The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 164 Naruto Out of Control

Chapter 164 Naruto Out of Control
Yile Ramen Restaurant.


There was a swallowing sound.

Lu Yan, who was wearing a red cloud robe with a black background, drank the noodle soup in the bowl.

Comfortably resting his hands on the table, he looked left and right.

He was the only one left in the entire ramen restaurant. After the attack on Konoha Village, there were no ordinary villagers on the street.

The entire Konoha Village has entered a war mode.

Ten minutes ago, Uncle Yile had just cooked a bowl of ramen for Lu Yan when he noticed commotion in the village and decided to evacuate.

At that time, he wanted to force Lu Yan to leave, but after being rejected by Lu Yan, Uncle Yile was very helpless and had to escape from the center of the village by himself.

As an ordinary person in the ninja world, when encountering a war, you don't need to do anything else. Escaping for your life is a first-class proficiency.

Not to mention that Muye Village had built a shelter at Hokage Yanyan's place, and the villagers of Muye Village would not run around like headless flies and lose their lives in vain.

Lu Yan wiped his mouth, stretched his body, got up and walked out of Yile Ramen Restaurant.

At this time, the streets were so empty that there was not even half a person in sight.

Only some figures can always be seen rushing past on the roof, these are the Konoha ninjas who are running around to support and the ninjas who come to attack Konoha.

Most of the entire Muye Village was caught in a life-and-death battle, and thick smoke was everywhere.


The two Shayin ninjas who passed Yile Ramen Restaurant saw Lu Yan below, and their brains froze for a moment. They didn't seem to expect to see the Konoha villagers wandering on the street at this time.

They will carefully surround Lu Yan one by one.

They looked at Lu Yan from top to bottom, and they didn't find the forehead guard on him. They breathed a sigh of relief, and showed a cruel smile on their faces.

In the ninja world, even rebellious ninjas will wear forehead protection on their bodies.

A chubby sand ninja tilted his head, signaling to another companion to get rid of this ordinary Konoha villager.

The other Sand Shinobi was also unambiguous, pulled out Kunai and stabbed at Lu Yan.

Lu Yan pressed his temple helplessly, he sighed, stretched his hand back without turning his head, and unexpectedly caught Sand Shinobi's attack.

The fat sand ninja stared wide-eyed, unable to believe what he saw, before he could exclaim.

Lu Yan had already dragged another sand ninja to appear in front of him in an instant, grabbed the sand ninja's body and smashed it heavily towards the fat sand ninja.

Fat Sand Shinobi didn't have time to react, and just stood there in a daze.

There was a toothache muffled sound.

With Lu Yan as the center, the ground cracked like a spider web, extending all the way to the entrance of Yile Ramen Restaurant.

Lu Yan straightened up and clapped his hands.

There was still the same kind smile on his face all year round.

"It seems that the guy named Orochimaru has already started his own plan."

At this moment, Lu Yan suddenly remembered something.

It seems that Uncle Yile said that both Naruto and Sasuke have successfully advanced to the third round of exams, that is to say, they are still in the martial arts arena now?
After hesitating for a while, Lu Yan turned around and rushed towards the martial arts arena, he always felt that the two kids were going to make some big news.


Muye village martial arts arena.

At this time, the martial arts arena has fallen into extreme chaos.

Sand Ninja and Yin Ninja are teaming up to deal with the ninjas and Anbu of Konoha Village.

In fact, with the size of Konoha Village and the number of ninjas, plus the home court advantage, it is easy to extinguish this attack.

After all, the total number of attackers in the arena is only a few hundred. Given enough time, elite ninjas like Kakashi alone are enough to kill these enemies.

However, besides the assailant, there was also a guard crane standing in the center of the martial arts arena, constantly firing empty bullets to show its presence.

In order to protect the comatose villagers, Konoha ninjas seemed exhausted.

With lightning flashing in Kakashi's hand, he pulled his hand out of an Otonin's body.

After taking out the enemy, he got a short rest time, and he looked up at the high platform of the martial arts arena.

The scene above made the pupil of his only eye exposed to the air, and he couldn't help but lose his voice: "That's... Orochimaru?!"

He was wondering why there was such a big commotion, yet the Third Hokage never stood up.

It turned out to be entangled by Orochimaru.

Before Orochimaru rebelled against the village, Kakashi, as Danzo's Anbu, naturally had contact with Orochimaru, the best disciple recognized by the Third Hokage's subordinates.

Even at that time, there were rumors that the third generation was training Orochimaru as the next Hokage.

But I didn't expect Orochimaru to choose to defect, which has to be said to be a great loss for the village.

What Kakashi didn't expect was that Orochimaru had returned to Konoha Village now, and this meeting was still putting Kunai on the neck of the third generation.

Kakashi turned around and used Kunai to pierce an Otonin who was sneaking up on him, and straightened the crooked forehead on his forehead, revealing another left eye that he had been hiding all along.

There is a horrifying scar on his left face, which just passes through his left eye. What is even more surprising is that his left eye, which has been covered all the year round, is a blood-red three-pointed jade sharing sharing eye.

"It seems that we need to speed up the speed of killing the enemy."


The viewing platform above the lounge.

It seems the battle is over.

Sasuke used Kunai to cut Daimyo's throat, turned his head to look at Naruto, and said, "Okay, let's retreat..."

As Sasuke spoke, his voice became smaller and smaller, and finally stopped directly.

He felt that there was something wrong with Naruto's state now.

Naruto took his claws out of Anbu's body and yelled at Sasuke.

At this time, Naruto's body is still covered with a light red tail beast chakra coat, and the chakra tail behind him has changed from one at the beginning to four now.

These four chakra tails seem to have life, shaking slowly from side to side.

Naruto's eyes were no different from Kyuubi's eyes at this time except for their size, with the same dark red vertical pupils, looking at Sasuke full of murderous intent.

His hands were pressed to the ground like fox paws, and from time to time his throat let out whimpers that were not human-like.

Sasuke had already realized that something might be wrong, he subconsciously tightened his grip on Kunai's hand, and tentatively called out, "Naruto? What are you waiting for?"

While Sasuke was hesitating, two more tails grew behind Naruto, and now there were already six tails swaying behind Naruto.

"Damn, is there still a problem?"

Sasuke took a deep breath, he didn't know what to do now, he had never learned about tailed beasts.

(End of this chapter)

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