The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 1205 Modifications

Chapter 1205 Modifications

Wang Miao was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly realized: "Is it because of the law of the dark forest?"

Lu Yan nodded.

After getting the answer, Wang Miao had new doubts.

"But in such a cruel situation, isn't there any high-level civilization willing to stand up and set things right? Just like what you did to human civilization and the Trisolaran civilization."

When I first learned about the law of the dark forest, I was really shocked by such a cruel order.

But once you calm down, it's easy to realize how many variables there are.

Can't all civilizations be so ruthless since the birth of the universe?

"It's normal for you to have such doubts."

Lu Yan put down his chopsticks: "This situation in the dark universe is caused by various reasons."

Overhearing what they were talking about, Shi Qiang and Luo Ji also fell silent.

"I said before that when one civilization discovers another civilization, after adding the variable of technological explosion, then for both parties, the matter of exposing themselves will sooner or later become two-way.

Generally speaking, as long as there is contact, there are only two options left, one is peace and the other is war. "

"Yes, you also said that there are two options."

Shi Qiang couldn't help but interjected: "Didn't you just let us develop peacefully with the Trisolarans?"

"First of all, peace is only temporary. Believe it or not, as soon as I leave, the Trisolaran civilization will attack humans immediately?

But this is actually not the point. The main reason is that in this universe, the space is extremely stable, and the highest speed cannot exceed the speed of light. "

When Lu Yan said this, his eyes swept over Shi Qiang and the others.

Luo Ji hesitated and said, "This also means that it will take at least five or six years between civilizations, even if they set off after receiving the news."

Because the distance between stars in the universe is basically in the interval of four to six light years.

But such a long distance, placed in the entire universe, can be said to be insignificant.

The distance between the earth and the three-body planet is more than four light-years, which is already a rather rare situation.

In the words of the marginalized, the two worlds are as close as they are to each other.

Looking at the entire universe, generally speaking, the distance between two civilizations is more than a hundred light-years.

This has also led to the fact that even if there is a connection between the two civilizations, it is impossible to know the basics.

And with the unknown, it often means that you cannot be trusted.

Even if an advanced civilization contacts a weaker civilization in good faith, there is no guarantee that the weaker civilization will be forever grateful.

If it is the choice to rule, it is even more nonsense.

Just like the era of cold weapons, no matter how powerful a country is, it cannot break through the limit of the extreme wall of the empire.

This so-called extreme wall of the empire is the limit of the scope of rule, and direct rule can be implemented within the range that the army can reach within about a hundred days of departure.

When this range is exceeded, this so-called rule exists in name only.

To put it in a simple way, it is called the mountain is high and the emperor is far away.

If there is no limit to the maximum speed, with the development of technology, the actual control range can indeed become larger and larger.

It's a pity that the rules of this universe have limited the upper limit of the speed. In addition, due to the problems left over from history, the superimposed space is too stable, and the means of space wormholes are completely blocked.

It makes contact and understanding between civilizations extremely difficult.

"There should be a top-level civilization that can detect the entire universe, right? At that level of civilization, do you still need to be afraid of the emergence of challengers?"

Shi Qiang was very surprised.

He really doesn't understand the situation of the universe very much, and he uses what he knows to match more.

Wang Miao glanced at Shi Qiang as if he was illiterate, but still kindly reminded: "The development of science and technology has no end."

"That's true, but not entirely true."

Lu Yan still had a kind smile on his face, he chuckled lightly.

"There is indeed a civilization of that level. They can throw a piece of paper lightly and reduce the entire universe from three-dimensional to two-dimensional. girl.

Even the laws of mathematics can be used as weapons by them. A civilization of that level can be said to be omnipotent in technology. It can even be said that that method cannot be called technology, but a philosophical method. angle.

But unfortunately, this level of civilization does not have the existence of low-level civilization in their eyes. To be precise, their focus is the entire universe.

For them, compared to allowing the civilizations in the universe, or the low-entropy groups to grow exponentially, such darkness, they are more happy to see, at least not consume too much resources in the universe. "

As Lu Yan's voice fell, the dinner table fell into a deathly silence.

The diners around were still talking loudly. Some people were sweating profusely, and simply took off their upper body clothes, toasting frequently, in full swing.

In such an environment, both Luo Ji and Wang Miao felt a kind of coldness from the bottom of their hearts, and couldn't help shivering.

Shi Qiang couldn't understand, so he didn't have much emotion.

I didn't know that he was as keen as him, so he could easily detect the atmosphere on the table, and he fell silent for no reason.

After a long time, Wang Miao said dryly, "Modifying the laws of the it really possible?"

The tone was full of incredible emotions.

This is not to doubt Lu Yan, it is simply such information, the impact it brings is too great.

Wang Miao and Luo Ji are highly educated talents, and they can easily associate the following things from Lu Yan's words.

Since even the laws of the universe can be modified, who can guarantee that their current perception of the world is really the original appearance of the world?
Luo Ji is fine, but Wang Miao is an expert in applied physics. If the things he has been researching are essentially modified, then what is the point of his research?
"Which ones have been modified..."

When Wang Miao said this, it was intermittent, with a sense of despair in his voice: "Even if you die, you have to die to understand, right?"

"as far as I know."

Lu Yan looked up at the ceiling of the restaurant. The long strips of incandescent lamps were already covered with a thick layer of dust: "It's all... including the world you know now, it's not what it used to be."

Not to mention the various laws that have been modified. Just from the pastoral era to three-dimensional, I don’t know how many things have changed.

Hearing this, Wang Miao's face was ashamed, and his already shaky world view completely collapsed.

(End of this chapter)

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