The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 163 Shaky Konoha

Chapter 163 Shaky Konoha

Nine-tailed demon fox.

It was originally a collection of negative emotions such as hatred, resentment and anger.

So when Naruto uses Nine-Tails Chakra, his emotions and thinking ability will be affected by Nine-Tails.

He bent down on the ground, showing a ferocious expression that would never appear under normal conditions.

Whoosh whoosh!
The four Anzu fell in front of Naruto, blocking the daimyos behind them.

Anbu looked at each other and recognized that it was Naruto.

"What's going on, why is Nine Tails out of control?"

"Take him down first."


on the high platform.

The bodies of the two attendants who were originally following Dashemaru split from the middle and turned into four teenagers.

It landed on the four corners of the high platform impartially.

The four teenagers clasped their hands together and shouted in unison: "Forbearance, the Four Purple Flame Formation."

The four dark purple barriers appeared out of thin air from four directions, and instantly closed to form a huge closed space.

The Anbu who came to reinforce hit the barrier directly, but found that it was impossible to break through the barrier.

He could only stand helplessly outside the barrier, even if he was anxious, he could only watch through the barrier.

In the enchantment, Orochimaru held Sarutobi Hiruzen hostage, and said casually as if reminiscing about the old days: "I told you a long time ago that the candidate for the fifth Hokage should be decided as soon as possible.

Because... Third Hokage-sama, you are about to die here! "

Hearing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen even raised his head slightly, exposing his old bark-like neck to Kunai's spikes.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi let out a long breath, feeling a little emotional, and said, "Ever since you defected out of the village, I knew that this day would come sooner or later, but it is not so easy to take my head off."


A fence in Muye Village collapsed.

A huge dark purple snake crawled into the village through the gap where it collapsed.

The big snake was hundreds of meters long, and when it crawled left and right, it directly crushed the nearby buildings.

This is Orochimaru's psychic beast, Ten Thousand Snakes.

At the same time, hundreds of ninjas from Sand Hidden Village took advantage of the gap made by Ten Thousand Snakes and landed on the wall, looking down at Muye Village below.

They are about to launch an attack on Muye Village.

On a watchtower.

The two Konoha ninjas sat cross-legged on the ground casually, chatting casually.

One of the ninjas wore a black leather jacket over his thick dark green vest.

His name is Morino Ibiki, the captain of the Konoha torture department.

A Konoha ninja landed on the watchtower and reported anxiously: "Report, a big snake appeared near the east entrance of the village! Immediately after, hundreds of Shayin village ninjas also invaded the village!"

Moribi frowned happily, the vague feeling of uneasiness in his heart was finally fulfilled.

He stood up quickly, waved his hand, and ordered loudly towards the Konoha ninjas resting under the watchtower: "Let all the ninjas patrolling nearby rush to the scene immediately! In addition, immediately contact the commander of the East Outpost!" "



Standing in the martial arts arena, the gigantic Shuhe looked like a fat baby sitting in a wooden barrel. Even if he just turned around, he might knock down the high wall if he was not careful.

The most important thing is that Shuhe didn't intend to keep his own place. Not only did he move, he even directly performed ninjutsu.

"Feng Dun, practice empty bombs!"

Shouhe stretched out his giant palm and patted his abdomen. It seemed as if he pressed the trigger, and the air bombarded with yellow sand blasted towards the surrounding high walls.

Even the auditorium didn't fall down, and several air cannonballs also fell down.

In order to protect the sleeping ordinary people, the Konoha ninjas in the auditorium did their best.

"Tu Dun, Tu Liubi."

"Water escape, water formation wall."

And the Tailed Beast is worthy of being a Tailed Beast, the single layer of ninjutsu defense wall was directly shattered by the empty bullets.

At least several layers of defensive walls need to be overlapped to block an empty bullet.

If only one Shukaku is causing chaos, the Konoha ninjas can cope with it with close cooperation.

But other than that, there are a large number of music ninjas in the auditorium.

Crazy launched a suicide attack towards Konoha ninjas, trying to cause more casualties to Konoha.

Even Kakashi, who has always been leisurely, had to join the battle to reduce the number of enemies.

The stands above the lounge.

Naruto, who was covered in the Tailed Beast Chakra coat, was lying on the ground, with a light red tail made of pure Chakra swaying slowly on his buttocks, and was confronting the four Anbu.

Behind the Anbes are daimyos who are unconscious.

"Naruto! What are you doing?"

One of them, Anbe, shouted, trying to get Naruto back from his attacking stance.

Naruto didn't intend to respond at all, and grinned at Anbu.

Anbu: "What do you want to do?"

Naruto: "Aw~ah~"

Everyone in Anbu looked at each other and said, "If you continue to act like this, we will attack you!"

Naruto: "Aw~ah~"

Suddenly, a shuriken was thrown out from nowhere, and the target was one of them, Anbu.

Behind Anbu and the others is the helpless daimyo, and he is still in a coma. Of course, Anbu can no longer choose to avoid it.

I had no choice but to take out Kunai to intercept.

After a crisp sound, the shuriken was bounced off and fell behind several Anbu.

What no one noticed was that there were several complex patterns painted on the shuriken.

Suffering a sneak attack, when the Anbu were confronting Naruto, they had to be partly prepared to guard against a sneak attack that might appear at any time.

However, Anbu didn't expect that a sneak attack would appear behind them.

On the shuriken that was knocked down randomly, a figure with black hair and red eyes appeared silently.

It was Sasuke.

This is, time and space ninjutsu, Flying Thunder God!

The corner of Sasuke's mouth curled up. The current situation is more perfect than he imagined. There is every chance that he can kill the daimyo, and even retreat completely.

Naruto suddenly let out a roar that was not human-like, completely attracting Anbu's attention.

The sound of two sharp blades tearing the cloth.

Sasuke didn't disappoint and jumped at the chance.

Holding Kunai in his hand, he severely injured two Anbu in the blink of an eye.


The edge of the dead forest.

There was a loud noise, and large leaves were shaken off.

The tall Jilai also fell on the tree trunk. He looked at the village not far away, his heart beating uncontrollably.

Although there is still some distance from the center of the village, Zilai can already see a few wisps of black smoke rising from the direction of the village.

He didn't know whether he was tired or something, but there was a fine layer of sweat on his forehead.

"Did it still happen?"

Jiraiya's first reaction was the chaos created by the two Akatsuki members in the village.

He didn't dare to rest more, and hurried towards the direction of the village.


One of the culprits, Lu Yan, was also suspected by Zilai.

I was sitting in the empty Ichiraku ramen shop.

"It's so lively..."

(End of this chapter)

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