The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 1203 Observation

Chapter 1203 Observation
"Let's go, let's have a drink, brother Luo and the others will come later... No, it's not a wine party, just us..."

Shi Qiang put his arm around Lu Yan's shoulder, looking very enthusiastic.

Lu Yan did not refuse.

Although his status is very special, perhaps to let him feel the goodwill of human civilization, most of the time, he is quite leisurely.

Even if Lu Yan was required to come forward on any occasion, he would first ask for his opinion.

If he is unwilling to come forward, no one will force anything.

Contrary to Lu Yan's leisurely situation, it is those high-level officials from various countries.

Especially the major members of the Planetary Defense and Exchange Council, they have a lot of work.

Since last night, various large and small meetings have not stopped.

In addition to promoting alien civilizations for ordinary people, PDCC's mission also includes building a defense system in low-Earth orbit and building a space force from scratch.

It is true that the Trisolaran civilization has expressed their willingness to coexist peacefully through Sophon.

Just because you don't need to face a war doesn't mean you don't need to prepare.

Not having a gun in hand and having a gun are two different concepts.

Now that we know that there are a large number of alien civilizations in the universe, in order to prevent possible wars in the future, it is logical to create a complete theoretical system of space warfare.

Fortunately, thanks to the large amount of scientific research data provided by the Three-Body Civilization, the research of various disciplines can be carried out quickly and comprehensively.

In the case of copying the answers in this way, it will not take too long for the technology to mature to the practical stage.


Small restaurants on the street.

A square table placed in the corner belongs to the kind of tables and chairs that can be seen as temporary additions.

Shi Qiang held a lighted cigarette in his mouth, curled his lips slightly depressed: "Why are these stores full, it's hard to find even a vacant seat."

"Suddenly learned of the existence of alien civilizations, it is normal to choose to invite relatives and friends out for a drink and chat."

Wang Miao responded bluntly.

In fact, Shi Qiang's carefree and smoke-smelling image is the type of person he hates the most.

If Shi Qiang hadn't mentioned that he had also called Lu Yan and Luo Ji, Wang Miao would never have come.

Luo Ji also had a cigarette dangling from his mouth, but he didn't light it.

He glanced around the situation in the store.

It can be clearly noticed that the guests talking at the tables next to them are also talking about alien civilizations.

These guests probably didn't expect that the "alien" they were talking about was sitting next to them waiting for the food to be served.

It is worth mentioning that along the way, no one really recognized Lu Yan. At most, some people looked familiar, but they were not sure.

It sounds exaggerated, but it's not surprising.

Unless you know or pay special attention to it, even if you see it in real life, you will probably feel familiar.

To give a very simple example, do you still remember the last time you saw a person who made a real-name report with an ID card on the Internet, what did he look like, or what was his name?

The answer is obvious.

But then again, even if Luo Ji faced an "alien" like Lu Yan, he didn't care about the alien civilization at all.

He just wanted to find out about Zhuang Yan now.

Before the food was served, Luo Ji couldn't help but asked, "Mr. Lu, can you tell me all about Zhuang Yan?"

Lu Yan tilted his head slightly, and said with a little surprise: "Didn't Dashi say that you went to find Zhuang Yan as soon as you left the combat center? Didn't you find it?"

Seeing Lu Yan's surprised expression, Luo Ji couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

After learning that the lover of his dream really existed, he couldn't help but want to find it.

To be precise, he has been searching around the school all day today.

It's a pity that he is not a professional, and there are so many people in the sea, he can find anything he wants.

"The school doesn't let me look up the information."

Luo Ji lit the cigarette with a sad expression.

"Then why are you looking for Da Shi and telling me?" Lu Yan was delighted.

I always felt that Luo Ji's IQ dropped significantly as soon as Zhuang Yan's matter was involved.

Seeing the topic getting further and further away, Wang Miao couldn't sit still.

He couldn't help but interjected: "Mr. Lu, I want to know, does the Three-Body Civilization really want to help mankind?"

"With me, there will be no danger. Don't worry, you will definitely live to be more than 100 years old."

Lu Yan patted Wang Miao's shoulder.

"You all know that I was targeted by the Trisolaran organization yesterday, and Officer Shi should know better than me that there have been many suicides of scientists recently. Aren't these things all related to the Trisolaran civilization?

I don't think Trisolaran civilization would be willing to make such a change, I think it's very dangerous. "

It is not surprising that Wang Miao has such worries.

If I want to say, there are only two mainstream views among the people now.

One is that the main tone between civilizations is peace and development, and that everyone can live in harmony.

The other is the conspiracy theory mentioned by Wang Miao.

And this view of conspiracy theory has also been agreed by a considerable number of people.

Because the Three-Body Civilization gave too much preferential treatment to human civilization, and what humans need to pay can also be obtained after the Three-Body Civilization destroys human civilization.

The difference between Wang Miao and these people is that he knows the reason why the Trisolaran civilization made such a change.

So what he was worried about was that the Three-Body Civilization agreed on the surface, but secretly prepared to follow up.

The smile on Lu Yan's face softened a little.

"Then what do you think should be done?"

Lu Yan's obviously changed attitude caused Wang Miao to hesitate slightly.

"I, I don't know, I just think, maybe we should prepare in advance."


The marginal person is sitting in the seed, and his job is to monitor the energy entropy increase and entropy decrease in the observable universe.

It's different from those posts that flip through the coordinates and do the cleanup work.

He needs to determine the cause of the energy change with absolute accuracy.

So the status of this position is very high.

Fortunately, energy changes in the universe are infrequent.

Except for those guys who like to use mass points to clean up, most of the energy changes in the universe can be traced.

This keeps their work intensity from being too high.

At this moment, the Borderline noticed a change in energy that had never been seen before.

Located in the Orion spiral arm of the Milky Way, it is short in duration but has a mass close to stellar level.

This made the fringe very curious, he applied for the Big Eyes process, and he wanted to take a closer look.

"The application has been accepted, and the authority will be issued after 0.3 time particles."

The fringes are in a good mood.

The Mother World is at war with the Singer World, so it is lucky that the application can be approved so quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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