The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 195 The Experiment Begins

Chapter 195 The Experiment Begins

In an open space outside the town.

Three figures walked in front of each other.

Tsunade, who was anxiously looking for Jiraiya, walked behind.

After walking so far, Tsunade became a little impatient, and shouted loudly: "Hey! Lu Yan, it's almost time, there is no one here."

Hearing this, Lu Yan stopped, turned around to look at Tsunade and Jingyin, and nodded his head in agreement.

"That's it. In fact, the research is very simple. I just want to try and see if I can seal you off. Don't resist."


Mute: "..."

A gust of wind blew by, adding a bit of chill to the atmosphere in the room of the three.

Tsunade didn't expect Lu Yan to have a showdown all of a sudden, so he chuckled: "I liked you quite a bit, but I finally met a funny guy. Tell me, which village are you from?"

Tsunade rubbed her fists, preparing to make a move, she wondered if it was because she hadn't made a move for too long.

Why do cats and dogs dare to come and provoke her?
In fact, because there is no chakra in his body, Lu Yan is really not very threatening to most ninjas.

Lu Yan scratched his head and added helplessly: "I can guarantee that you will not die, so you still don't want to?"

However, Lu Yan did not wait for the answer he wanted.

I only waited for a stern shout.

"Painful feet!"

Tsunade jumped high, and in mid-air, stretched out a long white and tender leg, and threw it down towards Lu Yan.

Don't underestimate Tsunade's attack. Not many people in the ninja world can withstand this kick.

A huge violent sound resounded in the open space.

The place where Lu Yan was originally staying was already filled with smoke and dust.

The ground seemed to have been bombed by a missile, and the soil clods were raised high.

Tsunade straightened up, clapped his hands, spat lightly, and said, "It seems that there are still two brushes."

Lu Yan fell from midair. It turned out that he jumped into the air to avoid Tsunade's attack just now.

"It's so violent."

With such terrifying strength, almost one blow could break him to the point of breaking his bones.

Light flashed on the right arm, and the emperor's armor had already covered Lu Yan's body.

"Then let's compare who is tougher."

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Yan's figure disappeared directly in place, and when he reappeared, he had rushed to less than three meters away from Tsunade.

The speed was so fast that Tsunade didn't even have time to react.

Tsunade held his breath subconsciously, and then punched out.

In the ninja world, apart from Maitekai who didn't know where to go to perform the mission, this was the first time Lu Yan encountered this kind of ninja who was so courageous that he used his body to carry the armor hard.

Lu Yan's body reflexively used a grappling move, turned to the right, and at the same time stretched out his left hand to hold Tsunade's wrist.

Taking advantage of the situation, he bent his knees and went up to the top, and the heavy blow made Tsunade lose his ability to react for a short time.

Then he raised Tsunade's wrist high, turned around as if throwing her over his shoulder, and slammed her into the ground.

Under this series of blows, Tsunade foamed at the mouth and passed out on the spot, not even having time to use Baihao's technique.

Shi Jing is worthy of being Tsunade's loyal follower. Seeing that Tsunade was knocked out by Lu Yan, and the pink pig in her arms was thrown to the ground by her, she gritted her teeth and rushed towards Lu Yan with an excited expression on her face.



Ji Lai also stood on the roof, noticed the movement in the open space outside the town, and rushed towards the open space.

He learned from the clerk that Tsunade and Shizune had left with a man.

Before coming out of the izakaya, he didn't forget to ask the man what he looked like.

Although according to the clerk's description, the mysterious man was not wearing a red cloud robe with a black background, but subconsciously, he felt that the man must be Lu Yan.

But he didn't know where the three of them were going, so he simply jumped onto the roof, so that no matter where there was any movement, they couldn't escape his eyes.

Huang Tian paid off, the movement of Pain Tian's kick finally made Zilai also discover the traces of Lu Yan and Tsunade.

Jilai also directly summoned the two Toad Immortals, clasped his hands together, and jumped towards the open space.

After all, the opponent was Lu Yan who had defeated him before, so of course he had to be prepared.

Immortal Fukasaku said helplessly: "Little Ziraiya, what happened to you recently?"

Fukasaku Immortal felt that the frequency of being channeled by Jiraiya was a bit high recently, and after a while, he encountered an enemy who needed to use the immortal mode again.

Jiraiya kept his palms together, and was on his way on the roof, when he heard Fukasaku Immortal's words, he also smiled helplessly: "I can't help it, thank you for your hard work, I don't even think I can deal with this enemy in Immortal Mode. "

Even though he said so, Jiraiya still resolutely rushed towards the open space outside the town.

Because the woman in danger at this time is called Tsunade.


open space.

Holding one in each hand, Lu Yan dragged the unconscious Tsunade and Jingyin out of the pit.

It was casually placed on the ground, habitually holding the chin with one hand, looking at the plump woman in front of her,
"Really, you have to get dizzy. I don't know how to cooperate."

Lu Yan clasped his hands together, and then slowly spread them apart.

The exquisitely shaped magic sealing box appeared between his hands, as if there was some kind of power that made the magic sealing box float in front of him.

"Okay, next, let's try to separate the Chakra in the bodies of the two of them."

Lu Yan put his hands flat on top of the two of them, and the bright golden light lingered in his hands.

The Chakra in Tsunade and Shizune's bodies began to gradually separate from the two bodies under the traction of the sealed energy of the Emperor's armor.

Under the continuous separation, the azure chakra condensed together to the extent visible to the naked eye.

But other than that, there were no other changes, which made Lu Yan a little depressed.

Can only seal Chakra?How about trying to kill someone?
Just when Lu Yan was hesitating, a violent wave appeared behind him.

"Super Jade Spiral Pill!"

Jilai has also entered the fairy mode, and saw Tsunade and Jingyin lying in front of Lu Yan, life and death unknown.

In desperation, Zi Lai Ye directly rolled out a spiral pill and threw it at Lu Yan.

For Lu Yan, an attack of this speed was easy to dodge under normal circumstances.

However, he is currently in the state of casting a seal, so he has no way to avoid Jiraiya's attack flexibly.

Simply rely on the armor's own defense to resist hard.

Zizizi! ! !
The huge spiral pill just bombarded Lu Yan's back, emitting a fierce flame like electric welding.

After forcibly carrying the super-large Jade Spiral Pill, Lu Yan finally cut off the sealing process.

Only then did he turn around unhurriedly, looking at Jiraiya, a gentle voice came from the armor.

"I'm worried about the lack of research materials."

PS. There are two more chapters to come
(End of this chapter)

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