The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 158 Scientist Orochimaru

Chapter 158 Scientist Orochimaru
The room was dimly lit.

However, the three people present were not normal guys, so it did not affect them.

"Hiss." Orochimaru sat up straight, with a smile on his face: "Then please teach me, what is irrationality?"

The smile on Lu Yan's face became brighter, and he said, "You have such a beautiful smile, I even like you a little bit."

It was a smile that saw something interesting.

As soon as the words fell, Lu Yan shot out instantly like a cannonball.

The huge roar echoed in the room and even spread into the passage.

After the smoke cleared, Lu Yan stood where Dashewan was originally, twisted his wrist, and still had a kind expression on his face.

The seat that Orochimaru was originally sitting on was torn apart at this time, but Orochimaru himself didn't know where he went.

Danzo swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and resolutely chose to turn around and run away. He was not willing to help Orochimaru deal with Lu Yan.

Gravel splashed.

The bottles, jars, and jars neatly placed in the room suffered indiscriminate disasters, and most of them were punctured and shattered, and the liquid in the bottles flowed out along the breach.

Out of the corner of Lu Yan's eye, he saw Danzang running away, and he didn't have the heart to keep Danzang behind.

His current interest has been attracted by this guy named Orochimaru.

There was only a gray-white snake slough left under his feet. Not surprisingly, his attack was dodged by Orochimaru.

"Heh~ heh~"

A slightly quivering laugh rang through the room.

A giant python covered with gray and white scales was entrenched on the wall, its snake mouth opened, and Orochimaru walked out of the giant python's mouth without any haste.

On Da Shemaru's face, the purple eyeshadow extending to the nose looks extremely strange under such a picture.

Lu Yan didn't see Orochimaru's seal either. He just raised his sleeves, and long, earthy-brown snakes sprang out from his sleeves.

The number of long snakes seems to be endless, and the shortest one is nearly two meters.

The long snakes were entangled with each other, forming a thick snake spear, and shot straight at Lu Yan.

This kind of attack made Lu Yan feel physically sick and his scalp numb unconsciously.

It is really hard for him to understand why there is such a strong taste of ninjutsu.

Without hesitation, light flashed all over his body, and the emperor's armor had already covered his body.


Long snakes hit the breastplate, making continuous noises.

Lu Yan stood where he was, stiffly bearing the attack of the Hidden Shadow Snake Hand, apparently unharmed.

The ineffectiveness of the attack did not panic Orochimaru, but now he is staring at the platinum armor with bright eyes.

Orochimaru stopped attacking, the golden vertical pupils were a little slack due to emotional frenzy, and the voice was filled with uncontrollable excitement, and asked, "You, what kind of ninjutsu?"

Orochimaru, as an ordinary person without any blood inheritance boundaries, has almost touched the upper limit of ordinary talents.

He is proficient in all the five elements ninjutsu, and knows all the recorded forbidden techniques.

The reason why he dared to risk the world to conduct human experiments was mainly because there were no ninjutsu he didn't understand. In order to have more time to study ninjutsu, he wanted to study the human body to obtain eternal life.

Orochimaru's definition of a ninja is a person who uses ninjutsu. From this, it can be seen that he has no special admiration for ninjas, but simply to satisfy his thirst for knowledge.

In a sense, Orochimaru is really in the wrong business, he is more suitable to be a scientist.

Orochimaru thinks that he knows enough about ninjutsu, even if he can't use it, he can definitely recognize all ninjutsu that has appeared in the ninja world.

However, he had never seen this platinum armor before, and he couldn't even tell which type of ninjutsu it belonged to.

"Why is this appearance full of mechanical beauty? What exactly is this?"

Orochimaru's already hoarse voice seemed a little hysterical because of the excitement.

His strong thirst for knowledge made him scratch like a cat.

Lu Yan tilted his head, looking at this Orochimaru, feeling very strange.

Seeing him like this, other ninjas didn't have such a big reaction like Orochimaru.

Lu Yan was a little puzzled, so he just looked at Dashewan quietly, planning to wait for him to wake up before making a move.

Otherwise, bullying a guy with brain problems and defenseless will not make him feel happy.

"Are you stupid?"

Lu Yan's voice came out of the armor, and it sounded very gentle.

Orochimaru raised his hands, then drooped naturally, indicating that he did not want to fight, with a touch of nervous excitement in his mouth, he asked: "Can you tell me, what kind of ninjutsu is this? I can use forbidden techniques to follow You change."

Light flashed.Lu Yan removed the emperor's armor, sighed helplessly, and said, "You're such a disappointment."

When Dashewan saw Lu Yan remove his armor, the excitement on his face dissipated visibly, but this action clearly showed that Lu Yan could communicate, and since he could communicate, it wasn't too bad a situation for Dashewan.

"Hehehe." Orochimaru rubbed his hands, and walked to Lu Yan's side without any worries, "You must not be loyal to Akatsuki, by the way, I don't know your name yet. It's really rude."

"Hello, my name is Lu Yan."

Lu Yan was noncommittal to what Dashewan said, but he did not hide his name.

"So it's Mr. Yan, then, can you tell me the principle of the ninjutsu you used just now?" Orochimaru couldn't wait to know what the ability Lu Yan used.

It is completely out of the five chakra properties of water, fire, wind, thunder and earth, and it doesn't look like a combination of these properties.

"I don't know either." Lu Yan told frankly.

"Then let's change the way of communication. What does Mr. Yan want?"

Orochimaru took it for granted that Lu Yan was unwilling to tell others his hole cards so easily, and he understood it very well, so he simply asked Lu Yan what he wanted.

This is Orochimaru, which believes in equivalent exchange.

The ninjas who followed Orochimaru, whether it was Junmaro or the Otonin Quadruple, were actually not obtained by Orochimaru by coercion by force.

"What do I want?" Lu Yan looked at Dashewan with a half-smile.

He suddenly felt that this Orochimaru seemed quite interesting, and it was a bit to his liking.

Orochimaru raised his arm and put it near his mouth, stretched out his long tongue to lick the back of his hand, and said with a sinister smile, "Yes, anything is fine."


In the vacant room.

Lu Yan jumped out from the hole he had penetrated with brute force before, and patted the dust on his robe.

Then he turned his head and glanced at the dark passage behind him, with a slight smile on his face.

"It seems that the way that Orochimaru said is more interesting."

(End of this chapter)

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