Chapter 196
"I was worried about the lack of research materials, so you sent them to my door."

Jiraiya's hand was still on Lu Yan's back, and he could feel the scalding temperature on the armor gradually turning cold due to the friction and beating of the spiral pill.

Ji Lai also frowned tightly. He knew that Lu Yan's metal armor was very defensive, but he didn't expect it to be so strong.

You know, in his fairy mode, the super-large jade spiral pill that he cast even penetrated Susano some time ago.

As a result, Lu Yan didn't have much defense and couldn't cause any damage when a super-large jade spiral pill was thrown out.

If Lu Yan couldn't deal with such an attack, then what else could he do.

Lu Yan didn't care what Zilai was thinking, so he shot quickly and grabbed Zilaiye's arm.

Then the body turned and took advantage of the trend.

Jiraiya immediately lost his center of gravity and leaned forward.

Lu Yan spread out his free hand, like a catcher in baseball, and pressed it on Zilaiye's face.

Finally, it suddenly hit the ground.

Jilai also only felt that his head was concussed, and his consciousness was dizzy for a while, unable to resist.

Fortunately, the two Toad Immortals on Zilaiye's shoulders were still awake, jumping high, their forelimbs were about to form seals when they closed together, they would not just watch Zilaiye get beaten.

They have also experienced Lu Yan's defensive power. In such a short period of time, they were unable to unleash an attack that was more powerful than the super-large jade spiral pill.

So what they choose to use is their strongest illusion.

"Magic, Toad Sings!"

The two Toad Immortals shouted in unison, and ripple-shaped sound waves came out of their mouths.

It's a pity that illusion, no matter how strong it is, can't have much influence on Lu Yan.

Lu Yan was in a trance for a short moment before breaking away from the illusion.

Then he waved his arms, and the two Toad Immortals were sent flying by the golden ball of light.

The delay was too late for Jiraiya to wake up, but he squinted his eyes in a daze.

Lu Yan didn't show any intention of showing mercy, so he spread his palms and pressed them on Zilaiye's face.

A dense golden light emerged from his palm, and after brewing for a while, it exploded loudly.

A loud roar sounded.

Jiraiya's body lying on the ground could no longer find his head, only charred tissues remained, scattered all over the ground.

Immortal Zhima in the distance crawled out of the soil with difficulty, and when he saw this picture, he cried out in grief: "Little Ziraiya!"

Immortal Fukasaku pulled Immortal Shima to prevent it from doing any irrational behavior, and said, "Let's go back quickly."

Judging from the current situation, if you don't leave, you probably won't be able to leave.

Two streams of white mist exploded, and the figure of Immortal Toad disappeared into the open space.

And Lu Yan didn't bother to take care of the two toads right now, so he summoned the magic sealing box to start the sealing process, taking advantage of the fact that Zilai had just died.

Chakra and the inexplicable soul energy are slowly condensed together under the closure of the magic sealing box.

In addition, there is also a part of colorful energy gathered, which seems to be the so-called natural energy.

The three strands of energy, which are different in nature and originate from the same source, began to be continuously compressed and gathered.

Gradually, a card was formed and fell into the magic sealing box.

Lu Yan's face was covered by armor, so he couldn't see his face clearly, but judging from his lazy movements, he seemed to be in a good mood.


Lu Yan now feels as if he has figured out the sealing nature of the magic sealing box.

The magic sealing box can indeed be used to seal, but it can only seal energy, so the ordinary person he used to experiment with last night failed.

As for the ninja, perhaps because Chakra nourishes the spirit, the soul energy is strong enough, so it can be condensed into a card by Lu Yan together with Chakra.

Anyway, you can add some energy and release it again. If you don't care about it, it's no different from living normally.

In this way, Lu Yan was relieved, and followed the same pattern to turn Tsunade and Jingyin into cards and seal them in the magic sealing box.

He was going to wait for a while, and then let Tsunade and Shizune out to have a look, maybe they could be transformed into obedient supernatural beasts.

The matter was settled, and the principle of the magic box was probably partially tested. Lu Yan was satisfied, and had no intention of going back to the town for a stroll.

After removing the emperor's armor, he played with the magic sealing box and walked towards Yuyin Village.

It's been so long since I saw each other, and I still don't know how Naruto and Sasuke are doing.

It's time to go back and have a look.

After all, those guys in the Xiao organization are not good men and women.


Konoha Village, Hokage Building.

In Hokage's office.

"Yoxi, that should be it."

There are cracks all over Qianshouzhujian's body, which is obviously the reincarnated body of the dirty soil.

And in front of him was a captured ninja from Sand Hidden Village.

"Spiritualism, reincarnation from the dirt."

Strange spells crawled all over the body of the ninja from Sand Hidden Village, and paper scraps wrapped him up.

Then the confetti slowly condensed into a human form, turning into the appearance of Sarutobi Hiruzen. Similarly, his body was also covered with the unique cracks of Dirty Earth Reincarnation.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi slowly opened his eyes, looking at Senju Hashirama in front of him, his confused eyes gradually faded away.

"Master Hashirama, you brought me back to life again."

Senshou Zhujian nodded in satisfaction. This was the first time he had used Dirty Soil to reincarnate, but fortunately there were no mistakes.

Senshou Zhujian responded with a smile: "Yes, for the next thing, I alone will not be enough."

From Hashirama's point of view, the times have changed after all, and it is better to let Hiruzaru Sarutobi, the guy who has managed Konoha for decades, handle political affairs.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi did not resist, mainly because the reason for his death was too hasty at the time, and he just died without doing anything.

It's true that you can't die with peace in your eyes.

Thinking of this, Hiruzaru Sarutobi hurriedly asked: "Master Hashirama, how is the current situation?"

Hearing this, Hashirama stood up and turned to look at Konoha Village outside the window.

In the village, the villagers are working hard to rebuild their houses. Of course, the ninjas are not idle, and they help as much as they can.

It's just that such a scene made Zhu Jian feel that the burden on him was a little heavier.

He has not forgotten that although Lu Yan did not know what kind of psychology he chose to leave at the time, he had said before leaving that he would come to Konoha again when he had time.

In this state of being reincarnated from the dirt, Qianshou Zhujian has absolutely no confidence in resisting Lu Yan.

After Senju Bashima sighed, he explained to Hiruzaru Sarutobi: "At this time, the ninjas I sent to deliver information should have arrived at ninja villages under the jurisdiction of various major countries.

If they can take care of the overall situation, they should go to Konoha to ask for a solution. "

(End of this chapter)

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