The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 173 This Is The Flying Thunder God Part 2

Chapter 173 This is the second stage of Flying Thunder God
After all, Sasuke is only a 12-year-old child, and the castle is not very deep. When he heard Shima Sennin's words, his face turned red instantly.

Like a child who was immediately exposed after telling a lie, he was at a loss.

Sasuke still thought about waiting for Jiraiya to leave, and immediately took Naruto to use the Flying Thunder God technique to leave Konoha Village.

Now the remaining chakra in the body is just enough to support him to take Naruto for a long-distance teleportation.


Ji Lai, who was about to rush towards the high platform, also froze.

Turning around, he looked at Sasuke whose expression changed drastically.

With Sasuke's appearance, even Zilai, who has no intentions, can realize that something is wrong.

With a complete complexion, he said in a deep voice: "What else are you hiding? Tell me as soon as possible."

Jiraiya is now in a hurry to save Sarutobi Hiruza, and has no time to play guessing games with Sasuke.

Sasuke faltered, and under the intense mood swings, he really couldn't figure out any good reason in a short time.

"If you don't say anything, I'll have to arrest you first."

Saying that, Jiraiya took another two steps towards Sasuke, his tall figure was full of oppression.

At this moment, a strange and magnetic voice sounded from behind Sasuke.

"Hehe, the legendary Sannin Jiraiya is actually bullying children here."

Hearing the voice, Jiraiya looked up subconsciously.

Two men in red robes with black background and bamboo hats came from a distance without haste.

It was the duo of Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Kisame who had rushed to Konoha Village before.

That mocking sentence was said by Kisame Kisame, who has ninja sword muscles on his back.

Jiraiya narrowed his eyes slightly, and the expression on his face became more serious: "Xiao..."

This iconic red cloud robe with a black background has been seen many times since then.

There is no doubt that every member of the Xiao organization is an extremely difficult person.

Jilai is also very clear that even one dangerous person like this is very troublesome, and at this time, in Muye Village, in addition to the Lu Yan duo who came to Muye Village before, there is actually another group of Xiao Organization member.

If it was one against two, even he would have a hard time dealing with these two members of the Akatsuki organization in a short time.

Jiraiya heaved a sigh of relief, no longer thinking about it, he could only hope that Sarutobi Hiruzen could hold on for a while longer.

Uchiha Itachi took off the bamboo hat on his head, and the pair of blood-red Sangoama Sharingan looked at Jiraiya calmly, and said calmly: "Master Ziraiya, long time no see."

Dried persimmon ghost shark also took off his bamboo hat, and grinned, revealing his row of shark teeth.

Jilai also saw Itachi Uchiha, and his expression became serious: "It's you?"

He knew Itachi Uchiha, and he also knew how difficult this genius of the Uchiha clan was.

Sasuke didn't look back, but his expression became extremely ferocious.

He heard the voice that had been lurking deep in his memory.

Sasuke's head was mechanically dull, and he turned his head slowly, looking at Itachi Uchiha behind him, his extremely suppressed emotions began to swell rapidly.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Sasuke's roar sounded heart-piercing, and Jiraiya was startled.

Kisame Kisame took off the Ninja Sword Muscle behind him, and said mockingly: "Yo, it's so rare that I saw Blood Wheel Eyes twice in one day, Mr. Itachi, this brat looks a lot like you. "

There was no slight fluctuation in Uchiha Itachi's eyes, and he seemed to explain indifferently: "He is my younger brother."

In the night of the Uchiha extermination, the only life left in Itachi's hands.

Sasuke stared straight at Itachi Uchiha with his blood-red eyes, and at this moment he completely lost his mind.

The only obsession left is to kill the man in front of him.


Sasuke held the two Flying Thunder God Kunai in his hands, and threw them towards Uchiha Itachi one after the other with killing intent.

Uchiha Itachi tilted his head to avoid Kunai's attack.

Later, it was discovered that Sasuke's figure and Kunai had switched positions, and they had come behind him. At the same time, Sasuke held a handful of Kunai in his hand and stabbed directly at Itachi's back.

Uchiha Itachi moved his body and raised his foot for a roundabout kick. Just when he was about to kick Sasuke, Sasuke disappeared again.

Don't forget, Sasuke threw out two Flying Thunder God Kunai in one breath.

"This is the second stage of Flying Thunder God! Die for me."

A voice full of resentment and killing intent came from behind Uchiha Itachi.

There was an imperceptible approval in Itachi's eyes, and it disappeared in a flash, and calm was restored again, and the Sangouyu Sharingan in his eyes also turned into a kaleidoscope at the same time.

He looked back at Sasuke.

Directly pulled Sasuke into the Yueyue space.

The picture in Sasuke's eyes turned, as if he had returned to the night of the extermination of the genocide.

The corpses of clan members lay on the ground...


Sasuke let out a series of terrified roars, and then collapsed on the ground limply, twitching from time to time.

Dried persimmon ghost shark carried the shark muscle, hehe laughed twice: "Mr. Itachi is really cruel to his younger brother."

Although Kisame still has some doubts that Uchiha Itachi came to Konoha Village because of his younger brother, but seeing Itachi attacking so ruthlessly, he is not sure whether Itachi is protecting his younger brother or torturing him.

After all, Yuedu has never seen Itachi use this trick of illusion a few times. If his mind is not firm, he will collapse and become a fool on the spot.

A ten-year-old child, how firm can he be expected to be?
From Jiraiya's point of view, this scene looked like Uchiha Itachi turned his head and glared at Sasuke, and solved Sasuke in an instant.

This kind of weird illusion made Zilai feel a little scared.

After slowing down, Jilai also curled his lips and said, "Your target must be Naruto."

This is the most likely reason after Jiraiya's speculation.

After his inquiries, it seemed that the Akatsuki organization was really preparing to collect tailed beasts.

Based on the currently known information, it can be speculated that the only reason why they came to Muye Village is the unconscious Naruto lying behind him.

Kisame Kisame shouldered his shoulders and nodded approvingly, he liked his imaginary opponent: "As expected of Jiraiya who is called the legendary Sannin.

That's right, this is the order of our great leader. Our purpose is to take Naruto away, and we don't want to make trouble. If you hand over Naruto, we will leave by ourselves. "

Zilai also twisted his neck, and said in a casual tone: "In this case, let's deal with you two first, and then go to see your leader."

Indeed, few of these Akatsuki members had simple problems, but Zilai really didn't think that he would not be able to solve them.

Uchiha Itachi's kaleidoscope Sharingan shone with light, and he was just worried that Sasuke would take a look.

Unexpectedly, it was inconvenient to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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