

Lu Yan walked to the open space outside the laboratory, turned around and stood still.

The radio astronomy observation base in the suburbs is located far away from the urban area, and it looks extremely quiet in the middle of the night.

The huge radio antenna array looks like a simple black two-dimensional pattern in the night, like rows of abstract symbols, looking up at the starry sky at the same elevation angle.

In such an environment, people can't help but want to calm down and experience the vastness of the universe and their own smallness.

Of course, Lu Yan didn't come here to be in a daze.

He looked up to the sky.

Although he can't see it, he can be sure that there is a low-dimensional unfolded sophon there.

"Mr. Ye, don't you think it's ridiculous that the Three-Body Civilization named this plan of showing a 'movie' to the earth a miracle?"

Ye Wenjie remained silent, no one knew what she was thinking.

"This kind of thing, humans can't do it."

Wang Miao responded boldly.

The implication is that since humans cannot do it, from the human point of view, there is no problem in calling it a miracle.

Lu Yan smiled lightly and said, "Then I'll perform it for the Trisolarans. What is a real miracle?"

The self-restriction of [No Self] is quietly lifted.

At the same time, he spread out his right hand and slowly raised it, aiming at a certain starry sky.

next second.

A heavy pressure appeared, and the ground under Lu Yan's feet suddenly collapsed, and circles of cracks like spider webs appeared.

A large number of pale flames emerged out of thin air, centered on Lu Yan's location, and spread out in all directions.

What was shocking was that everyone present did not feel the slightest bit of heat from the huge flame that was so close at hand.

But the heavy pressure that followed made everyone, including the three soldiers, have difficulty breathing for a while.

But in fact, Lu Yan has deliberately avoided affecting them.

The reason for such uncomfortable feeling is purely an instinctive fear of lower life for higher life.

Luo Ji opened his mouth wide, as if he could stuff two duck eggs.

Staring at the figure surrounded by pale flames, Wang Miao could even hear Luo Ji's rapid breathing.

Not only the two protagonists in the trisomy, but the rest of the people present also had their hearts turned upside down.

This is a scene that is enough to refresh their worldview.

Lu Yan didn't care how drastic the mood changes were in the crowd. The time was only 3 minutes, and the pursuit of efficiency was the most important thing.

It is impossible for him to test which ability is most suitable for destroying sophons. This pale flame mixed with all the rules he has mastered is the most suitable method.

Soon, at his raised right palm, a violently entangled pale flame soared into the air.

Like a brilliant meteor, piercing the night sky.

If you want to maximize the flying speed of the pale flame, it is inevitable to attach [Burning Charge].

In order to avoid the embarrassing situation of running out of energy and disappearing in the middle of the flight, the power Lu Yan used at the beginning was even huge enough to easily blow up a star.

Such a huge energy fluctuation, as long as the country with a little bit of monitoring ability, has noticed this movement for the first time.

To be precise, those that are closer can be seen directly with the naked eye.

After all, the pale flame beam is too obvious in the night.

The response speed of the Trisolaran civilization was not slow.

The moment this attack occurs, they begin to shrink the low-dimensional unfolded sophon.

But the problem is that this kind of dimension conversion is not fast.

Even if it starts to shrink immediately, it is too late when the low-dimensional expansion reaches such a huge area.

To be precise, before Sophon had time to ascend to the third dimension, Lu Yan's attack had already arrived.

In the vacuum of the universe, there is no sound.

However, there are circles of power fluctuations visible to the naked eye, spreading at the blow.

Like a calm lake, throwing a small stone into it caused ripples circle after circle.

The sophon itself is not such a solid thing, on the contrary it can be said to be quite fragile.

The main reason why Lu Yan couldn't think of a way to deal with Sophon was that he couldn't find it.

And now that he was hit, it is naturally impossible for this sophon to survive.

On Earth, if someone looks up at the night sky at this time, they will see this scene that they will never forget.

The sky was like broken glass, with countless dense cracks appearing, and then completely shattered.

It was as if there was a window, and then that window was broken.

Countless people looked at the night sky that was no different from just now, and rubbed their eyes in unison, wondering if they had hallucinations just now.

It sounds long, but in fact, from Lu Yan's attack to Sophon's shattering, it didn't even last a minute.

Seeing that the low-dimensional Sophon was destroyed, Lu Yan put down his raised arm.

There was a faint smile on his face, obviously in a good mood.

It is true that although it is very difficult to make a sophon, it is not an unbearable loss for the entire Trisolaran civilization.

At this moment, there are still follow-up sophons arriving in the solar system continuously.

But for Lu Yan now, Sophon is no longer a problem.

To put it simply, before, even if Lu Yan had turned on [Old Age] with all his strength, the elementary particles at the microscopic level were equivalent to countless small bubbles in countless glasses of water.

It is impossible for him to tell which is a sophon and which is an ordinary elementary particle.

But after contacting and destroying a sophon, he can distinguish it through comparison, at least he can determine which glass of water the sophon is in.

Lu Yan restrained all his aura and returned to the state of an ordinary person.

But before he turned around, a string of familiar subtitles appeared before his eyes.

[Mr. Lu, hello. 】

(End of this chapter)

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