The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 162 Naruto Tail Beast Transformation

Chapter 162 Naruto Tail Beast Transformation

The whole body of this monster is khaki, with dark blue curse marks all over its body.

The body is huge, tens of meters high.

The huge and bloated body occupies almost half of the playing field.

It's like a raccoon dog magnified countless times.

This monster is one of the nine tailed beasts, the one-tailed crane.

But don't think that Shukaku is the weakest with only one tail, because the strength of tailed beasts is not judged by the number of tails.

The first tail is not necessarily weaker than the second tail, and it may even be stronger.

"Hahahaha!! I'm finally out!!!"

Shouhe jumped up and screamed in the martial arts arena, venting loudly.

A huge shrill roar echoed throughout the martial arts arena.

With the blessing of his huge size, Shouhe's roar resounded through the sky.

The villagers only felt that it was deafening. Even if Shouhe stopped roaring, the villagers still felt the buzzing in their ears.

The villagers watched the game well, who would have thought that such a huge monster would suddenly appear.

Shuzuru's huge body was directly at the same level as the auditorium, and the oppressive feeling brought by it made the audience almost suffocate.


"What monster is this!"

"Protect your name."


"Go and report to Hokage-sama."

Even though most ordinary villagers have heard of such things as tailed beasts, they have never seen them with their own eyes.

The sense of oppression brought by witnessing this huge monster is enough to drive the villagers crazy.

There was chaos in the auditorium, there were screams everywhere, and the villagers fled in a panic.

From time to time, villagers were knocked to the ground on the spot, and the number of stampede deaths under the crowd may be quite a few.

Even if the Konoha ninjas present were trying their best to maintain order, it was a drop in the bucket, and they could not stop this riot at all.

As the saying goes, good fortune is unparalleled, but misfortune never comes singly.

Just as the Konoha ninjas were evacuating the villagers, pale white feathers suddenly floated from the auditorium. The feathers came from nowhere and slowly fell to the ground.

The panicked villagers became confused when they saw these feathers.

He wobbled and lay down directly on the ground. Judging from the ups and downs of his chest, he fell asleep in this environment.

If Lu Yan was present, he would be able to recognize that this is the technique of Nirvana Abode. When he was captured by Danzo, Anbu who captured him used this illusion technique.

It's just that the scope of the operation is not so large.

Kakashi folded his arms and leaned his back against a thick pillar.

He raised his eyebrows, was this to calm down the villagers?

His hands hang down naturally, and the perennial dead fish eyes gradually become clearer.

He felt that the situation was not right. This method of using illusions on the villagers did not conform to the ninja style of Konoha Village.


Kakashi formed a spell of dispelling evil, dispelling the sleepiness in his mind.

And the rest of the ninjas, Gang Zitie, Shenyue Izumo, etc., also canceled the illusion immediately when they felt something was wrong.

A person dressed in Anbe and wearing a cat face mask raised his head from his seat, and sighed, "Oh, as expected of the Konoha Elite, they bounced the illusion so quickly."

in the audience.

The veil covered the left side of his face, only revealing the man with the purple pattern on his right side, with a dignified expression.

This man's name is Ma Ji, and on the surface, Gaara's team leader is the teacher.

Maji's eyes moved left and right, observing the current situation, and murmured in a low voice: "It's an illusion, the pocket has already started to act, then it's about... to start!"


on the high platform.

Sarutobi Hiruzane had a panoramic view of the entire auditorium, and looked sideways at Kazekage who was still sitting on the seat behind him.

Now it can only be explained that Sand Hidden Village wants to destroy Konoha Village, but Hiruzaru Sarutobi doesn't understand what this Kazekage is, given Konoha Village's size and home court advantage.

This kind of attack will not cause much damage to Konoha Village except that it will cause riots at the beginning.

On the contrary, after the attack is resolved, Shayin Village will have to face huge compensation if it does not want to go to war.

So Hiruzaru Sarutobi couldn't figure it out now.

Kazekage exposed two eyes in the air, squinted at Sarutobi, and said softly: "Let's start."

After the words fell, the two guards behind Fengying suddenly rushed towards the auditorium.

At the same time, a large number of ninjas rushed out from nowhere, wearing lace-up short robes, and wearing forehead protection patterns on their heads that looked like musical notes.

This is the ninja of Yinnin Village, a small country that is hard to find on a map.

The sound ninjas quickly landed on the auditorium holding ninja tools, and their targets were those Konoha ninjas who were still awake.

Konoha Village will naturally not be unresponsive.

Anbu figures quickly landed on the roof.

The leader, Anbu, knelt down on one knee, glanced roughly at the current situation, did not dare to hesitate, and spoke very quickly: "The first team goes to the high platform, the second team goes to the auditorium, and the third team hurry up to protect the daimyo!"

Whoosh whoosh!
The entire Martial arts arena was full of chaotic scenes, and the sound of piercing the air caused by the instant body technique resounded densely.

on the high platform.

Kazekage made a sudden move, holding Sarutobi Hiruzen hostage.

Sarutobi seemed a little indifferent, he didn't care about the Kunai Kazekage was hanging on his neck, and said in a disappointed tone: "I didn't expect Shayin Village to break the treaty with Konoha."

"The treaty is just a cover-up to make the opponent relax, and the boring game is over."

"Do you want to start a war?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi lowered his brows and closed his eyes half-closed, "Master Kazekage, we should avoid using force and resolve the issue through peaceful talks. It's not too late..."

In the eyes of Sarutobi Hiruzen, this Sand Hidden Village has gone crazy for some reason, and it is actually teaming up with Otonin Village to attack Konoha.

As a politician, he was already thinking about how he would open his mouth to demand compensation from the Windy Kingdom after this matter was dealt with.

"Hehe, are you too old to become demented? Sarutobi-sensei."

After the words fell, Fengying pressed one hand on his mask and pulled it suddenly.

He even tore off the mask and even the face, revealing the appearance of Orochimaru.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi squinted at Orochimaru behind him, his throat seemed to be blocked by something, and he didn't know what to say for a moment.

He already understood it all.

The seats where the daimyos were sitting were suddenly dented with a big hole.


Naruto jumped out from below with a roar, and landed in front of the sleeping daimyo who was in the illusion.

He was lying on the ground with both hands, covered in a light red chakra coat, which could be vaguely seen to be the shape of a fox.

Naruto's azure eyes have also turned blood red at this time, with the same vertical pupils as Kyuubi.

Naruto's current appearance was caused by the use of Nine-Tails Chakra.

At this time, he was watching the daimyos with a fierce look in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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