The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 154 Talk to Tuanzang

Chapter 154 Talk to Tuanzang

In order to prevent Lu Yan from being found, Jue left a white spore on Lu Yan's body so that the two of them could meet quickly.

However, because there is no chakra in Lu Yan's body, the Baijue spores cannot absorb the chakra parasites, and they cannot obtain the real-time situation on the scene.

" did you catch him?"

Jue is a little dumbfounded now, if I read correctly, the guy Lu Yan is holding in his hand is probably the Jiraiya who is also known as Sannin along with Orochimaru.

Why did the two separate for such a short while, and Lu Yan caught Zilaiye!

"Ahaha, this one." Lu Yan weighed Zilaiye in his hand, and smiled gently, "Luck, it's luck, so why don't you take him back to Yuyin Village first?"

"Huh? Why did you bring him back? Do you want to listen to what you are talking about?" The two half-faces, one black and one white, all stiffened neatly.

After a while, it seemed that he had come back to his senses. Like a wronged little eunuch, he asked weakly, "You don't think this guy is Orochimaru, do you?"

When Lu Yan heard this, he blinked.

Then he picked up Zilai and took a closer look, and said, "Isn't it?"

Jue's cheeks swelled up like a toad, and a mouthful of old blood was suffocating in his heart. Fortunately, an old Yin Bi Heijue forcibly suppressed this emotion, saying: "This guy is called Zilaiye."

Lu Yan: "..."

Lu Yan just carried Zilaiye like this, and stared at Jue Dayan for a long time.

"Haha, it's a bit embarrassing..." Lu Yan threw Zilaiye to the ground, changed the subject, and said in a deep voice, "Then it seems that the situation is very complicated now, what should we do? Should we kill him?"

After asking this question, while Jue was thinking about it, Lu Yan turned and left with a smile on his face.

At the same time, he dropped a sentence: "The one called Jiraiya will be handled by you first, and I will talk to Danzang."

Lu Yanke did not forget why he fought the ninjas of Muye Village head-on.

The main reason is because of the high-level person in Konoha Village, the guy named Shimura Danzo.

He still wants to have fun with him.

Although he didn't know where Danzang usually lived, he wanted to ask Jue if he knew, but Lu Yan had already given him a lot of money, so he was too embarrassed to bother Jue, so he went to find it by himself first. Look for it.


Orochimaru base located underground in Konoha Village.

The light is dim, and only the outlines of things can be vaguely seen.

Orochimaru is lying lazily on the main seat, with his fingers casually resting on the armrest, giving people a sense of inscrutability.

Orochimaru looked at the door, and suddenly he laughed: "A rare guest, why is Danzo-sama free to come to my place today?"

at the door.

A man with most of his body wrapped in bandages walked in.

It was Danzang that Lu Yan was going to find.

As a high-ranking member of Muye Village, he was in private contact with the S-rank rebel in Muye Village. If this scene was seen by ordinary villagers, his jaw would probably drop in shock.

Orochimaru has always been in contact with Danzang secretly. Danzang has been providing Dashewan with experimental materials, and Orochimaru has provided Danzo with his scientific research results.This mutual utilization relationship between the two has continued.

"Hmph." Danzo snorted coldly, looked directly at Da Shewan and said, "Is your plan ready?"

Orochimaru laughed even more happily, stretched out his long tongue and curled his chin around before responding: "I heard that your roots seem to be wiped out, even if I kill Sarutobi Hiruzen, you still have Is it strong enough to support you to take the position?"

The most important part of Orochimaru's Konoha collapse plan is to kill the third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Originally, if the roots had not been destroyed by Lu Yan, according to Danzo's assumption, once Hiruzaru Sarutobi died, with his prestige in the village, there was a high probability that he would take over and succeed Hokage.

You must know that the two consultants of Konoha Village, Koharu and Mito Menyan, once said that the period when Konoha Village developed the most rapidly was when the three generations of masters were outside and Danzo was in the house.

So after Sarutobi Hiruzen's death, it is very logical for Danzo to take over.

Shimura Danzo's expression remained unchanged, the crutch in his hand hit the ground a few times, and he retorted calmly: "You don't need to worry about this kind of thing."

Orochimaru hissed and said hoarsely, "You will know when the time comes."

Shimura Danzo nodded imperceptibly, said nothing more, turned and left.

He has been very busy these days, and he came to see Dashewan because he was taking a break from his busy schedule to force out time.

After the roots were destroyed, he again mobilized a lot of people from the dark side to barely erect the framework of the roots.

It's a pity that there is too little time, and there is not much effective combat power at present, which is not enough to help him become the next Hokage.

So he was going to communicate with those two consultants, lay the groundwork first, and then use this card after Sarutobi Hiruzen died.

Orochimaru looked at the direction Shimura Danzo left, his yellow-brown vertical pupils flickered slightly.


Konoha Village Street.

The bustling villagers came and went, and ninjas from other villages could be seen wandering on the street from time to time.

The final round of the Chunin exam is about to begin.

Whether it is the accompanying ninjas or the ninjas from other villages who came to observe, their costumes are somewhat different from the ninjas in Konoha Village.

The current Muye Village has a large population of foreigners.

Lu Yan's image of wearing a red cloud robe with a black background and a bamboo hat covering his head was a little strange, but he wouldn't be dragged by the patrolling ninjas of Muye Village for investigation.

The Chunin Exam, in addition to selecting talents, is more important, it is actually a way for Konoha Village to show its muscles to the outside world.

As for the daimyos who were invited to observe, to put it more simply, it was mainly for defrauding funds.

The number of armies in this world is very small, and the main military force of each country is the ninja village in its own country.

Most of the military spending is spent on ninja villages.

Therefore, during the zhongnin examination stage of Konoha Village, the entry of ninjas from other villages will not be strictly censored as usual. It is more of an inspection model that is loose on the outside and tight on the inside.

As for Lu Yan's concealed dress, he would have to be arrested and inspected for a long time in normal times.

How could it be like now, wandering leisurely in the street.

Lu Yan just kept walking in the village, and finally came to the front of a building.

This is a square gray-white building, also with a height of three floors, only two streets away from the Hokage Building.

Occasionally, personnel wearing thick robes would come out of the gate, and most of them were holding a large stack of documents and seemed to be rushing to report.

Lu Yan squinted his eyes, raised his head to include the whole building in his sight, and murmured, "If I remember correctly, this seems to be the administrative building."

(End of this chapter)

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