The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 151: Heavy Chapter Konoha

Chapter 151 Return to Konoha
The forest outside Konoha Village.

On a tree trunk as thick as one person's arms, a figure in a red cloud robe with a black background appeared silently.

"It's back to Konoha again."

A gentle voice sounded.

Lu Yan's handsome face emerged from the shadows, and he exhaled lightly.

Judging from the harmonious and enthusiastic atmosphere in Konoha Village at this time, he was not too late, just in time for the critical moment of the Chunin exam.

The familiar pitcher plant emerged from the trunk again, revealing its half-black and half-white body.

I don't know if it's because I've seen it too many times, but Lu Yan is not as surprised when he sees it now.

Along the way, this Nepenthes kept wandering in front of Lu Yan's eyes. No matter how strange its appearance was, it couldn't resist looking at it every day.

"There is a Konoha sentry ahead, let's avoid it first?" Jue's eunuch-like yin and yang voice sounded.

Although it doesn't take much effort to get rid of this sentry post, but now is not the time to be exposed, and he is absolutely worried that Lu Yan will kill all the people directly, so he takes the initiative to warn him.

Just as he said, there is a thatched hut not far ahead, and about ten Konoha ninjas are stationed inside.

Lu Yan didn't have any objections, he had traveled a lot of distance, and it was nothing more than a little more time to catch up.

Looking down from the sky, you will find that the layout of Konoha Village is centered on Hokage Yanyan, spreading outwards in a huge fan shape.

So as long as you don't turn around directly, you can reach Konoha.

Lu Yanhe avoided the sentry post and came to a wall in Muye Village.

Looking at the fence that was more than ten meters high in front of him, Lu Yan signaled that he must go in first to see what was going on inside.

Absolutely comprehended, on the spot, like a drop of water melting into the water surface, it dived directly into the wall.

Lu Yan watched Jue disappear before his eyes, with a strange smile on his face.

After being in touch for so long, Lu Yan doesn't feel like a normal person to this amazing guy.

In addition to Jue's appearance being different from ordinary people, Lu Yan can also feel that there are two kinds of wills in Jue's body, which fit perfectly with Jue's half-black and half-white body shape.

Moreover, these two wills gave Lu Yan a decayed sense of age, as if he had lived for a long time.

If there is a chance, can you break it apart and have a look?

Lu Yan stroked his chin and thought about it.


The familiar pitcher plant emerged from the wall, Jue looked at Lu Yan and said, "We're lucky, it looks like the second round of the Chunin Exam has just ended."


Dead Forest, Central Tower.

Ninjas came out of the tower one after another, and ninjas with bandages on their legs or arms could be seen in the crowd from time to time.

It seems that after being injured, he was simply dealt with.

Gaara, who was carrying a gourd, also came out of the tower, his face was so gloomy and frightening, he stopped at the exit.

The ninjas on the side subconsciously passed by his sides, not daring to get too close to him.

Naruto and Sasuke chatted and walked towards the exit, and found that Gaara was blocking the door, so they stopped talking.

"You are lucky this time, it seems that you have to recover some interest from your companion first."

Gaara crossed her arms and said without looking back.

When Naruto and Gaara were fighting in front of the central tower, they were stopped by Sarutobi Hiruzen who rushed over.

Later, when the lottery was drawn to determine the candidates to advance to the third round of examinations, Gaara was not drawn to fight Naruto.

A total of eight ninjas successfully entered the third round of exams.

Gaara, Naruto and Sasuke are all on the list.

Coincidentally, Gaara's opponent happens to be Sasuke.

Because the battle with Naruto was forcibly suppressed by Sarutobi Hiruzen, Gaara's heart was full of tyranny, and now he frantically wants to kill Naruto.

Since the opponent is not Naruto, he is going to take revenge by killing Naruto's companion first.

"Oh?" Naruto hadn't spoken yet, but Sasuke crossed his arms and sneered, "Naruto, this guy seems to think you're stronger than me?"

Sasuke thought it was funny, if he didn't want to expose his strength too early, the two of them would have killed Gaara team together.

"Hahaha, just let him see it when the time comes." Naruto laughed loudly. He had fought against Gaara, and he was indeed much stronger than other ninja Gaara in the same period.

But compared with the enhanced version of Mingzuo, it is still a bit worse. Don't forget that Sasuke also got a forbidden scroll at that time.

Anyway, at that time, there is no need to hide your strength anymore...

After all, Naruto and Sasuke walked past Gaara without giving any face.

Gaara's face became more and more ugly, and the black eye circles looked more gloomy at this time, almost reflecting light.


On the streets of Konoha Village.

Lu Yan, who was wearing a red cloud robe with a black background, walked on the street like a normal person, with a bamboo hat and tulle spliced ​​together.

When Jue learned that the inside of the wall was safe, Lu Yan jumped in from outside the wall.

Absolutely did not go with Lu Yan. Firstly, Jue’s image was too eye-catching, and secondly, since he came to Muye Village, he still needed to know a little about Muye Village’s high-end combat power.

The two simply split up and acted directly.

Lu Yan wore a bamboo hat, and the tulle covered his face.

After all, he didn't know how many people saw him when he exited from the armored state.

Although he didn't mind being exposed, the guy named Orochimaru hadn't made a move yet, so he decided to wait.

The ninja season has already entered autumn, and before Qiuhu left, the weather was still relatively hot, and Lu Yan's secretive attire made him look very strange.

It attracted the attention of many villagers.

Fortunately, Lu Yan didn't care much about other people's eyes, and walked to Yile Ramen Restaurant with ease.

"Take a shot at the store manager and come for a bowl of ramen."

"Okay, wait a moment."

Uncle Yile responded reflexively, and when he turned around, his body paused a little.

He suddenly felt that the tone was familiar but he couldn't remember it all at once, or he remembered it subconsciously and was rejected by himself.

He hadn't heard this strange gentle tone for the second time. Didn't that man say he was dead?

Those two children are still very sad, it doesn't look like they are pretending?

Full of doubts, Uncle Yile secretly looked at Lu Yan's position from time to time while cooking the noodles. The more he looked, the more confused he became, no matter his body shape or voice.

"This is your ramen, please use it slowly." Uncle Yile put the ramen in front of Lu Yan, hesitated and said, "This guest, do we know each other?"

Chi slip~

Lu Yan didn't take off the bamboo hat and covered the ramen with tulle, only the sound of sucking the ramen could be heard.

He didn't wipe his mouth after swallowing it, so he said, "The taste still hasn't changed."

Uncle Yile widened his eyes.

This answer is admitted, right?
(End of this chapter)

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