Chapter 1208 Tracks
When talking about the astronomer peeing his pants in fright, Vader was a little beaming, making it difficult to judge his true inner thoughts.

Of course, Lu Yan didn't really care what Vader was thinking. He asked in a timely manner, "So what did that astronomer see?"

"Mr. Lu, I swear, you can't believe it."

Speaking of this, Vader grinned and ordered to the foreign man: "Vadim, take Mr. Lu to see Dr. Ringer first, and I will be there in a while. By the way, Dr. Ringer is the astronomer." Home."

Wade said the latter sentence to Lu Yan.

Lu Yan frowned slightly, but didn't say much. He followed Morse and went to find the astronomer named Ringer.

Originally, the young woman was planning to follow, but Vader said when he saw this, "Cheng, wait a minute."

Cheng Xin glanced at Lu Yan indiscriminately, then nodded and stopped.

If you want to say, she doesn't like Vader, the director of PIA, at all. To be precise, she doesn't even want to get along with him.

After all, Cheng Xin did not come from an intelligence agency, she is a standard scientific researcher.

If there is no such thing as alien civilization, she and guys like Vader would never have any intersection, and it can be said that they are people from two worlds.

After watching Lu Yan leave, the smile on Vader's face disappeared in an instant. His expressionless face felt like a sculpture moved out of a museum, without the slightest taste of being human.

"Tell me, this Lu Yan, what's the situation?"

Wade stared at Cheng Xin, his gaze seemed calm, but revealed a disturbing sharpness.

Cheng Xin hesitated for a moment and said, "I also said it's not very good. When we first met, Mr. Lu really looked at me twice..."

When she said this, Cheng Xin paused, she didn't know how to describe that look.

"Isn't it the way a man looks at a woman?"

Wade lit a cigar. Seeing Cheng Xin's expression change, he knew he guessed it right: "Curious or surprised?"

"It's not quite like that."

Cheng Xin's external conditions are actually quite good. There is no lack of men who covet her since she was a child, and her sensitivity to this aspect is not low: "It's more like...a sudden realization?"

This uncertain answer made Vader look somewhat surprised.

"And during the few hours on the plane, Mr. Lu didn't take the initiative to talk to me. I tried to start a conversation, but Mr. Lu obviously didn't have much interest in talking."

Cheng Xin said truthfully.

"Understood, either this Mr. Lu is not close to women, or you do not conform to the aesthetics of this Shi Qiang civilization..."

The corners of Vader's mouth curled up, like a cracked ice surface, and he couldn't feel much smile: "...Or, it's this Shiqiang civilization, which doesn't exist at all."

Cheng Xin pursed her lips, and boldly retorted, "Director, this guess is too arbitrary, not everyone who sees me will definitely treat me..."

Cheng Xin didn't say the latter words, but she knew that Vader would definitely understand.

There was a dangerous gleam in Wade's eyes, and he was noncommittal to Cheng Xin's rebuttal.

In the absence of decisive evidence, he is more inclined to trust his intuition.

"Let's go, Mr. Lu has come all the way here, don't make people wait too long."


In a reference room of the PIA building.

Various documents were scattered randomly on the ground, as if a child ran in and rummaged through the scenes.

But the fact is that children can't get in this place at all.

Led by Vadim, Lu Yan walked into the reference room, and in the next second, his attention was shifted to a man in a white coat.

This is Dr. Ringer, who is almost a character like Taishan Beidou in astronomy, otherwise he would not be qualified to use that high-precision space telescope.

But now, the top astronomer was sitting on the stool in a daze, and some tears could still be seen from the corner of his eyes.

It seems that although Vader's statement that Dr. Ringer wet his pants was an exaggeration, what he saw did not shock him much.

Seeing this scene, Vadim didn't look surprised. He walked over and patted the other person on the shoulder, and said softly, "Dr. Linge, this is Mr. Lu."

Dr. Ringer raised his head in a daze.

After seeing Lu Yan, he grabbed Lu Yan's wrist tightly like a drowning man finally found a life-saving straw.

Said eagerly with a little inarticulateness.

"Mr. Lu, you said at the time... that high-level civilizations in the universe can be retroactively searched through observations, is that true?"

Hearing this, Lu Yan froze for a moment.

"You mean, you observed a new civilization?"

Frankly speaking, this possibility is not great.

Not to mention how difficult this kind of tracing is, it is almost impossible to see alien civilizations just by relying on space telescopes.

It is true that the Trisolaran civilization has provided assistance for the high-precision space telescope currently assembled.

But many things cannot be quickly restored by knowing the theory.

Just like the manufacturing method and principle of a nuclear bomb, you can even find it directly on Baidu, but can an ordinary person really rely on these theories to rub a nuclear bomb?

The answer is obviously no.

The same is true now.

If we rely solely on the current technological level of human civilization to observe the Trisolaran world four light-years away, the result is just three blurred halos in a dark background.

Even with the help of the Trisolaran civilization, after improvement and optimization, observing the Trisolaran planet can only see a point without any details.

This is still only a distance of four light years, let alone those places that are farther away.

"I'm not sure either... But Tomoko thinks it's a kind of flight path."

Lu Yan can also see now that this Dr. Ringer is actually scaring himself. He is worried that he will bring more serious crises to human civilization.

Just as Lu Yan was about to continue asking questions, a familiar subtitle suddenly appeared in front of him.

【Dear Mr. Lu, our preliminary judgment is that it is a vehicle that has reached the speed of light, and it should come from a civilization that is more advanced than ours. 】

Trisolaran's current interstellar fleet has a maximum speed of only one-tenth of the speed of light, and it won't last long.

This is a very reasonable inference.

Lu Yan was not surprised by Sophon's appearance.

After all, there is only such a sophon left, and after the consensus reached by human civilization, this sophon has been staying near the PDCC headquarters.

Lu Yan thought about it for a while, and said, "Which direction is the observed flight path in?"

(End of this chapter)

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