The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 1207 Space Telescope

Chapter 1207 Space Telescope

Before Lu Yan sat on the sofa, he got up and went to open the door.

The door opens.

What came into view was a man and a woman.

The man does not look young, and many years of traces can be found on his face, and his appearance is obviously not of Asian descent.

But that woman is only about 20 years old, and she is a very standard oriental classical beauty.

The foreign man spoke fluent Mandarin, and said straight to the point.

"Hello, Mr. Lu, we are members of PIA. We encountered some problems some time ago and hope to get your help."

Lu Yan frowned slightly, and his eyes moved to the woman unconsciously.

PIA is of course before him, in fact, this is a department in PDCC.

After all, PDCC is mainly composed of personnel dispatched from various countries, responsible for all aspects of alien civilization, and there are various departments in it.

The full name of PIA is the Planetary Defense and Exchange Council directly under the Strategic Intelligence Agency.

To put it simply, it is an intelligence agency that targets the Trisolaran Fleet and its planets for reconnaissance. It has strong technical capabilities in the observation of the universe.

Of course, that might sound imprecise and underwhelming.

But in the original book, this PIA is the department where Cheng Xin worked at first.

Combined with this news, the identity of this young woman seems to be revealed soon.

"What happened?"

While speaking, Lu Yan unconsciously looked at the woman a few more times, but did not ask her name.

"Let's talk about it in the bureau, the car is already waiting downstairs."

The foreign man hesitated for a moment, but added: "In short, this matter should be very troublesome, and the Trisolarans can't make up their minds."

After the Trisolaran civilization agreed to the conditions of peaceful coexistence with human civilization, the only Sophon left on Earth stayed at the headquarters of PDCC.

Lu Yan withdrew his eyes from looking at the young woman, and said casually, "If it's a technical problem, I probably can't help."

"It's not the technical aspect... let's talk about it when we arrive."

The foreign man was obviously unwilling to mention it.

Maybe it was a non-disclosure agreement signed, or some other reason.

Lu Yan nodded: "Then let's go."


It was different from Lu Yan's imagination.

After they arrived at the combat center by car, they drove directly to the tarmac to transfer to a small airliner without even stepping on the brakes.

It was only at this time that Lu Yan found out that they were going to the PIA headquarters.

However, he has not used supernatural power today, so he is naturally confident.

After a few hours.

Arrive safely at your destination.

PIA is headquartered in an old six-story building not far from the PDCC building.

Built at the end of the eighteenth century, it has a history of more than 200 years, exuding a sense of history from the inside out.

Entering through the gate, you can see people coming and going in the corridor.

Although everyone is performing their duties, the workload is too great to be busy at all.

To be exact, the entire PDCC is short of people everywhere.

Especially the lack of professionals.

This is not surprising.

Trisolarans are very honest, they seem to want to show their attitude, throwing out a lot of basic scientific theories through sophons.

All the departments of PDCC are newly created. In just two months, there is no time to digest such a huge amount of knowledge.

Of course, the human side is both painful and happy.

This rapid development process is simply more outrageous than the technological explosion.

It is a bit exaggerated to say that every day is a bit exaggerated, but with such a rapid growth of basic theory, it will not take long to enter the field of practical application.

In comparison, the atmosphere of PIA is relatively dull.

After all, this department is composed of two parts, one is professionals in scientific research, and the other is intelligence personnel from various countries.

The latter is obviously not as fanatical as normal scientific researchers when facing high-tech knowledge.

The foreign man did not lead Lu Yan to the director's office, but went to the observation and analysis room on the top of the building.

After swiping the card and iris two-factor authentication, the door opens.

The eyes are full of pure white metal walls, and only some information windows are displayed on the large round platform in the center of the room.

Among the people around the round platform, some were wearing casual clothes, and some were wearing white coats like researchers.

Only one man with his back to the door was wearing a black suit.

Although he hasn't seen his face yet, his demeanor somehow makes people think that this guy is the person in charge here.

That's exactly what happened.

The foreign man said respectfully: "Director, Mr. Lu is here."

Hearing this, the man in the black suit turned around.

He was very young, probably about the same age as Luo Ji.

It's not the kind of guy who is so handsome that people can't forget it at a glance, but it's also at the level where people can't help but have a good impression of him.

After seeing Lu Yan, he quickly showed a flattering smile as if changing his face.

Then he greeted him enthusiastically, and held Lu Yan's palm with both hands: "Mr. Lu, I finally expected you to come."

Director of the PIA, Thomas Vader.

The other party was so enthusiastic, Lu Yan naturally showed a kind smile skillfully.

He knew that the flattering attitude of the other party was an act.

But it's not a big problem. It's impossible for a guy with a background in intelligence work to reveal his true situation at the beginning.

"Yes, here I am."

Lu Yan withdrew his palm and asked with a light smile, "The director came so far away to find me, what is the reason?"

When it came to business, Vader also said seriously: "It's like this. Some time ago, with the help of the Trisolaran civilization, we assembled a high-precision space telescope, which was officially put into use last week."

"So you used it to observe the Trisolaran planet?"

Lu Yan responded casually.


Vader said rightly: "However, the initial cost of assembling this high-precision space telescope is not small. At present, there is only such a telescope on the entire earth, including low-Earth orbit, so those astronomy Everyone likes to use that thing to secretly do private work."

"This shouldn't be a problem with your management? Why are you looking for me?"

"Mr. Lu, don't worry, the key point will come soon... Because we don't have too strict supervision on this kind of thing, after all, it's not an urgent matter. After the assigned observation mission is over, who cares about what to do in spare time? ? But here lies the problem..."

Having said that, Vader glanced left and right, and continued speaking in an exaggerated tone.

"Last night, when an astronomer was observing privately, he discovered a very strange thing. He was so scared that he peed his pants immediately, and reported it before dawn..."

(End of this chapter)

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