The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 1204 Attention from afar

Chapter 1204 Attention from afar

After the development of science and technology to the level of marginal civilization, there is no need to be as cautious as the nascent civilization.

If the universe is a dark forest, then the marginal civilization is at least a heavily armed heavy tank.

They dared to directly create the past and crush the civilization that found its own existence.

It is only because of the existence of hidden genes that they are not so public that they actively spread their coordinates.

After all, there are potential forces everywhere in the universe.

Intense curiosity surged in the thinking layer of the marginalized person. The authority of Big Eyes has not yet been issued, but he did not choose to wait.

He tried to use other means to observe, but from any wave band, he couldn't judge the cause of that energy.

The only certainty is that that phenomenon clearly violates the law of conservation of energy.

It's unbelievable.

You must know that in the materialistic world, laws cannot be violated.

As long as it has appeared, there must be traces to follow.

Theoretically speaking, a guy named Hertz on the earth used a C-shaped copper ring to emit electromagnetic waves, even after countless years, it will still oscillate in the universe.

At most, it is attenuated to the point where extremely sophisticated equipment is required to capture it.

But at this moment, the Marginal has discovered a spectacle that defies the law, yes, he would like to call it a spectacle.

Can't contact, can't observe, and can't interfere.

Physically, it should be judged as non-existent.

But he knew that it existed.

The main core on the seed shares the same observation model with the super core of the parent world.

What's more, that is still a surge of energy close to the star level, and it is impossible to make mistakes in the observation of this quality at the same time.

The edgeman looks at such subtle details. During the calculation process, the occupancy rate reaches more than 90.00% of the main core.

It can only be said that there is no intention to insert willows and willows.

The fringe didn't get the slightest bit of information about that surge of energy, but he got another.

On the planet where the energy surge occurred, there were three recorded communications with another coordinate.

The middle membrane is used, which is also the original membrane.

The Brinkman heard that in the world of singers who are at war with the mother world, many people like this simple beauty.

But this is a hobby at best, because the mesomembrane is the membrane with the least communication efficiency.

Only the most primitive civilizations use it.

Therefore, in hundreds of millions of civilizations, the media information is difficult to attract attention.

That is to say, the fringe people spent a lot of resources on observations to capture this information.

The borderline looked at the information and found that there was also a rough and clumsy self-interpretation system attached to it.

Compared with the follow-up information, the general information in this communication can be understood without using the main core analysis.

Fun, really fun!

It's a bit inconceivable that two primitive civilizations should have a kind of energy that even the main core can't judge.

The Edgeman took out a mass point from the warehouse and held it with the force field tentacles, but it didn't pop out immediately.

Cleaning up is not his job.

But now that I have seen it, I have the responsibility to deal with it. This is the cleansing gene evolved in the race.

It's just that there is no need to worry yet, he needs to confirm what happened to the previous energy surge.


"Okay, I'll take you to find that Zhuang tomorrow!"

After drinking for three rounds, Shi Qiang exhaled a strong smell of alcohol.

The whole person also looks quite excited.

After getting Shi Qiang's consent, Luo Ji naturally beamed with joy.

Raising his wine glass with insight, he said, "Brother Shi, from the moment I saw you, I knew that you were capable of dealing with me!"

Hearing this, Shi Qiang laughed out loud.

"Small things, small things! You fucking buddies, what are you talking about!"

The two of them yelled and drank, and the restaurant was full of joy.

But if you really want to say, there is no such application, and the matter of going directly to the school to check people is definitely wrong from a procedural point of view.

Not to mention, Shi Qiang has not been reinstated at this stage, and is essentially a jobless vagrant.

However, neither Shi Qiang nor Luo Ji obviously cared about this.

Wang Miao endured the uncomfortable environment and moved his butt towards Lu Yan's direction.

He lowered his voice and said solemnly: "Mr. Lu, I know there are many things you don't want to say, but if you need help, you can always let me know."

Lu Yan picked up a piece of shredded meat with his chopsticks and threw it into his mouth to chew.

With one end of the chopsticks facing down, he knocked on the bowl in front of him intentionally or unintentionally.

"You don't believe in the Three-Body Civilization, so why do you dare to believe me?"

"Although I don't know much about these situations, what I can be sure of is that you saved me. There is no doubt about it."

Wang Miao picked up the wine glass in front of her, made a respect to Lu Yan, and drank it down in one gulp.

After frowning and waiting for the alcohol to subside, he continued to add: "I know that there have been several cases of scientists committing suicide in the scientific world. If I guessed correctly, it should be my turn yesterday, right?"

Lu Yan froze for a moment, not knowing whether he should nod or shake his head.

"I don't care what your reason is, at least objectively speaking, it is a substantial help to me. For this alone, I need to thank you."

Wang Miao is a very traditional scientific researcher. His voice does not sound so full of air, and his body is not as thick as Shi Qiang's. He feels that his personality will be soft and cowardly.

But this is all an illusion.

It should be said that he has his own set of principles of life.

After all, Wang Miao is different from Luo Ji. Wang Miao has a family, and his children are already in elementary school.

He couldn't imagine what would happen to his wife and children if he really died last night.

The more he thought about it, the more grateful he was to Lu Yan.

Naturally, he would not doubt whether Lu Yan would pose any threat to human civilization.

The Three-Body Civilization is different.

After all, with so many encounters, human beings don't even know what a Trisolaran looks like.

No matter how you look at it, it's hard to let go of the Three-Body Civilization.


Lu Yan casually said something perfunctory, and started to pick up food: "These two ordered such a dish, but ended up patronizing drinking, eat more, don't waste it."

Hearing this, Wang Miao also showed a shy smile.

"Mr. Lu, to be honest, even if you say you are human, I don't think anyone will doubt it."

"Well, I think I'm human too."

"Can you tell me about your hometown? That is, Shi Qiang Wenming."

When it came to Shi Qiang's civilization, Wang Miao's tone changed a little, obviously thinking that the name was sloppy.

"In the universe, it's rude to ask such a question."

(End of this chapter)

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