The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 170 Immortality vs Immortality

Chapter 170 Immortality vs Immortality
Danzang looked at Lu Yan from a distance, who had already killed all his new root members, and was not surprised.

After all, I have seen it before, and it is normal for Lu Yan to have this kind of strength. Perhaps the only thing that surprised Danzo is that the speed of the massacre was a little too fast.

In such a short time, hundreds of roots were killed without a single one left.

It was too late for Danzo, and he gave up and ran away. No one could remain indifferent to the way his hard work was ruined over and over again.

Maybe he can hide in hiding after escaping again to accumulate strength.

Maybe there is also a chance to make a comeback.

But before that, if Lu Yan is not killed, no matter how many times he comes again, it will be nothing.

Clay figurines are also very angry, not to mention Danzo, who has been in a high position all the year round, how can he run away like a bereaved dog time and time again.

Danzo tore off the bandage on the right side of his body, and threw it on the ground casually, revealing his right arm, which was the same color as Bai Jue.

What's even more frightening is that Danzo's arm, which was originally wrapped in bandages, was filled with blood-red Sharingan, looking around as if it had life.

"Hiss, you look so disgusting, why do you have so many sharing eyes?"

Lu Yan looked back at Danzo's right arm, feeling some physical discomfort.

You can kill me, so why disgust me?

Lu Yan's whole body was covered with platinum and gold emperor's armor, and blood dripped slowly along the outline of the armor.

Originally full of righteousness and compassion, the emperor's armor.

Under this picture that looks like a Shura field, it looks extremely fragmented.

Lu Yan walked towards Danzang unhurriedly, without paying attention to the arm under his foot, he just lifted his foot and stepped on it.

Blood spattered from both sides of the soles of the feet, and when he lifted his feet again, the blood's own viscosity pulled out traces of blood.

Looks like a perverted killer.

Well, Lu Yan's image doesn't look much better now.

Danzo took out a handful of kunai from his sleeve, and walked towards Lu Yan on his own initiative.

Danzo felt as if his throat was blocked by something, he let out a long breath, and then dispelled the untimely grievance in his heart.

"Lu Yan, twice, my hard work was ruined by you! I was ruined twice by the same person!"

Danzo’s voice became louder and louder, and at the end it became like a roar: “Aren’t you from Muye Village? Your parents sacrificed to protect the village, and you? Are you worthy of your dead parents? ? Where is your will of fire!?"

Danzang spit and flew around, as if giving a speech, trying to awaken Lu Yan's conscience.

In fact, Danzo doesn't think he did anything wrong. In his opinion, everything he does, including choosing to watch the fire from the other side when Konoha is attacked, is for the betterment of Konoha Village.

He believes that only when he becomes Hokage can the village develop better.

He clearly knew that he could not solve Lu Yan alone, so he was trying to use verbal blows to make Lu Yan lose his mind.

After all, before Lu Yan was framed by him as a spy, he was indeed an orphan of Muye Village. He also grew up in Muye Village and lived in Muye Village for so many years. He felt that such verbal attacks should have some effect.

It's a pity that Danzo chose Zuidun's target to be Lu Yan.

Someone who isn't even of this world.

Lu Yan looked at Danzo who had already walked in front of him.

Spreading his hands, a gentle and confused voice came out of the armor: "What are you talking about?"

After the voice fell, he raised his hand and clenched his fist.

A straight punch was aimed at Danzo's head.

Like thunder, a sonic boom sounded out of thin air.

Danzo's head disappeared and turned into a blood mist.

It turned into a headless corpse and fell slowly.

Because it was too simple, Lu Yan seemed a little surprised.

However, his whole body was covered by armor, so he couldn't see his expression clearly.

Looking down at the motionless Danzo under his feet, he stretched out his toes and poked Danzo's body.

After confirming Danzo's death, it didn't take long to look up at the hole above.

He was going to fly back to the ground directly along the hole he fell from before.

Lu Yan walked right under the entrance of the cave, moved a bit and was about to start jumping.

A metallic buzz sounded from Lu Yan's waist.

It turned out that Danzo stabbed Kunai in his waist with his hand, but it was a pity that he did not penetrate the protection of the armor, but broke the Kunai instead.

Lu Yan lowered his head, and Danzo raised his head.

The two stared at each other in silence for two seconds, looking a little embarrassed.

"What are you doing?" Lu Yan spoke first to break the awkward atmosphere.

Danzo came back to his senses, jumped back quickly, and opened a distance that made him feel a little safe.

A few drops of sweat dripped from Danzo's forehead, and he regretted it a bit. If he had known that Lu Yan's armor was so strong in defense, he should have played dead.

Lu Yan stared at Danzang curiously for a long time, he couldn't figure it out, it was obvious that Danzang was indeed smashed in the head by him just now.

Why is there no injury at all, and it still feels so alive?

Lu Yan turned his attention to the dense Sharingan on Danzo's arm, and nodded thoughtfully.

He probably realized what it was, mainly because he didn't think about it at first. After all, everyone else is on the eyes, and he didn't expect that the Danzang outfit can be used in his hands.

When this ninjutsu was still in his previous library, he saw such a record in a chronicle of Konoha Village.

The forbidden art of the Uchiha clan, Izanagi.

At the moment of activation, the state of the caster is recorded. During the duration of this spell, all damage suffered by the caster, even the death of the caster, can be physically restored to the writing wheel. The state of the eye record.

The price is that the eye that uses Izanagi will permanently lose its light, so it is listed as a forbidden technique.

Because the description of this ninjutsu is a bit similar to Lu Yan's own state, so he memorized it.

Lu Yan asked gently: "You, are you Izanagi?"

Danzo blinked, a mouthful of old blood almost didn't come out, and his face looked a little unnaturally rosy.

Danzo really didn't expect Lu Yan to know this kind of thing, obviously even many members of the Uchiha clan don't know this technique.

It was originally considered by him as a hole card to turn the tables, but Lu Yan directly called out his name.

A hole card that is known to others, what is it called a hole card?

Danzo took a deep breath, returned to the appearance of Furui Wubo, raised his right hand full of Sharingan, and said calmly: "Since I was recognized by you, that's fine. Let's see if I use it first. Just use the Sharingan in your hand, you should use up your chakra first."

Danzo didn't believe that Lu Yan's powerful armored ninjutsu would have no consumption, at worst, it would be a waste, let's see who can't hold it first.

Before his writing sharing eyes are exhausted.

He is immortal.

(End of this chapter)

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