Chapter 155

Konoha Administration Building.

Lu Yan stood under the building.

As soon as he approached the administrative building, he could faintly feel that he was locked on by several eyes.

These eyes are full of vigilance, floating around him like a scan.

It seemed that once he made any dangerous move, a large group of vigilant ninjas would immediately rush out to arrest him.

Obviously these were the people responsible for the security of the building, not him.

Anyone who approaches the building will be so scrutinized.

Strictly speaking, the defense force of the administrative building is even a bit stricter than that of the Hokage building.

Because of the importance of this department to Konoha Village, it is more important than Hokage in a sense.

The Ministry of Administration is an institution that assists Hokage in managing Konoha's government affairs. Its top executives are two advisors, Mitomon Yan and Zanju Koharu.

The existence of the two consultants is firstly to assist Hokage to give some correct opinions, and secondly, to serve as a bridge between the country of fire and Konoha, to convey the information of the country and accept the financial expenditure allocated by the country to the village, and at the same time Also report some conditions and situations of the village to the daimyo.

In other words, if the administrative department made a mistake, the tens of thousands of ninjas in the village would have problems even eating.

Feeling the gaze falling on him, Lu Yan took off the bamboo hat on his head, showing a smiling expression, looking harmless to humans and animals.

So calmly walked to the gate, and asked kindly to the ninja guarding the gate: "Is Master Danzo here now?"

The ninja guarding the gate was stunned for a moment. He had never seen anyone in the village wear such a dress, and subconsciously responded: "Master Danzo is inside, you are not from Konoha, are you?"

The ninja guarding the gate did not seem very vigilant. After all, ninjas usually do intelligence work in advance when doing tasks. I have never seen a ninja who would directly ask so openly.

Besides, the gatekeeper ninja felt that Lu Yan seemed quite friendly, and he didn't sense any danger from Lu Yan.

After hesitating for a while, he stepped aside and asked, "Master Danzo can not be seen by everyone, why are you here? I can inform you."

"I met Danzo-sama before, and chatted with him."

Lu Yan spread his hands, looking confident.

Seeing the gatekeeper ninja step aside, Lu Yan walked in unhurriedly.

Judging from what Lu Yan said, it seems that he is very familiar with Danzo, so the ninja guarding the gate really didn't dare to stop him forcefully.

If the relationship between the two is really unusual, wouldn't it be a disaster if they are so blind to see.

The gatekeeper ninja just watched Lu Yan enter the building, hesitated for a while, and Lu Yan had already walked away.

He entered the administrative building, looked at the busy office staff on the left, and looked at the densely packed documents on the right.

Youzai Youzai looked like you were going back to your own home.

He didn't expect to get in so easily.

In fact.

Because the Ministry of Administration has never been attacked since its establishment.

Even if he was really beaten all the way to the village, he would not attack the administrative department.

The daimyos don’t care about ninjas beating life and death, but if they attack the administrative department, the nature is different. It means that if they want to subvert the existing order, they will be jointly sanctioned by several major powers.

After coming to this world for so long, Lu Yan felt that the structure of this world was very strange.

The independence and autonomy of Ninja Village is so loose that it is more like a country within a country parasitic in the heart of a big country.

In his world, it was absolutely unimaginable that an independent country could endure such a thing.

What's more, the individual combat power in this world is so disparate that the ninjas are only willing to be the country's thugs.

It's hard to imagine what's going on in the minds of these ninjas.

Lu Yan wandered around in the administrative building for a while, sensed the breath of life belonging to Danzo, and walked along the sensed position.

In a well-lit room.

Danzo was wearing a cane, facing the window, and seemed to be in a bad mood.

On the square table behind him sat two elderly people, a man and a woman.

The skin is all wrinkled, dotted with a few age spots, no matter how you look at it, it looks like it is about to be buried.

These two old men are consultant Konoha.

Males are called Mitomonyan, and females are called Zhuanju Koharu.

Although they are two guys who look too old to walk, if you dare to underestimate them, you will suffer a big loss.

These two advisors, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo, were all members of the second Hokage Senju Tobima's guards when they were young.

They are not ordinary administrators who are powerless.

"Why did you suddenly ask the candidate for the next generation of Hokage?" Zhuanzhu Xiaochun's voice sounded wrinkled, like a night owl, and a little harsh.

Mitomonyan put his hands on the table, heaved a sigh of relief, and said: "Sarutobi is indeed a bit old, but the village is now in a stage of being out of work, and there is no more suitable candidate."

The implication of Mitomenyan's words is to temporarily maintain the current situation, and wait for Kakashi's generation of ninjas to grow up before proceeding to the selection of Naruto candidates.

After all, that's how it's always been done.

Danzo looked out the window, leaving only the vicissitudes of the back of the two consultants.

His voice sounded leisurely: "It's true, but I'm too worried."

"Well, you don't have to worry too much, Sarutobi should last for a while." Zhuanzhu Xiaochun couldn't help comforting Danzo, she thought Danzo was worried about the future of the village.

What the two consultants didn't expect was that Danzo, who had his back to them, showed a relaxed smile at this time.

Danzo has already got the answer he wants, and the two consultants have no way to choose the next Hokage candidate.

This also means that once Hiru Sarutobi cut himself to death, then Hokage, or the temporary Hokage's position, would naturally fall on his head.

Bang bang bang.

At this moment, there was a soft knock on the door.

Danzo's complexion changed, and he turned his head to look at the door.

Lu Yan pushed open the door and walked in. Looking at the scene in the room, he said with a smile, "Hey, are you chatting?"

After all, he closed the door smoothly.

Turning to bed Xiaochun stared fiercely, and said sharply, "Which department do you belong to? Why haven't you seen it before? Who allowed you to come in?"


In a dark cave.

Looking at the unconscious Jiraiya in front of him panting, he breathed a sigh of relief.

He was still very nervous, afraid that Jilai would wake up suddenly.

The legendary Sannin is not so simple, Lu Yan can easily catch him, it can only show that Zilai didn't understand Lu Yan's fighting style, and suffered a big loss.

He definitely still has self-knowledge, and it certainly won't work for him to deal with Zilai.

Fortunately, after working for so long, Jiraiya was finally filled with white spores, absorbing his chakra at all times, and barely managed to limit Jiraiya's ability to move.

(End of this chapter)

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