The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 159 Ming Zuo's Plan

Chapter 159 Ming Zuo's Plan

The streets of Konoha Village.

Lively and lively.

The gate at the entrance of the village was opened, and a long team walked slowly into Muye Village.

On the main road, a guard of honor composed of warriors and ninjas led the way, and large sedan chairs were carried by wrestlers across the street.

Both sides of the street were full of onlookers from Muye Village, and there were noisy discussions one after another.

Those sitting in these sedan chairs were the daimyo and their immediate family members, who came to observe the Chunin exam.

On a cylindrical building in the distance.

Several ninjas stood neatly, silently watching the situation on the street.

In the center of the circular building, Sarutobi Hiruzen, wearing a Hokage hat and a Hokage Yushen robe, stands with his hands behind his back.

Said in a deep voice, "It's finally started."


In the martial arts field of Muye Village.

This is where the third round of the Chunin Exam will take place.

The Martial arts arena occupies a very large area and is generally circular. The combat area is as large as several football fields.

Nearly 30 meters of khaki-yellow high platform surrounded the battlefield, while limiting the fighting space, it also ensured the personal safety of the audience.

The auditorium was full. In addition to the villagers of Muye Village, many people from other countries also came to Muye Village just to watch this grand Chunin exam.

Tens of thousands of spectators sat down in order, shouting frantically.



"Let them meet Konoha's ninjas!"

The warm cheers from the audience made the people in it involuntarily excited and joined in.

The atmosphere is getting higher and higher.

On the tall tower in front.

Only two seats were arranged.

Wearing a Hokage robe, Hiruzaru Sarutobi sat solemnly on one of the seats, while the other seat was left empty.

As the escort of Hokage, the parallel feet are all behind his back, and he is obediently maintaining a motionless posture.

In the corridor, three people walked over. The leader was wearing a blue Kazekage hat and a blue Kazekage robe, with only a pair of eyes exposed outside the mask.

Behind him, two guard-like men followed step by step.

Seeing someone coming, Hiruzaru Sarutobi stood up from his seat, and said with a chuckle, "A rare visitor, the journey is tiring, thank you for your hard work, Kazekage-sama."

The Land of Wind is one of the five great kingdoms along with the Land of Fire, and the village head of Yin Village in the Land of Wind is called Kazekage.

Fengying responded indifferently: "Where is it? It's better to hold it here. You are already old. If you travel far, I'm afraid it won't be enough. It's better to appoint the fifth generation candidate earlier."

There were thorns in Kazekage's words, but Hiruzaru Sarutobi didn't seem to understand, he laughed and sat back on his seat, saying: "Don't always treat me like an old man, I want to work for another five years."


A sound sounded as if a trumpet was being blessed, and the volume was loud enough for the audience to hear clearly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to gather here to participate in the Chunin Selection Examination held by our Hidden Leaf Village!"

"Next, the eight contestants who have passed the preliminary selection will conduct the official selection competition!"

"Everyone, please enjoy it!"

In the circular field below.

Nine people stood neatly.

Shiranui Genma, as the referee, held the battle table, looked at the eight ninjas in front of him, and said in a deep voice, "Listen up, this is the last exam.

Although the terrain is different, there are no restrictions as in the preliminaries, and the game will not end until one party dies or admits defeat.

But when I think the game is divided, I will stop the game, understand? "

Shiranui Xuanjian had a toothpick in his mouth, shaking it up and down with the rhythm of his speech, looking a little foolish.

"In the first round, it was Uchiha Sasuke, Gaara, the two of you stayed, and the rest went to the lounge outside the venue to watch the battle."

Genma Shiranui reached out and nodded Sasuke and Gaara, signaling them to get ready and start the game immediately.

Because of the change of the promotion candidates, the first round was Sasuke vs. Gaara.

Naruto and several other contestants left the arena sparsely. With an uncontrollable excitement on Naruto's face, he reached out and touched his abdomen unconsciously.

He looked up towards the auditorium above, and those big names were sitting just above their lounge, no different from the information they had inquired about.

From this point of view, there is no flaw in their plan for the time being.

Sasuke stood there expressionless, looking at Gaara calmly.

Naruto kept inquiring about news from Kyuubi, and by this time, they were almost certain that Gaara was Ichinjuriki.

Originally, according to the original plan of Sasuke and Naruto, it was Naruto who broke out the power of Nine Tails when he was fighting.

In order to attract everyone's attention, Sasuke took the opportunity to break through the lounge room and directly threatened the lives of the daimyos.

In this way, because of their identities as Shinobi of Konoha Village, no matter whether they cause harm to the daimyos, they can achieve one goal, which is to seriously hit the prestige of Konoha Village, and affect the power of the fire country daimyo to Konoha Village. Ninja trust.

This is the easiest goal Sasuke imagined to achieve with their strength.

However, the actual situation brought them an unexpected joy, that is Gaara.

Because of the existence of Gaara, they temporarily adjusted the plan.

Sasuke will deliberately prod until Gaara loses his mind and releases Ichio Shukuru.

This can also achieve the purpose of attracting the attention of everyone present.

And Naruto, who has freed his hands, can use the power of Kyuubi to attack the daimyos more calmly.

After all, there are still ninja guards around the daimyo, such as the famous Twelve Guardian Ninja Guardians of the Land of Fire daimyo, and a jenin like Asuma Sarutobi is one of them. You can imagine how strong the defense force is.

So Sasuke didn't even think about being able to kill the daimyo at first, but if it was Kyuubi, maybe he could do it.

The only place where there is a possibility of something going wrong in the current plan is Kyuubi's own thoughts.

Even if Naruto had discussed with Kyuubi in advance, he was not sure whether Kyuubi would help.

We can only take one step at a time.

"The match begins!" Shiranui Genma shouted loudly, stretched out his right hand, and swung it straight down.

At the same time, he pulled out instantly, covered his feet with Chakra, and stood on the wall, leaving the field for Sasuke and Gaara who were duel.

Sasuke put one hand behind his back and spread the other hand flat, posing a proud posture.

Naruto had told him that whenever he made this move, he had an aura of looking down on his opponent, full of provocation.

I love Robben, who was full of killing intent towards Sasuke, and seeing Sasuke's attitude of allowing him to strike first made him even more angry.

and this.

Exactly what Sasuke wanted to achieve.

(End of this chapter)

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