The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 157 Meeting Orochimaru

Chapter 157 Meeting Orochimaru

In fact, Lu Yan didn't have the need to kill Danzang. For him, it was more interesting to play with Danzang.

In his life, he was used to intrigue, framing and framing.

Simply blaming him as a spy would not make him angry.

The best way to retaliate against such a power-obsessed person is to destroy his reputation, and when his mentality collapses, he will take action and end Danzo's life.

In fact, Danzo acted very cautiously, and most of the villagers didn't even know that there was Danzo, a high-ranking member of Konoha Village.

In Konoha Village, those who know Danzo are at most dissatisfied with Danzo's behavior, but they don't doubt his loyalty to Konoha.

Lu Yan looked at Danzang below as he walked farther and farther away, and felt a little strange. If he remembered correctly, this should be the direction out of the village.

on the street.

Danzang walked in a hurry. He didn't know where Lu Yan had gone, but judging from the note Lu Yan left, he should be paying attention to his movements all the time.

But he didn't feel the presence of Lu Yan at all, nor did he feel any sense of prying eyes.

Danzo felt relieved and rushed straight to Orochimaru's base.

Just in such a hurry, he rushed to a vacant private house.

Danzo turned around and looked around, and after making sure that there was no tail following him, he knocked on the door rhythmically three times, and then pushed the door to enter.

This is the underground base built by Orochimaru in Konoha. Of course, it was mainly built under the cover of Danzo.

On the surface, it is just an ordinary village house.

Walking into the room, Danzo made a handprint, and a passage quietly appeared in the center of the house. The passage was dim, like a big snake with its mouth wide open.

Danzo walked in along the stairs with ease, and then the passage closed, and it seemed impossible to imagine that there was an underground passage here.

Not long after, Lu Yan also came to this room. He imitated Danzo's gestures and did it again, but nothing changed.

Lu Yan smiled helplessly.

It seems that this also needs to mobilize chakra to be effective. Unfortunately, there is no chakra in Lu Yan's body, no matter how clever the imitation is, he cannot open the channel.

But that doesn't mean he has no other options.

Lu Yan squatted in the middle of the room, raised his right hand, flexed his fingers tentatively, and slammed the ground like knocking on a door.

dong dong dong~
After roughly estimating the thickness of the ground, Lu Yan clenched his fist with his right hand and hit the ground.

The huge noise reverberated in the passage, causing waves of echoes that lasted for a long time.

Lu Yan just looked at the underground passage that he smashed out with brute force, and said in amazement: "Oh, you can't be heard if you make such a big noise?"

However, even if he was heard, he just didn't care.

Lu Yan followed the broken passage and jumped in lightly.

The passage extends in all directions, and every few meters you walk, you can see a cell-like room. Some rooms are vacant, and some have strange humanoid creatures lying there, which made Lu Yan frown.

I always feel that Danzo is a bit disgusting, what are you doing?

Although there are many branches in the passage, the main one is very obvious, so that he won't get lost in it.

Lu Yan just walked along the main passage, and came to a huge circular room. Huge transparent jars came into view. The liquid in the jars was emerald green, and at least one-third of the jars were soaked with human beings. , I don't know whether it is dead or alive.

Lu Yan gasped, this scene reminded him of medicinal wine in the real world, throwing snakes and scorpions into the medicine jar to soak.

I really didn't expect that people in this ninja world would play so extravagantly, they were already picking people up.

Just when he was looking at these jars curiously.

A faint murmur of conversation came from the portal at the far end of the room.

"Hehe, what price is Danzo-sama going to pay this time? My price is not low."

"I can give you another pair of sharing eyes, haven't you always wanted to study it?"


Lu Yan recognized that one of the voices was Danzo, and who was the other hoarse voice?Could it be the high level hidden by Konoha?
Lu Yan tiptoed to the door and just lay on the wall, listening to their conversation with great interest.

in a dim room.

Orochimaru just slumped on the seat leisurely, tapped the armrest with his fingers rhythmically, looked at Danzo standing in front of him, with a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

"A pair of kaleidoscopes, I can consider it."

Danzang felt like being robbed, trembling with anger, and said slowly, "I don't even have a kaleidoscope, three pairs of three Gouyu Sharingan, if you don't agree, forget it."

Seeing Danzo's appearance, Orochimaru knew that this was his bottom line, so he didn't open his mouth again, and said with a sinister smile: "Deal."

"After I get rid of that guy, I'll send someone to bring you Sharingan. I hope you won't go back on your word."

"Don't worry, I, Orochimaru, are very trustworthy."

Danzo nodded in satisfaction, turned around and wanted to leave.


A gentle voice came from the door.

Danzo and Orochimaru looked towards the door together, and Orochimaru raised his eyebrows.

Someone was eavesdropping at the door, but they didn't even notice?
You must know that Orochimaru's perception ability is excellent, not to mention that in such a quiet environment, he didn't realize that someone was there until the eavesdropper made his own voice.

In fact, neither Baiyan nor Sharingan, nor even those sentient ninjas could detect Lu Yan.

Although there are reasons for his strong latent ability, the main reason is that Lu Yan doesn't have a single bit of chakra in his body.

After Lu Yan uttered the questioning words, he also calmly walked in from the door.

Looking at Orochimaru sitting on the seat in front of him, he looked up and down, and said: "You are Orochimaru, you really look a bit like a snake."

A fine layer of sweat dripped from Danzo's forehead. He didn't expect Lu Yan to find this place, and he probably followed him to find it.

As a senior member of Muye Village, he had a private deal with a traitor from Muye Village. This kind of scene was discovered on the spot, which strengthened Danzo's determination to kill Lu Yan.

Orochimaru immediately fixed his eyes on the black-bottomed red cloud robe worn by Lu Yan.

He also has a robe like this.

"Xiao? It's quite unfamiliar, isn't it a new member?"

"Ah, yes, it's not long since I joined."

Lu Yan responded with a smile, it looked as if the junior had seen the two seniors exchanging greetings.

Orochimaru also laughed: "So you said you came to find me?"

Lu Yan spread his hands helplessly.

"Well, I hope you don't make irrational moves."

(End of this chapter)

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