The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 187 Do You Think You Can Kill Me?

Chapter 187 Do You Think You Can Kill Me?

"Emperor Wind Piercer."

A gentle voice sounded clearly, the volume was so low that it seemed to be muttering to himself, but it was strangely transmitted to the ears of everyone present.

This is the openness that belongs to the order itself.

In the sawdust flying all over the sky, a blue-white light flickered, so bright that people couldn't help but want to explore it.

The white wings behind Lu Yan unfolded elegantly and slowly. As he spread his hands, the wings scattered into dots of white light, lingering around his body.

I don't know that Huo Xuanjian couldn't move his eyes, just staring at Lu Yan.

And not only him, but everyone else present also looked at this scene with shock.

If it wasn't for the hostile relationship, perhaps many Konoha ninjas couldn't help but cheer for him.

"Is this an angel?"

"Are we making an enemy of such an existence?"

After all, in this world, no ninja has ever seen such a righteous armor, let alone a pair of dazzling white wings growing behind the armor.

Hiruzen Sarutobi heard the comments of the Konoha ninjas, and then he recovered from his amazement, and shouted loudly: "Don't forget your identities!"

Senshou Tobema was shocked in this scene, deeper than all the ninjas present.

It is no exaggeration to say that he knows the principles of all ninjutsu in this world.

Only Lu Yan, whether it's this armor or the white wings.

He couldn't even understand what this attribute was, which made him feel a strong sense of frustration.

Just when the ninjas were immersed in this peculiar picture, the picture began to change to killing.

Holding the sword in Lu Yan's right hand, he drew it back slightly, and the scattered wings gradually entrenched around his body as if being pulled by some kind.

Grabbing the blue and white feathers condenses into a spike-shaped blue and white light blade, which looks somewhat similar to Feng Yingxia's Wind Piercer, but its momentum is far beyond.

Lu Yan aimed at the Thousand-Handed Pillar above the Buddha's head, swung his sword, and made a straight thrust.

A goshawk screamed from nowhere, sharp and high-pitched.

Then the spikes around Lu Yan's body were like soldiers who had heard the order, and rushed towards Qianshou Zhujian without fear of death.

The flying speed of these blue and white dazzling spikes was so fast that Senjujuma in the distance had only time to cover his chest with his hands.

Chi Chi Chi! ! !
A series of blue and white spikes came out of his body, and Senshou Zhujian's body became tattered in an instant.

With the general physical defense of ninjas, it is impossible to resist this wind piercing stab. Even Senju Hashirama, who is called the god of ninjas, wants to resist purely with the body, which is a dream.

Fortunately, the reincarnated body of the dirty soil will not bleed, and the picture is not so bloody.

"Big brother!"

There was a worried cry from the Qianshouban. Although he knew that the reincarnated body of the dirty soil would not be injured, he still couldn't help being a little nervous in desperation.

After all, even if normal ninjutsu caused damage to the reincarnated body, it would recover automatically in a short time, but who knew what this tin man was doing.

I don't know if it's ninjutsu or not.

Qianshou Zhujian took an Emperor Piercing Wind Piercing forcefully, and his center of gravity became unstable, and he fell from the top of the Buddha's head.

Qianshou Feijian had quick eyesight and quick hands, and immediately used the Flying Thunder God Technique to connect the pillar that was only half of its body, and carefully inspected the situation in the pillar.

Finally relieved.

The wounds all over Hashirama's body are gradually recovering, as long as he can recover, he will be fine.

On the other hand, Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't expect that even Senju Bashirama was not Lu Yan's opponent, and he lost so suddenly.

In desperation, they had to deploy defense urgently.

Anbe and Konoha elite ninjas, under the deployment of Sarutobi Hiruzen, managed to put on a decent battle formation.

Lu Yan has no wings behind him, but he can still stay in the air.

Slowly landed towards the position where Senjubashima and the Hokages were.

It landed in front of several people softly without making a sound. It seemed that even after such a battle, it still performed with ease.

Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others were not so relaxed, they all looked at Lu Yan as if they were facing a formidable enemy, their faces tensed.

He was always on guard against Lu Yan's sudden attack.

However, Lu Yan didn't seem to have such an idea, a flash of light flashed, and he directly exited the state of armor integration.

Lu Yan showed a familiar and kind look on his face, just confronting the ninjas like this.

He's trying to build up his anger, thinking about the fight that happened earlier, trying to regain control of his emotions.

However, in all the previous battles, Lu Yan was wearing the emperor's armor. Under the cover of that order ability, he didn't feel any anger or excitement at all.

If it wasn't for wearing the emperor's armor, which made him unable to kill with peace of mind, he wouldn't have lifted the armor directly.

The energy of the armor has not been exhausted yet.

Lu Yan finally accepted this reality and scratched his head depressingly.

Kindly explained to Sarutobi Hiruzen: "According to my normal temper, you should all be killed by me at this meeting."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi almost didn't choke on his words.

Well, do I still have to thank you?

The main reason is that Lu Yan's kind expression, paired with what he said, is full of irony.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi took a deep breath and said, "What do you want to do?"

Thinking about it carefully, this battle started inexplicably, and ended without causing any casualties.

At most, the Martial Arts Field had to be rebuilt, but in fact, the Martial Arts Field was also destroyed because of the arrival of the tree boundary between the Thousand Hand Columns.

Thinking of this, Hiruzaru Sarutobi finally remembered what he had neglected.

But now Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't find any trace of Orochimaru, obviously he was still watching the battle from a distance.

"Yo, Mr. Yan, have you played enough?"

Behind Lu Yan, a voice like the voice of a male duck suddenly sounded.

Turning his head, it was the dried persimmon ghost shark, who was holding the shark muscle and waving in Lu Yan's direction.

Uchiha Itachi stood side by side with Kisame, but he didn't intend to come over.

Qianshou Feijian saw Lu Yan turn his head defenselessly, and he was not covered with that strange armor either.

A good opportunity secretly.

A short knife appeared from nowhere, was held by Fei Jian, aimed at Lu Yan's heart, and it was a flying thunder god cut.


There was a muffled sound of the sharp knife piercing into the flesh, and blood spattered all over for a while.

Lu Yan lowered his head, looking at the bloody dagger that pierced his back and protruded from his chest.

Turning his head unhurriedly, Qianshou Fanjian behind him still maintained the movement of Flying Thunder God.

The amiable look on Lu Yan's face gradually subsided, and gradually became calm without any waves.

"I really have to thank you for making me excited."

(End of this chapter)

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