The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 174 Jiraiya VS Ghost Shark 2 Team

Chapter 174 Jiraiya VS Kisame Duo

"Master Jiraiya."

Just when the scene was tense, a shout came from the air.

Two figures fell to the ground, one of whom Lu Yan still knew was the moonlight blast who seemed to have kidney deficiency.

He and Uzuki Xiyan are in a relationship as a couple.

Another special jounin who is also Konoha, named Yamashiro Aoba, wears sunglasses like a fortune teller.

Moonlight Gale fell beside Jiraiya, and explained weakly: "Master Jiraiya, ah, Lord Fukasaku and Lord Shima are also here, it's great that you can come, go and see if you can break the Orochimaru The enchantment, the third generation seems to be unable to hold on."

At this time, the sound ninja and sand ninja in the arena were basically eliminated.

After all, Konoha Village is also the strongest ninja village no matter what. Whether it is high-end combat power or the quantity and quality of ordinary ninjas, it is far behind other ninja villages.

What's more, this is the home field of Muye Village.

Even if they were suddenly attacked, big clans like Hyuga from Konoha Village did not stand up to maintain the situation.

Nor can the hundreds of ninjas from Shayin Village and Yinnin Village in this area be able to subvert it.

Moonlight Gale had just finished off the enemy in hand when he noticed Jiraiya who had already arrived at the martial arts arena.

Called Qingye from the mountain city to the side and ran to ask for help decisively.

The sealing squad with one large scroll per person has also arrived on the battlefield and rushed directly towards Shouhe.

Kisame Kisame looked up at Shuzuru who was besieged by elite ninjas not far away, and said with his unique male duck voice: "Mr. Itachi, there are two tailed beasts here."

The implication is that he is asking Uchiha Itachi if he wants to capture both tailed beasts at once.

Itachi Uchiha glanced at Kisame lightly, but did not respond.

Aoba Yamashiro also turned to look at Itachi Uchiha and the two, frowning.

It's also a coincidence, Shanshiro Aoba, like Itachi, is also good at fire escape, and the psychic beast is a crow.

"Uchiha Itachi? I didn't expect that even this kind of rebellious ninja appeared in the village."

Zilai also hummed, his complexion changed, and he said to Yueguang Gaifeng and the others: "Leave first, this is not an opponent you can deal with."

After Sharingan evolved from Sangouyu to Kaleidoscope, the blessing to the ninja's combat power is quite different.

Moonlight Gale nodded obediently, and the two left immediately using the instant body technique.

They need to call for more support.

Jiraiya stepped in front of Uchiha Itachi and the two, blocking the unconscious Naruto behind him.

Looking directly at Uchiha Itachi's blood-red eyes calmly, he is not afraid of Uchiha Itachi's sudden use of illusion.

You know, in Jiraiya's immortal mode, he has a connection with the two toad immortals.

The principle of illusion is essentially just to disturb the flow of chakra in the opponent's body.

Therefore, in the case of the illusion, as long as the other party intervenes, the illusion can be dispelled.

Unless Uchiha Itachi can control the two Toad Immortals and Jilai at once, there will be no effect.

Jiraiya lowered his head, checked his eyes with the two toads on the left and right, and laughed: "Then, you don't have to take it easy."

Jiraiya folded his hands together and started to make a seal, and the two toads also started to make a seal quickly.

"Senfa, Goemon!"

A violent hurricane spewed out from Fukasaku Immortal's mouth, while Shima Immortal on the other side spewed out a thick flame.

Jiraiya in the middle spit out a mouthful of toad oil.

The three attacks with different attributes mixed together and turned into a liquid flame similar to magma. Under the blessing of the hurricane, it rolled bigger and bigger, and attacked Uchiha Itachi and Kisame Kisame.

Immortal method, wherever Goemon passed by was directly turned into hot rock.

The faces of Kisame Kisame and Itachi Uchiha were both illuminated into fiery red, but the two did not panic, and Itachi Uchiha didn't even make any movements.

Dried Persimmon Kisame raised his hands and began to form seals very quickly, forming dozens of seals in less than a second.

"Water escape, the technique of the great waterfall."

As Kisame completed the seal, he called out the name of the technique.

A turbulent water wave immediately appeared under his feet, and the water wave became more and more surging, covering an area of ​​several square kilometers.

It seems to turn the land around the Martial Arts Field into a large lake.

Not long after, two large ninjutsu collided together.

chi chi chi ~
The needlepoint of the waves and magma is like a wheat awn, and the moment it touches, it's like boiling water.

The white mist rose crazily, and the thick heat was suffocating.

In the distance, Uchiha Itachi and Kisame Kisame stood calmly on the water, swaying with the waves.

"As expected of the legendary Sannin, it's amazing."

Dried Persimmon Kisame couldn't help sighing, it really wasn't him being sarcastic.

A ninjutsu confrontation almost consumed most of the chakra in his body, and he barely resisted it.

This kind of terrifying ninjutsu power, if his shark muscles are not counted, he would not even be qualified to be an opponent against Jiraiya.

"He's here." Uchiha Itachi reminded lightly.

The voice just fell.

A figure suddenly emerged from the water, it was Jiraiya.

In his hand is a blue chakra ball, the size of a basketball.

Except for the different size, the round ball is almost exactly the same as the spiral pill used by Namikaze Minato.

Pressing directly towards the dried persimmon Kisame, Jiraiya didn't even glance at Uchiha Itachi next to Kisame.

If you want to fight two against one, it is the best choice to give priority to reducing the number of opponents.

But Kisame heard Uchiha Itachi's reminder, and was always paying attention to the movement underwater.

Swing the shark muscle to shoot down Jiraiya, and then the shark muscle was carried on the back, and began to form a seal quickly: "Water escape, the art of the big shark bomb."

Under the impact of the water waves, the dried persimmon ghost shark seemed to be floating in the air out of thin air.

A huge shark-like attack appeared from behind him. The huge shark was half the size of a shrine crane, and it was purely made of water.

It rushed out at a speed that was completely inconsistent with the size of the shark.

Uchiha Itachi jumped high and left the battlefield to them.

Kakashi, Sarutobi Asma and others were completely attracted to an auditorium in the arena.

Originally, they were still assisting in the sealing of Shouhe, and the progress of the sealing had come to an end.

Gaara just used the technique of feigning sleep. Although it looks no different from Tailed Beast, the difference in the difficulty of sealing is quite obvious.

You only need to wake Gaara up to suppress the crane again.

And there was so much commotion outside the martial arts arena that the entire periphery was almost submerged in water.

Kakashi and the others naturally didn't fail to notice.

Moonlight Hayate also landed beside Kakashi and the others at this time, and after landing, he saw Yugao Uzuki also there, but now the situation is urgent and there is no time to distribute dog food.

Moonlight Hayate explained half-deadly: "Uchiha Itachi has also come to the village, and Master Jiraiya is fighting with them."

(End of this chapter)

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