The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 186 Lu Yan's Counterattack

Chapter 186 Lu Yan's Counterattack

"Is this the power of the ninja god?"

Dried persimmon ghost shark's expression looked a little stiff.

If there really is a god in this world, this kind of terrifying strength can indeed be called a god.

Such strength, for ordinary ninjas, is completely hopeless, and it is a height that ordinary people cannot reach no matter how hard they practice.

Even the thoughtful Uchiha Itachi was full of shock at this time.

He might be able to use Susanoo to fight against the wooden man technique before, but now this huge Guanyin Buddha statue.

If it was him, Uchiha Itachi tried everything, but couldn't find any possibility of winning, maybe he could only try with illusion?
"Then, Lu Yan, what can you do in the face of such an opponent?"

Uchiha Itachi looked thoughtfully at the huge platinum humanoid armor in the distance.

As for Lu Yan, who was standing under the huge Avalokitesvara Buddha statue, there was no fluctuation in his heart. Apart from being shocked by this huge Buddha statue, he didn't feel that there was anything difficult to solve.

"It's just so big, it's a bit troublesome to disassemble."

Although Fatianxiangdi is an inherent ability of the emperor's armor, this state is still quite exhausting for Lu Yan.

Maybe it doesn't support him to tear down the Guanyin statue.

Qianshou Zhujian looked down at Lu Yan below, without hesitation, he clapped his hands together.

Following the movement between the thousand-hand pillars, the entire Guanyin Buddha statue also began to move.

This ninjutsu is called True Thousand Hands. In fact, the number of arms behind the wooden statue is far more than a thousand.

Arms stretched out one after another, and fell towards Lu Yan.

Boom boom boom! !

Huge roars sounded one after another.

All of a sudden, the wind and sand blew up, and the smoke and dust caused by the arm attack covered Lu Yan's figure.

If it was just one arm, it would be about the same size as a wooden man's arm.

At this moment, it was as if thousands of wooden figures were constantly punching Lu Yan.

The whole scene can even be said to have been turned upside down, the ground was constantly beating by the Buddha's arms, as if a magnitude [-] earthquake had occurred.

The ninjas who watched the battle had to attach chakra to the soles of their feet to prevent themselves from being thrown away by the vibration caused by the battle.

It was obvious that he was the instigator of this horrible scene, but the expression of Senshou Zhujian gradually became serious.

He could feel that under the continuous beating of these wooden arms, Lu Yan below him could still maintain a standing posture, standing upright and bearing his attack.

It was the first time that Senshou Bashirama encountered an opponent that even the real Qianshou couldn't penetrate the defense.

Putting his hands together again, the berserk Chakra swept out from Qianshou Zhujian's body, and he shouted loudly: "Immortal method, wood escape, transform Buddha on top."

The Guanyin statue he stepped on began to change, and the appearance of Guanyin faded away, looking like a real big Buddha.

The Buddha on the top is an enhanced version of the real Qianshou.

Even though the essence is to attack with the arm of the Buddha statue, every punch now has gathered all the weight of the Buddha.

The strength is so great that it almost smashes the arm.

Everyone who watched the battle counted one by one, and they all showed expressions of disbelief.

Namikaze Minato opened his mouth wide, as if he could stuff a whole duck egg.

"Is this really the power a man can have?"

I don't know where the Qianben in Huo Xuanjian's mouth fell, and he muttered: "No one can survive such an attack, right?"

And Lu Yan, who was being beaten by thousands of hands, clearly felt the soaring strength of these arms.

The body that could have remained upright was gradually bent under the beating of the Buddha's arm.

Lu Yan's body was covered in the emperor's armor, but he didn't feel much pain.

"It's just a little embarrassing."

Lu Yan's voice came from inside the armor, but unfortunately no one heard it.

A bright golden frame appeared on Lu Yan's chest.

Stretching his hand into the golden frame, he fumbled twice as if looking for something.

Then slowly pull out the arm.

The Emperor's Aurora Sword with a silver-white handle and a golden blade was already held by Lu Yan.

He straightened his body and swung his sword backhand.

A thick big Buddha arm was cut off directly from the middle.

Lu Yan flung out a sword flower casually, his brow covered by the armor mask slightly frowned.

Sure enough, I still feel that the scythe is easier to use.

However, no matter what kind of weapon it is, for Lu Yan, there is no problem of not being able to use it.

At most, it depends on whether he uses it smoothly or not.

After all, in such a long time, Lu Yan has played with almost all weapons. It is a bit exaggerated to say that the human sword is one, but at least it is at the level of proficiency in all cold weapons.

Suddenly stepping on the ground, Lu Yan flew up,

Due to the violent bombardment of Hua Buddha on the top, Lu Yan's movements did not seem particularly conspicuous.

The thick arms of the big Buddha gathered densely, as if forming an impenetrable wooden wall in the air.

Leaping high, when he reached mid-air, a pair of smooth wings grew from behind Lu Yan, and the wings fluttered, making his movements in the air extremely flexible.

If you can hide, you can hide, if you can't hide, you just swing your sword.

Regardless of whether the Emperor's Aurora Sword is a wood escape or something, there is no attribute suppression, it all depends on which side is stronger.

After swinging the sword for such a period of time, Lu Yan also realized the flaws of the Aurora Sword. This weapon is not sharp, and even saying a blunt sword is an exaggeration to it.

From Lu Yan's personal experience, this thing is more like a sword-shaped stick.

It is very doubtful whether it can stab people to death.

However, the sword is also good, and the stick is also good.

As long as it can withstand the huge strength of the user, it is a good weapon.

The attacking effect of the giant Buddha's arm could be felt in Qianshouzhujian, and it was obvious that Lu Yan was gradually advancing in his direction, and he could not even be suppressed by the Buddha's transformation on the top.

After clasping his hands together, he stretched them out, and shouted in a deep voice: "Mu Dun is all about the art of bagging."

Huge pieces of wood rose from the ground and swept towards Lu Yan.

This is a control type of ninjutsu, and it also has a wide range. The purpose of developing this technique was to restrict the activities of the Nine Tails.

Fortunately, Lu Yan's body size is not small at this time, which is just right for him.

Several pieces of wood were not attacked by the giant Buddha's arm, so the attack came first, and they directly entangled Lu Yan.

At the same time, dozens of giant Buddha's arms were manipulated by Zhu Jian and smashed down neatly towards Lu Yan.

boom! ! !
The simultaneous attacks of dozens of giant Buddha's arms could not withstand the wooden planks used to control Lu Yan.

It is collapsing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But Lu Yan's figure disappeared from sight.

No, it should not be said to disappear.

He released Fa Tian Xiang Di when the attack was about to arrive.

It returned to the size of a normal person, and easily got out from the gap between the wooden boards.

(End of this chapter)

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