The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 152 Lu Yan Meets Jiraiya

Chapter 152 Lu Yan Meets Jiraiya


Lu Yan picked up the ramen bowl and drank the last noodle soup in one gulp.

Because the range of motion was a little too big, even the lower half of his face was exposed.

After Uncle Yile saw it clearly, he was so surprised that he almost threw the soup spoon on the ground. He took two deep breaths before recovering.

Although it was just a glimpse, he had seen Lu Yan's face for five years, and he was confident that he would not admit his mistake.

"Lu Yan? Didn't you say you're dead?" Uncle Yile asked in a low voice impatiently in shock.

Sarutobi Hiruzen did not tell the villagers about the fact that Lu Yan was a spy. First, in his opinion, Lu Yan was already dead. There was no need to expose his ugliness and affect the image of Konoha Village. Second, he wanted to keep Naruto behind. In the village, it is natural that Lu Yan cannot be said to be a spy.

So in Uncle Yile's view, Lu Yan was just an ordinary villager who unfortunately died in the attack.

In this world, life and death seem so insignificant.

Uncle Yile secretly thought it was a pity to lose a stable source of customers.

Lu Yan stood up from his seat, lazily stretched out a finger to his lips, and said softly, "I hope you can keep it a secret, and don't spread the news that I'm still alive."

Uncle Yile smiled and said: "I understand, I understand, if those two children know that you are still alive, they might be so happy."

In his opinion, Lu Yan just wanted to give the two children a surprise, so naturally he wouldn't mix it up ignorantly.

Lu Yan nodded knowingly, turned around and left. After eating, he could prepare to find news about Dashewan.

At this moment, a tall man with white hair reaching his waist walked towards Yile Ramen Restaurant.

It was Jiraiya who had been back to the village for a while.

Hearing that this is Naruto's favorite shop, he is going to come here to pretend to have a chance encounter with Naruto.

Just as he passed Lu Yan, he stopped suddenly.

Zilai also frowned, looking solemnly at Lu Yan who was wearing a bamboo hat and couldn't see his face clearly.

This outfit in a red cloud robe with a black background is familiar to him, and it can even be said that he is quite familiar with it.

When tracing the traces of Oshemaru, I learned that Orochimaru joined an organization composed entirely of S rebels.

And that member of the organization named Xiao is uniformly dressed in this red cloud robe with a black background.

Zilai never expected that he actually saw a mysterious person in the village wearing the costume of the Xiao organization.

Ji Laiye remained motionless, but moved his footsteps slightly, facing Lu Yan, with a faint posture of ready to strike at all times.

Lu Yan also stopped in his tracks. The man next to him reacted so strongly when he saw him, which was a bit suspicious.

According to Payne Tiandao, the Xiao organization has not officially started activities yet, so according to normal logic, no one should know this Xiao robe.

And this white-haired man in front of him could even vaguely give him a sense of danger, which is very rare.

It proves that this man is very strong, plus his reaction after seeing this Xiaopao.

This man is Orochimaru?
Although the appearance is somewhat different from Jue's description, Orochimaru can switch bodies, which can barely be explained.


Lu Yan tilted his head and asked in a gentle voice, he still had to confirm more or less.

Jilai also heard the name Orochimaru, and immediately confirmed that Lu Yan was a member of the Xiao organization, and his body tensed up immediately, and his hands were ready to seal.

When Lu Yan saw Zilaiye's reaction, he also smiled. He didn't expect to catch Dashewan directly so quickly. .

"Do you want to change places?"

Lu Yan's gentle voice sounded, and he didn't really want to fight directly at the door of Yile Ramen Restaurant.

After all, Orochimaru's strength is still very powerful in Jue's mouth, so a direct fight can easily affect the innocent Uncle Yile.

Ji Lai also nodded: "Come with me."

Naturally, Jilai also didn't want to fight in the village so directly, not to mention that he was not prepared at all, not to mention that there were too many innocent villagers nearby, and if there was a real fight, the villagers might not have time to escape.

After the fight, when Hiruzaru Sarutobi received the news and sent reinforcements, it is estimated that this member of the Akatsuki organization retreated directly.

Jiraiya also has confidence in his own strength. Even if the members of the Akatsuki organization are all S-rank rebels, he doesn't think he will lose easily.

Simply take this Xiao organization member to a sparsely populated place, so that even if there is a fight, it will not cause damage to the village.

Jiraiya jumped directly to the roof, and quickly headed towards the Death Forest, the Konoha Village martial arts arena.

Lu Yan did not hesitate and followed decisively.

His idea is very simple, anyway, he still wants to catch Dashewan, it doesn't matter where he grabs it, and it's more in line with his wish if the movement is quieter.


A hidden underground base.

This base has been built for a long time, and the only point is concealment. Even though it is built in Konoha Village, even Hokage doesn't know that there is such a place in the village.

The light in the base was dim, and all kinds of bottles and jars were placed in a mess, but they didn't look messy.

Orochimaru, which Lu Yan was looking for with all his heart, was lying leisurely on the main seat, and the pharmacist below stood with his hands folded respectfully.

"Master Oshemaru, the figure you mentioned wearing a red cloud robe with a black background appeared in the village."

After Orochimaru finished listening, he remained calm, stuck out his tongue and licked his jaw.

He said sullenly: "I didn't expect them to find me here. It's really haunting."

The sudden appearance of members of the Akatsuki organization made Orochimaru feel a little uneasy. His Konoha collapse plan has reached this point, and it is really unwilling to give up now.

"Is there only one person? Does that person have any characteristics?" Orochimaru asked, tapping the armrest of the seat with his fingertips.

As a former member of the Akatsuki organization, I know those guys like to act in groups of two, Orochimaru. Now there is only one person, maybe the target is not him?
Pharmacist thought about it for a while, and answered, "That man's face is covered by a bamboo hat. I didn't dare to get too close and just looked at it from a distance. There is a strange pattern on the back of each of his hands."

After listening to Dashemaru, he thought about it, and it seemed that none of those people had ever seen a pattern on the back of his hand.

new member?

It seems to be underestimated.

Orochimaru sneered: "In that case, just ignore him for now."

Anyway, when Konoha's collapse plan is launched, he doesn't believe that the Akatsuki organization will give up the two tailed beasts at its fingertips and choose to be his enemy. After all, the interests of the Akatsuki organization do not conflict with him.


Forest of death.

Because the second round of the Chunin Exam has ended, there are no other people in the forest except for a few scattered ninjas on duty. The silent forest is just suitable for doing something you want to do.

(End of this chapter)

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