The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 194 Anxious Jiraiya

Chapter 194 Anxious Jiraiya

Silent all night.

As the sun rises, the streets gradually become lively. This festival will last for a while, and it doesn't just last for one day.

The hawkers who set up the stalls came out again pushing small carts, or carrying baskets on their backs, and set up their stalls on the ground.

After all, this world has not yet developed a formal commercialization process. It is purely to grab the traffic, so you have to get up early in the morning to occupy the best booths first.

Lu Yan stretched his waist and walked out of the alley.

Although he didn't sleep all night, it didn't have any effect on his mental state.

Looking up into the distance, the door of the izakaya has not been opened yet. Normally speaking, there are definitely not many customers who come to drink early in the morning.

In order to earn that few dollars, the owner might as well sleep more.

Since the door hadn't been opened yet and the two experimental materials could not be found, Lu Yan simply walked around at the festival to pass the time.


At the gate of the commercial town.

A tall man with white hair reaching his waist was walking towards the town.

Lu Yan also knew this person, and it was Zilaiye who had been caught by him once before.

Because after the joint attack of Yinnin Village and Sand Hidden Village, Muye Village was devastated and was being rebuilt.

And other Ninja villages had to prepare for the news from Senshou Zhujian, and they didn't arrive so soon.

It's okay to let Jiraiya fight, but it's hard for him to let him build a house. Jiraiya also simply came out of the village, planning to find Tsunade back.

Yes, the legendary Sannin, apart from Jiraiya and Orochimaru, the last one is Tsunade.

At the same time, Tsunade is also the granddaughter of Senju Bashima.

Regardless of status or strength, for Konoha Village, Tsunade who was wandering outside should be called back at this time.

Zilai also looked at the bustling scene in the town, and the haze in his heart was dispelled a lot.

"Tsunate should be right here."

Ji Lai also scratched the back of his head, then his expression changed, and he walked into the town.

But before he was serious, he was attracted by a kabuki standing in front of the store.

"Grandfather is here to play duck~"

"Hey...hey, okay..."


Three poles in the sun.

Lu Yan wandered around doing nothing for a long time, and finally saw the izakaya open.

He walked directly towards the store.

There were not many people in the store at this time, after all, it had not been long since it opened.

Lu Yan was not in a hurry, calmly ordered a glass of sake, sat down at a gaming table, and quietly waited for Tsunade to appear.

No way, there really aren't any serious wine tables in this izakaya, they are all long tables for gambling.

It can be seen that opening a casino is more profitable than selling alcohol.

Fortunately, Tsunade didn't keep Lu Yan waiting for long. When there was more than half of the sake in the glass, he saw Tsunade and Shizune walking in from the door of the store.

Tsunade swaggered and sat across from Lu Yan, and said familiarly: "Oh, Lu Yan, you came quite early."

Lu Yan picked up the cup in front of him, took a sip, showed a smile, and explained, "It's okay anyway, I got up early."

Tsunade also laughed and said, "Then continue?"



The big bed shrouded in red gauze.

Yingying Yanyan hummed non-stop, and Zilai was also lying in the middle, hugging left and right very chicly.

Zilai was so happy that the corners of his mouth almost reached the back of his head, and there was a blush on his face.

At this moment, two men also walked into the store, talking loudly, a mere layer of red gauze couldn't block the sound at all.

"I didn't mean you, why did you ask me to relax in broad daylight today?"

"Stop talking, let's play first, you don't know, I didn't fall asleep all night when I went back last night."

"Hey, what happened to you?"

"Speaking of it, it's scary. I was in the alley last night and saw a tin monster eating people! Don't you know..."

As the two men walked into the store, the voices of the conversation grew further and further away.

And Jirai in the room seemed to have his soul taken away too, and he forgot to mope the maiko in his arms.

Not for anything else, mainly because the iron monster in the mouth of men reminded Jilai also of Lu Yan, a member of the Akatsuki organization.

In the ninja world, the only "ninjutsu" used by that guy is a kind of metal armor.

Zilai never expected to find traces of members of the Akatsuki organization in this small town, so he quickly got up from the bed and chased after the two men in the direction they left.

He wanted to confirm whether the iron monster the man was talking about was really Lu Yan.

If so, what is the purpose of Lu Yan coming to this small town.

Could it be that Lu Yan's goal is Tsunade?

Thinking of this, Jiraiya looked even more anxious. No matter how he thought about it, Tsunade couldn't possibly be Lu Yan's opponent.


In the izakaya.

Tsunade, who was worried by Jiraiya, was laughing wildly.

Lu Yan stared blankly at the empty table in front of him.

Tsunade gave him a stack of money last night, and he saved all the money except for buying clothes.

You know, in order to save money, he didn't eat or stay in a hotel.

As a result, I lost everything in just two strokes. If I knew it, I might as well have eaten something good last night.

Fortunately, his goal is not to make money from gambling.

Lu Yan put his hands on the table, stood up, looked at Tsunade amiably, and said, "Can I trouble you to do an experiment with me?"

Tsunade lowered his head and counted the coins in his hand, and when he heard Lu Yan's words, his eyes flashed brightly.

Shizune's whole body tensed up, is she finally going to show her feet?

"Okay, where to do it?"

Tsunade stuffed Shizune with a stack of money in his hand, and stood up.

Lu Yan nodded and walked towards the door.

A gentle voice came: "Go to a place where there is no one."


There was a loud noise, and Jiraiya pushed open the door of the izakaya sweating profusely.

From the witness's description, Zilai can basically confirm that it is Lu Yan.

With such a dangerous guy in this small town, Tsunade's personal safety is worth worrying about.

So Zilai rushed to the casino in the small town non-stop. Fortunately, the town is not big, and there are only two casinos in total.

Jiraiya went to the serious casino first, but didn't hear about Tsunade, so he hurried to this izakaya again.

In the izakaya, most of the gamblers who had been having a good time looked at Jiraiya in surprise, who told him to make such a big commotion.

"Excuse me, have you ever seen the legendary fat sheep?"

Jiraiya didn't have time to waste now, so he asked loudly, trying to get important information from the gamblers.

But gamblers recognize money but not people, just shouting like this, who knows you?

In the end, a kind clerk at the izakaya pulled Jiraiya aside and said, "You're talking about that woman who likes to gamble. Unfortunately, she just left with a man."

(End of this chapter)

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