The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 160 While Planning

Chapter 160 While Planning

Sasuke didn't seem to expect the effect to be so good, and he didn't need to provoke Gaara with words.

Gaara has already entered a state of anger.

This was exactly what he wanted.

Gaara couldn't wait to kill Sasuke, and his arm swung down like a stone.

"Sand Shuriken!"

Several shurikens made of pure sand were shot towards Sasuke.

Puff puff.

Such an attack, in Sasuke's normal state, would not pose any threat to him at all, so he just pulled back and easily avoided it.

When he looked up at Gaara again, Sasuke's eyes had turned into blood-red Ergodama Sharingan.

After he uses Sharingan, there will be no dead ends, unless the attack speed can exceed his reaction speed, otherwise he will never be attacked.

Gaara didn't give Sasuke a break, and a steady stream of sand shurikens shot at him.

"Only to this extent?"

After dodging the attack, Sasuke didn't forget to taunt.

"That's why you're brazenly trying to kill me?"

"You don't seem to have a clear understanding of yourself."

Gaara's eyes are wide open, and his head is buzzing.

Ever since he became Izuo Jinchuriki, no one has dared to provoke him like this, and now his mind is full of crazy thoughts about how to kill Sasuke.

Seeing that the sand shuriken couldn't deal with Sasuke, Gaara raised his right hand towards Sasuke, holding the palm of his hand: "Sasuke!"

Balls of yellow sand rushed towards Sasuke like they were full of life.

Sasuke flinched, he didn't even want to try what it was like to be caught.

After retreating continuously, they had already retreated to the edge of the field, with a tall wall behind them.

Sasuke stepped on the wall and began to run in circles. Although the wall was perpendicular to the ground, but the chakra was attached to the soles of his feet, Sasuke stepped on the wall as if he was walking on the ground.

There were boos one after another in the audience.

They came here early in the morning to watch the thrilling ninja battles, not to watch the ninjas play the game of chasing each other.

Of course, most of the boos from the audience were just ordinary villagers who were just watching the excitement, and the real ninjas thought Sasuke's actions were very clever.

Use physical strength to consume the chakra in Gaara's body first, and use your own advantages. This is a qualified ninja.

After all, according to common sense, it is impossible for a ninja's chakra to support Gaara's use of ninjutsu so recklessly.

Most of the ninjas in Konoha Village were also watching the game in the auditorium, and Kamizuki Izumo and Gang Zitei sat together.

A band-aid-like item was pasted on the iron nose of Gangzi. With one hand resting on his chin, he exclaimed in admiration, "As expected of Uchiha's genius boy. When I was his age, I was still performing D-level missions."

"Yeah, it's really surprising. I originally thought that this kind of genius was an arrogant type, but I didn't expect that the way of fighting is quite clever."

Shenyue Izumo also stretched his neck, watching the battle below.

in the lounge.

The five ninjas who were about to compete gathered at the window and watched carefully, because the winner among them might be their opponent in the next match.

A young man in a light green vest with a wolf's tail on the back of his head was also among them.

The boy's name is Nara Shikamaru.

Looking at the battle below, he yawned listlessly, and casually glanced back with his half-closed eyes.

He was more concerned about Naruto Uzumaki who had been resting since he came to the lounge.

On the lounge seat, Naruto sat cross-legged on the prepared cushion, closed his eyes, and clenched his hands together like a fist bump.

It seems that he is closing his eyes and resting his mind, but in fact, Naruto's mind has entered the sealed space and has an in-depth communication with Kyuubi.

Since it was temporarily changed to cause chaos when Sasuke was fighting, Kyuubi still had to be notified to make it ready.

in the sealed space.

The two big eyes like nine-tailed red lanterns were as calm as water, looking at Naruto without fluctuation.

"Big Fox, are you ready?"

Naruto walked to the prison door, put one hand on the doorpost, and almost stuck his head in.

"Yeah." Nine Tails grinned, showing sharp teeth, and advised earnestly: "With this seal, I can't pass on too much of my Chakra to you, why don't you remove the seal directly ?”

Naruto froze for a moment, then showed a bright smile, noncommittal.

Kyuubi is not really willing to help Naruto, and accordingly, Naruto doesn't have much trust in Kyuubi.

In fact, if he didn't want to use the power of Nine Tails, he would not come to talk to Nine Tails.

Kyuubi, as a collection of negative emotions, agrees to lend power to Naruto, but also has a dark heart.

One person and one fox are well aware of this point, and under the game between the two sides, they don't know who will have the last laugh.

in the lounge.

Naruto slowly opened his eyes.

Sitting up from the cushion, he went to the window to watch the battle between Sasuke and Gaara.

Next, just wait for the results from Sasuke.

In the martial arts arena below, the battle has entered a fierce stage.

Sasuke has not forgotten that the battle later will be the real test, so now he is only deliberately provoking Gaara, trying to keep the chakra in his body as much as possible.

He didn't even perform ninjutsu, but he was dealing with Gaara with his taijutsu far superior to ordinary ninjutsu.

"Are you just running around?"

Gaara's face was ugly, in his eyes, Sasuke's movements were too fast, the game had been started for so long, and he didn't even touch the hem of Sasuke's clothes.

It's like the mosquitoes buzzing around my ears in the summer. It's hard to find the traces of the mosquitoes, but I can't kill them no matter what.

The killing intent deep in his heart has reached a level that is difficult to suppress.

Sasuke landed in front of Gaara, and mockingly said in a playful tone: "So don't say things you can't do so early, I feel ashamed for you."

Gaara went crazy when he heard this, stretched out his arms, and shouted: "Sandfall Burial."

A large piece of yellow sand hit Sasuke, and Sasuke retreated.

As the yellow sand swept across, it gradually occupied the entire ground of the Martial Arts Field.

As a result, Sasuke could only stand on the wall, and he didn't want to try whether the yellow sand could entangle him.

Gaara saw that he couldn't defeat Sasuke with such an attack, and his extreme anger made him lose his mind.

"You brought it on yourself!"

Put your hands together and form a seal.

The yellow sand on the ground seemed to have gained life, forming an airtight ball with a diameter of about two meters, which just wrapped Gaara.

A deep murmur came from the ball.

"Ren... Shen... Yin... Si..."

in the lounge.

A horrified look appeared on Kankuro's face, and he lost his voice: "That's right, he's going to use that trick..."

Temari also looked solemn, she clearly knew that Gaara had forgotten the village's plan in her mind at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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