The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 1211 The Rubik's Cube

Chapter 1211 The Rubik's Cube
"I'll report next week."

Shi Qiang chuckled, and seemed to really think that Chang Weisi's arrangement was good: "I've been a criminal policeman for so many years, and I'm used to it. I don't even know what to do when I'm in PDCC."

Hearing this, Lu Yan nodded.

After knowing each other for so many years, he also knew that Shi Qiang was not suitable for serious occasions at all.

Although his nature is not bad, but with his carefree temperament, it is too easy to offend people.

During the five years, Chang Weisi did not know how many times he had received letters reporting Shi Qiang. It seemed that he had finally given up on his plan to pull Shi Qiang, and simply followed Shi Qiang's wishes.

It can only be said that this product is only suitable for this kind of grassroots work.

The most important thing is that Shi Qiang himself is so happy.

"Then congratulations on your reinstatement."

Lu Yan smiled lightly.

What responded to him was a series of wild laughter.

"But you shouldn't be far away from retirement, right?"

Lu Yan looked at Shi Qiang's gradually growing gray hair and asked thoughtfully.

In fact, he never asked Shi Qiang how old he was. After all, when he made friends, he never cared about the age of the other party.

But you can make a guess.

In the original book, Shi Qiang participated in the counterattack against monkeys, and there was an interval of 28 years between the first year of the crisis.

Even if he is on the battlefield, by the time the plot of the science frontier begins, he will be at least in his 40s, close to [-].

Five years have passed, and Shi Qiang is now in his 50s.

"Hahaha, it's okay to retire. My son is working now. When I retire, I can just help take care of my grandson."

Shi Qiang took this aspect very freely.

After talking here, he looked up and down Lu Yan thoughtfully.

"But I'm puzzled. How long is your lifespan? Don't say you're hundreds of years old."

Thanks to his identity as an alien, no one would find it strange that Lu Yan's appearance had not changed in the past five years, but thought it was normal.

"It's pretty long."

Lu Yan was perfunctory, and then asked casually, "How long do you want to live?"

Now that they are so familiar, Shi Qiang can naturally hear the implication.

The smile on his face faded away.

"let it go."

Shi Qiang said seriously after a long absence: "I don't ask if you can do it, but it's best that you can't do this kind of thing."

There is no need to doubt how exaggerated human beings' obsession with longevity and vision is.

Lu Yan looked into Shi Qiang's eyes calmly. He could tell that Shi Qiang was struggling to refuse this "gift".

No one can refuse the temptation of Changsheng Jiushi, even Shi Qiang with such a carefree temper, is no exception.

He would refuse, just because he knew that once this kind of thing was exposed, those high-ranking guys would go crazy.

Lu Yan suddenly smiled.

"The reaction is so big."

Shi Qiang also smiled.

"That's for sure. By the way, where are we going to drink later? That brat Luo Ji can't even bark these days, you bastard!"

"Just downstairs, it's not that I just opened a hot pot restaurant."

While the two were chatting.

The wall in front of the living room suddenly lit up and instantly turned into a TV-like display screen.

[Now insert an urgent news: The early warning system of the Solar System [-] Observatory found an unidentified flying object passing by the Oort Nebula at a speed close to the speed of light. According to the path, the object will hit the target in two weeks. sun. 】

[Astronomers named the unidentified flying object Rubik's Cube. It is almost certain that it is a creation of an alien civilization. It has not yet been confirmed how the impact of the Rubik's Cube will affect the sun. The PDCC spokesperson said that they will carry out special research on the Rubik's Cube Military action to prevent the situation from deteriorating...]

Before the sound of breaking news stopped, Shi Qiang's phone rang.

"Hi, old Chang."

"What the hell... Visible band? Don't, don't, don't talk about these professional names with me, it makes me dizzy..."

"Just say, what are you calling me for..."

"...Old Lu is right next to me, okay, I'll tell him."

The phone hangs up.

Shi Qiang obviously knew that now was not the time to talk nonsense, so he said bluntly, "Old Lu, do you know what this Rubik's Cube is?"

Lu Yan shook his head.

He really didn't know what this thing named Rubik's Cube was for.

detector?Or clean up weapons?

But no matter what the effect is, Lu Yan finds it very strange.

In the original plot, where did the earth attract the attention of this multi-alien civilization?

Obviously, in the hundreds of years from the beginning of the plot to the destruction of earth civilization, only an alien civilization like the Trisolaran civilization had contact with human civilization.

To be honest, there is indeed a saying in the universe that no matter how fast you are, there is someone who is faster than you, and no matter how slow you are, there is someone who is slower than you.

For example, the two-way foil that destroyed the solar system in the original work, calculated from the time, has a high probability that it is not the one thrown by the singer civilization.

But the problem is, aren't the Earth civilization and the Trisolaran civilization well hidden now?
How could traces of alien civilization appear one after another.

"Is this a cleaning weapon?" Shi Qiang asked.

He has been in PDCC for so long, of course he doesn't know everything.

"I don't know."

Lu Yan answered very simply.

The identity of the alien is false, how could he be in the universe, and what are the weapons used to clean up.

In his impression, except for the mass point that directly penetrates the star, it is an extreme two-way foil.

But if you think about it a little bit, you will know that it is impossible to have only these two kinds of weapons.

The quality is good, clean and convenient.

However, the limitations are very large. For example, galaxies such as the solar system cannot be guaranteed to be cleaned up with mass points.

The two-way foil, in fact, cannot be counted as a conventional weapon.

It is similar to a nuclear bomb, and its deterrent effect is greater than its actual effect.

Throwing too much two-way foil will speed up the two-dimensionalization of the universe. Unless one's own civilization falls into a disadvantage, they will not use it as a conventional weapon.

Although he didn't get any satisfactory answer, Shi Qiang could see that he was flustered.

Instead, he smiled and said, "I'm still thinking about drinking, but it looks like I won't be able to drink today. Someone will pick us up and take us to the PDCC headquarters later."

"Didn't it say there are still two weeks left?"

"Anyway, I heard what Lao Chang said. The actual situation is probably not very optimistic. He said that it emits a large amount of collision radiation. All electromagnetic wave bands can capture this Rubik's Cube, and the conclusions are still different..."

(End of this chapter)

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