Chapter 1210 Time
Lu Yan's words made the room quiet.

Everyone, including Tomoko, fell silent.

Even if one has already guessed that there must be a large number of civilizations in the universe, but after confirming one's own weakness among them, one will inevitably feel strongly frustrated.

Lu Yan noticed that when everyone was silent, Wade folded his arms, with a relaxed expression of staying out of the way.

After a while, when everyone had almost digested the information, Vader said jokingly, "Mr. Lu, what do you think we should do?"

"I have no suggestion."

When Lu Yan spoke, he didn't stand up from the stool.

"Then it seems that we can play freely."

Vader's expression didn't change much, but the subtle look in his eyes made him look like a tough flintlock, as if he was about to spit out gunpowder in the next second.

"To tell you the truth, before this, I had privately negotiated with representatives of PDCC's council members. Regarding the spacecraft, we can basically reach an agreement on the general direction."

"If that spacecraft doesn't change course, shooting it down is our only option."

Lu Yan still kept a smile on his face, without making any comments.

In fact, under the premise of ensuring their own safety, neither human civilization nor Trisolaran civilization can refuse the temptation to obtain a light-speed spacecraft.

Vader continued: "We cannot judge whether the target of this spacecraft is the earth, that is to say, we should not consider whether this spacecraft will have a deceleration phase, we can only identify this target as Spaceships moving at the speed of light were intercepted and shot down."

Vadim obviously didn't expect that Vader had already discussed with the high-level PDCC.

After a brief surprise, he said calmly: "I have to remind you that technically speaking, this is very difficult to do."

It is true that the fleet of Trisolaran civilization can already travel at one tenth of the speed of light.

But there will be a process of acceleration in the middle. It cannot be said that it will be stationary all of a sudden, and it will reach the highest speed in the next second.

Even if you accelerate in advance, it is difficult to stop an object moving at the speed of light.

"Can you set up obstacles on the route of the target?"

Cheng Xin couldn't help but speak.

There was a warm smile on Vader's face: "Cheng, that's a good idea. It seems that you think that civilizations that master the means of traveling at the speed of light will voluntarily bump into obstacles when they see them."

"Seriously, I wish my opponents were all little girls like you."

After a brief taunt, Wade secretly glanced at Lu Yan and said, "Don't worry, we still have at least 30 years, enough time for us to come up with a comprehensive plan..."


Lu Yan stood up calmly: "When the time comes, I will make a move."

Although Vader didn't say it clearly, it was obviously discussed for him.

I also know that if you really want to discuss a feasible plan, you should call PIA's technical staff and discuss it in a serious conference room.

Fortunately, Lu Yan didn't care much about this.

After all, he was curious about why there was a light-speed spaceship appearing during this time period.

"Mr. Lu is willing to make a move, that's of course the best."

Vader said with a smile: "If possible, can you intercept that light-speed spaceship on Earth?"

"If you want to master the technology of traveling at the speed of light, just study the curvature engine."

After Lu Yan finished speaking, he walked away.

He doesn't know the specific principle of the curvature engine, nor how difficult it is, but he can give a specific research direction.

Anyway, in this world, the use of curvature engines is the only way to conduct efficient interstellar voyages.

Wade had already obtained the desired result from Lu Yan, so naturally he would not force him to stay.

Seeing that Lu Yan was leaving, he patted Cheng Xin on the shoulder and said, "Cheng, go see Mr. Lu off."


Lu Yan declined the invitation to visit, let alone set foot in the PDCC headquarters building.

He asked Cheng Xin to arrange a flight for him and return the same way.

Special affairs are handled specially, and the efficiency will naturally not procrastinate.

When Lu Yan landed, he could still catch up with Shi Qiang's drinking game.

For Lu Yan, going to the PIA building is just a small episode in ordinary life.

Life has returned to its original routine again.

In the blink of an eye, five years have passed.

From the point of view of the entire species, not to mention five years, even 500 years, 5000 years, it is just a flick of a finger.

It's just that when this time is specific to a certain individual, the power of time is particularly shocking.

During these five years, Lu Yan didn't seem to have changed much.

But on Earth, people's attention has long been diverted from Lu Yan.

Now when Lu Yan and Shi Qiang go out to eat and drink, they don't have to hide it anymore.

Even if someone recognizes Lu Yan, at most it's just a greeting or a request for a group photo, and they won't be too fanatical.

This is normal, even though Lu Yan has the identity of an alien, he has never done anything eye-catching all day long.

Besides staying at home, he just went out to eat with Shi Qiang and the others.

Compared with paying attention to such a boring alien life, people still think it is more interesting to pay attention to the lace life of some big shots or stars.

What's more, in the past few years, human beings have changed almost every day in terms of technology.

All kinds of devices or equipment that originally only existed in science fiction novels emerge in endlessly.

Many devices, such as entertainment gadgets such as neuron connection and virtual cabin, have entered thousands of households.

Too many new things have appeared, and even historians have suggested that the day of contact with alien civilizations can be regarded as the beginning of a new era.

It is worth mentioning that Luo Ji also got married two years ago, and his bride was Zhuang Yan.

With his unremitting efforts, he finally coaxed his dream lover into his hands.

According to Luo Ji, Zhuang Yan's due date is almost here, and recently, Shi Qiang told him not to come out for a drink.

Bang bang bang!
"Old Lu, open the door, it's me."

Lu Yan raised his hand and pressed on the table, and the door opened automatically.

"Hey... hey..."

If you haven't seen him, hear his voice first.

Shi Qiang's iconic silly smile was transmitted directly.

He skillfully put a cigarette in his mouth and lit it, and sat beside Lu Yan: "TNND, Lao Chang finally agreed to my reinstatement."

Hearing this, Lu Yan frowned slightly.

"It's not good news, is it? It's not very good in PDCC."

Shi Qiang spat.

"What's the matter, I'm just a big bastard, that place doesn't suit me."

(End of this chapter)

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