Chapter 169 Kill Danzo
So where did Lu Yan who just appeared in front of Naruto and Sasuke go?
in the underground base.

With a sound, a figure fell from the ceiling above.

It was Lu Yan.

It turned out that it was because he landed too hard, smashing the ground directly.

Surprisingly, the ground is actually hollow, that is to say, there is actually a hidden underground base under the stands of the Martial Arts Arena.

Lu Yan landed on a platform, in front of him was Danzo, who was mostly wrapped in bandages, and behind him were Genbu who knelt respectfully on one knee.

Lu Yan patted the dust off his body, looked at Danzang and smiled.

Danzang stared at Lu Yan, not knowing how to react.

Speaking of it is no coincidence, the place where the root of Danzo's training was originally Anbu's training room.

But the well-functioning training room was destroyed by Lu Yan some time ago.

As a result, Danzang later rebuilt a training base to train a new batch of root members.

The location of this new underground base was chosen by Danzo after careful consideration, under the ground of the Martial Arts Field. This location is more convenient in all aspects, and there is no need to worry about being discovered by the villagers because of too much movement.

At this time, Danzo is giving lectures to this group of new root members, and Danzo is well aware of what happened on the ground.

But Danzo didn't intend to take people out to quell the chaos. After experiencing Lu Yan's devastating blow, his roots were far worse than before in both quantity and quality.

The reason why all the root members are gathered is to wait for the members of the Hokage to fight the attackers first.

After waiting for those people to be hit hard, Danzo took his roots into the village to quell the chaos.

On the one hand, this can deal a heavy blow to Sarutobi Hiruzen's forces, and on the other hand, quelling the war will also bring enough prestige to Danzo.

Kill two birds with one stone, and then he can logically succeed Hokage.

But who knew, when Danzo's wishful thinking was jingling, a person suddenly fell from the martial arts arena above.

And this person was Lu Yan who had destroyed the roots once before.

" are you?" Danzang couldn't react at all for a moment.

The roots who knelt on one knee below also realized that something was wrong, groped secretly, and held their ninja tools in their hands.

Lu Yan smiled embarrassedly, and said, "I'm really sorry, why do you always like to build bases underground?"

Lu Yan felt that he didn't do it on purpose. Who would have thought that after stepping on the ground with a little force, he would fall directly into Danzo's underground base.

Danzo gritted his teeth and stared at Lu Yan, he was full of hatred for Lu Yan now.

Why is this guy running out to sabotage his plans every time?
"You are still alive, why didn't Orochimaru kill you?" Danzang felt that he was deceived by Orochimaru. At that time, Lu Yan had already fought against Orochimaru, but he chose to retreat strategically at that time. Just see the end.

And Orochimaru is now on the high platform above, and dressed up as Kazekage to come to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

So Danzo took it for granted that Orochimaru had already dealt with Lu Yan, and ordered his subordinates to remember to send a few pairs of Sharingan to Orochimaru.

"Damn it." Danzo staggered and took a few steps back, "That Orochimaru lied to me?"

He didn't feel that the strength in his hands could deal with Lu Yan at all. The roots of the previous heyday were all wiped out by Lu Yan alone.

Now they are full of recruits, use their heads to deal with Lu Yan.

Lu Yan had heard Orochimaru's thoughts before, and had no interest in slowly torturing Danzo anymore.

Now that Danzo has been seen, it is better to kill him directly.

Just do it when you think of it.

Lu Yan rushed towards Danzang without saying a word.

Danzang had been on the lookout for Lu Yan's movements for a long time, and now seeing him rushing over, he decisively and quickly made a seal: "Feng Dun, a big breakthrough!"

Danzo's cheeks puffed up, and he spit out from his mouth, so it looked like a small practice blank bullet.

Lu Yan directly resisted with his body, and the black-bottomed red cloud robe on his body was cut densely by the wind blade.

Although he didn't suffer any damage, the forward momentum stagnated and stopped.

Taking advantage of this short respite, hundreds of root members behind them also silently rushed towards Lu Yan.

The smile on Lu Yan's face restrained a little, and he twisted his neck.

"It can't be too long..."

After the words fell, the sun pattern on the back of the right hand lit up with a warm white light.

White light spread out, gradually covering Lu Yan's whole body.

In the dim underground base, such light is not dazzling.

The light dissipated, and the place where Lu Yan was standing had now turned into a humanoid creature wearing platinum armor.

"Is that guy?"

"That's right, does it look like this?"

The first lesson for the root members was to keep silent, but when they saw this pair of platinum armor, they couldn't help but exclaim.

There is no way, their predecessors were destroyed by the people wearing this armor.

And their group of imaginary enemies at the root use this armor as their training target, so there is absolutely no possibility of admitting mistakes.

After Lu Yan put on the emperor's armor, at least one-third of the root members began to stagnate.

Danzo's training has not yet been completed, and the ideological work of this new group of root members is still far behind, and they have not yet cultivated the concept of dying as Danzo adults.

And their strength is not comparable to the previous batch of roots, let alone deal with this big devil who once destroyed the roots.

So after seeing Lu Yan and running away without turning around, Danzo is already well under control.

But if they didn't make a move, it didn't mean that Lu Yan would just watch.

A deafening roar echoed in the underground base.

With the blessing of the emperor's armor, Lu Yan's speed easily reached the speed of sound, and this series of roars was the sound of a sonic boom.

Punch out, raise your knee.

Lu Yan's movements were simple and monotonous, like a white-golden light rushing through the crowd.

But under the blessing of this terrifying speed, even if they simply bumped over with their bodies, these ninjas' fragile bodies could not bear it.

The screams rang out one after another, but this was actually not bad, at least it could still make a sound.

Most of the roots couldn't even scream after Lu Yan passed by, and the body was torn apart like mud.

Not long after, Lu Yan stopped, turned his head to look at Danzo, and a gentle voice came from the armor.

"Just you."

(End of this chapter)

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