The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 1209 Unknown Civilization

Chapter 1209 Unknown Civilization
Hearing Lu Yan's question, Dr. Linge hadn't recovered from his stupefaction, so Sophon gave an answer first.

[In the area near the center of Orion's spiral arm. 】

Lu Yan nodded knowingly.

"I remember being there, there were two busy airlines."

When he heard the speed of light, he had some guesses.

If he guessed correctly, this so-called flight path should be the low light speed area caused by the curvature engine.

Civilizations in the universe call this track differently, such as light curtain, slow fog, and black field, but they all refer to the same thing.

During this period of time, the technological level of the Trisolaran civilization was actually not much higher than that of human civilization, and it had not yet touched the field of curvature engines.

From the perspective of the entire universe, these two civilizations are still in their infancy.

[Unfortunately, with our current technical means, we are still unable to observe the two routes you mentioned. 】

"Then what exactly did you see?"

[Please wait a moment, we have notified the staff of PIA, and they are sending the image data to you. 】

It seems that in order not to affect Lu Yan's judgment, the Three-Body Civilization did not intend to inform them of their thoughts.

Taking advantage of this spare time, Lu Yan simply found a stool and sat down.

Not sure if Sophon is still there, so he asked casually, "Speaking of which, I'm quite curious, what do you Trisolarans look like?"

I don't know if Sophon wasn't there, or he didn't want to answer.

In short, after his voice fell, and after a while, the familiar subtitles did not appear on his retina.

Lu Yan curled his lips, a little disappointed.

If anything, he also had some guesses about the appearance of the Trisolaran.

First of all, bugs should be eliminated. After all, when the Three-Body Civilization mocks human civilization, it means that you are bugs.

You are me, what kind of mockery is this?

At least, not the size of a bug.

According to the description of Trisolaran in the original book, the biggest feature is that it can be dehydrated, and it can remain soft and can be rolled up after dehydration.

Moreover, it is flammable when dehydrated, and it can be recovered by soaking in water.

This feature, isn't it SpongeBob SquarePants?


It still feels a little sloppy.

Considering the way the Trisolarans transmit their thoughts, the surface of the Trisolarans has to be covered with a layer of total reflection film, so there is no concealment or deception in the Trisolaran world.

But if you think about it carefully, it shouldn't cover your whole body.

The function of that thing is similar to that of an antenna, a little exposure is enough.

Based on the above information, it is concluded that Trisolarans should be the offspring of SpongeBob SquarePants and Teletubbies...

Thinking of this, Lu Yan couldn't help but laugh.

bang bang bang~
The knock on the door brought back Lu Yanyue's outrageous thoughts.

The door opened, and it was Wade who led the way, while Cheng Xin followed behind him step by step.

In addition, there were two researchers in white coats holding a stack of documents.

"Mr. Lu, this is a photocopied image. If you want to see the original image, you can only go to the headquarters."

Wade took the photocopied video data out of a researcher's hand and handed it to Lu Yan.

Lu Yan weighed them in his hand, and roughly estimated that there were more than 100 photos, and the shooting time was marked on the lower right corner of each photo.

Although there are so many, they are all similar.

Even if you look closely, it's almost impossible to tell the difference.

To be honest, Lu Yan is not a professional, how could he see the information through these images.

"No, I know what's on my mind."

Lu Yan casually flipped through a few copies, then returned the copies.

He just can't understand, and he's not stupid.

It's easy to think of the reason why a top astronomer and the Trisolaran civilization attach so much importance.

"You all agree that the destination of this spaceship is Earth?"

[If the trajectory of movement does not change, the opponent will at least pass by the outer reaches of the solar system. 】

The familiar subtitles gave a timely answer, and Tomoko didn't pretend to be dead at this time.

Lu Yan nodded.

If Neptune is used as the boundary of the solar system, then the diameter of the entire solar system is only more than 6 astronomical units.

An astronomical unit is the distance between the earth and the sun.

Don't think that passing through the solar system is a very distant thing.

From a human point of view, this distance may not be able to go out in a lifetime.

But looking at the whole universe, it's like a dump truck passing so close to your bed while you're sleeping.

Due to the law of the dark forest, if you want to prevent your own civilization from being exposed, you can only choose to get rid of this spaceship.

Regarding this point, neither the human civilization nor the Trisolaran civilization will have any objections.

As long as the trajectory of the spacecraft is determined, the two sides will immediately make preparations.

This is not just a crisis of human civilization anymore.

Not to mention that the Trisolaran planet is very close to the solar system itself, it is just that the Trisolaran civilization is so closely connected with human civilization.

Once human civilization is exposed, the Trisolaran civilization cannot survive alone.

But here lies the problem.

Facing a civilization that can travel at the speed of light, even if the opponent is just a spaceship, there is no guarantee that it will be able to shoot down the opponent.

What's more, it must be guaranteed to hide itself while shooting down the spacecraft.

"If you expect, when will this spacecraft arrive in the solar system?"

[According to the calculations of our astronomers, if the other party maintains this speed, it is initially estimated that it will reach the solar system in 50 to [-] years. 】

Lu Yan frowned slightly.

He didn't care at all how powerful this alien civilization that suddenly appeared was.

What really puzzled him was the unexpected factor.

Although he doesn't know much about the original work, he can be sure.

In the original plot, at this time, only the Trisolaran civilization should have discovered the earth.

What's going on with this light-speed spaceship that suddenly appeared?

It stands to reason that he has been staying on the earth all the time, so it shouldn't have any impact on the situation in the universe, right?

"Mr. Lu, it seems that Tomoko has already told you everything."

Vader held a lit cigar between his fingers, shaking off a little ash from time to time.

Lu Yan glanced at him, and he could feel the uncontrollable excitement in the head of the intelligence agency.

"Actually, I think I like to see other people's despair. It should be a psychological problem."

"Haha, you have to blame my mother for this."

Hearing this, Vader just paused for a moment, then smiled.

He didn't feel embarrassed, so he changed the subject naturally: "I don't know Mr. Lu, how much do you know about that uninvited guest in the distance?"

"I don't know, there are too many civilizations in the universe that can travel at the speed of light."

(End of this chapter)

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