Chapter 161
Forest of death.

In a remote cave.

Kacha Kacha~
The sound of gravel falling to the ground is very obvious in the silent cave.

The place where the voice came from was Jiraiya wrapped in a frog-shaped stone statue.

Jilai also broke the stone frog statue attached to his body, patted the dust, and stood up from the ground.

Jiraiya's temperament at this time was quite different from before. There were two obvious red lines under his eyes, which gave him a weird and strange feeling.

This state of Jiraiya is called Sage Mode.

As we all know, whether ninjas are fighting or using ninjutsu, they mainly rely on the chakra in their bodies to drive them.

But the energy of chakra does not only exist in the human body, there is also a large amount of chakra free in nature.

And no matter how much chakra there is in the human body, it cannot be compared with the whole nature.

After such a long period of development, it is only natural that a method of absorbing natural chakra has been born.

This kind of ninjutsu that absorbs natural chakra is called xianfa.

And this state is called the immortal mode.

In fact, Jue is very innocent. He didn't expect that Jiraiya could actually enter the fairy mode, so he simply used the white spores to limit the recovery of Chakra in Jiraiya's body.

This method is no problem under normal circumstances, and ninjas who are more proficient in fairy mode are really rare.

After all, the risk of absorbing natural chakra is extremely high. If one is not careful, it will be affected by natural chakra and become a stone statue, and this process is irreversible.

The gravel piled up on Jiraiya's body are those Baize spores. Baize constantly absorbs the natural chakra in Jiraiya's body, and after excessive, it becomes a stone statue.

Jilai also withdrew from the fairy mode, looked around, and sure enough, he didn't see the two members of the Akatsuki organization.

Now he is very worried about the village. Two such dangerous guys are lurking in the village, and it happens to be during the Chunin exam. He doesn't believe that those two dangerous guys came to Konoha Village for tourism.

"Go back quickly and tell the old man about it."


Muye village martial arts arena.

"Shen... Yin... Si... Hai..."

In the sphere of yellow sand, low murmurs continued to resound.

Sasuke's feet covered the chakra and stuck to the wall, parallel to the ground.

He bent down, put his hands on his knees, and just quietly looked at the yellow sand ball in the field, indifferent to Gaara's actions, and had no intention of stopping it.

The corners of Sasuke's mouth were raised in a playful arc, which was blocked by his hair so no one could see it.

He murmured in a low voice: "In this way, the plan can start smoothly, and then it's up to you, Naruto..."

in the lounge.

Different from other Ninja performances while watching the battle, Temari and Kankuro are from the same village as Gaara, so they already know Gaara's true identity, and they know exactly what Gaara is doing now.

"'s all over if he becomes like that." Temari pressed his hands on the fence, clenched his teeth, "I love that guy Luo...don't mention the plan, he's just messing around."

Kankuro looked even more unbearable, his legs trembled slightly, and he didn't care about the sweat sliding down his cheeks. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, as if he was bowing to his hand, but also as if he was saying to himself: "I think we'd better hurry up!" escape."

in the audience.

There were bursts of exclamations one after another. Although most of the audience were not ninjas, they still had some necessary insight in the ninja world.

In the current situation, it is obvious that Gaara is preparing to hold back a big move after a long attack to no avail.

Kakashi folded his arms and looked at the battle below, looking very indifferent.

Different from the trajectory of the original book, this time because of Lu Yan, the strength of Naruto and Sasuke grew too fast, and they did not suffer setbacks at all in the Chunin exam and the wave mission.

Because of this, the teacher-student relationship between the three was not as strong as imagined, especially after Naruto and Sasuke made preparations to leave the village, they completely cut off contact with Kakashi.

Even when the three of them participated in the Chunin Exam, they took the initiative to apply for it.

Kakashi, to Ming Zuo and others, is at best a teacher who led them to perform a mission.

Therefore, although two of the eight genin in the final test were Kakashi's students, and even one student was still competing, Kakashi didn't have many worries about his students.

It is really too little time and opportunities for communication, and it is too late to cultivate the bond between teachers and students.

So Kakashi's current mentality is very detached. At most, he treats it as a fight between children. Even if Sasuke dies in the game, it is nothing more than recruiting another student to join his seventh class.

Genma Shiranui, who was the referee, was in the arena, and because he was closer, he could feel it more clearly.

He frowned, and his body tensed subconsciously: "This breath, is it?"

Time passed minute by minute.

In the yellow sand ball below, the accumulated aura became more and more terrifying.

Even the villagers far away in the auditorium felt that something was wrong.

The shouting gradually died down, and whispers began instead.

The villagers began to feel chills on their backs, especially when they looked directly at the ball, a chill went straight to the sky.

As if facing some kind of natural enemy.

On the two highest seats, Hiruzaru Sarutobi glanced at Kazekage beside him from the corner of his eye, and said slowly: "I didn't expect you to send such a thing, I think, you have to give me an explanation. "

At this moment, Hiruzaru Sarutobi's tone was not as peaceful as it was at the beginning, and he didn't even have the mood to maintain the superficial effort.

Of course he recognized what it was, after all, there was one in Muye Village.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi stood up, and said to the parallels beside him, "You go down and end this match."


Both feet nodded in the same way, and disappeared in place using the instant body technique.

When it reappeared, it had already landed in the martial arts arena.

The audience saw a ninja suddenly appearing in the arena, and they all didn't understand what was going on. Isn't the game over yet?
The same thing did not explain anything, and walked towards the ball, but he hadn't waited for him to approach the ball.


A burst of wild shrill laughter suddenly resounded throughout the arena. The laughter was full of madness, and it was not human at all.

A giant khaki hand protruded from the ball, and the ball made of yellow sand immediately shattered.

This hand alone is bigger than the entire ball, and it is completely impossible to imagine how it was stuffed into the ball.

It's not over yet.

After the arms come out, then the head, and then the legs.

A huge monster tens of meters high emerged from the ball and stood in the center of the arena.

"I'm out again! Hahahaha!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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