The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 306 Defeat like a mountain

Chapter 306 Defeat like a mountain

"Unlucky, unlucky, unlucky!!!"

Jackie Chan shouted and ran to the second line of defense in a panic.

Because he was discovered by Valon.

Walloon was still bombarding the trenches with impunity.

But as the soldiers fell one by one, only Jackie Chan was left standing in the entire trench.

Just stand out from the crowd.

Valon flew in the air, observing the entire battlefield from a high position.

How could Jackie Chan not be noticed.

Immediately shot without hesitation.

New and old grudges count together, Jackie Chan must be killed no matter what.

But Jackie Chan didn't know why, it seemed that he was very lucky, or maybe he had unknowingly increased his combat power by a large amount.

Fleeing crazily, explosions sounded constantly behind and around.

Obviously the situation looked very dangerous, but it happened that it was not hit by Valon.

A large number of soldiers on the front line of defense who fled first were attacking the second line of defense.

They were all soldiers who fled towards the rear immediately. They thought that in such a situation, not too many people would escape, but there were too many "smart" soldiers.

The soldiers in the defense line did not receive orders from their superiors, and these soldiers were still alive.

Worried that he would be sent to a court-martial for shooting without authorization, he simply watched it like this, anyway, there was a tall man supporting him when the sky fell.

Everyone was like this, which led to the uncontrollable chaos of the entire second line of defense under the impact of the fleeing soldiers.

After the fleeing soldiers rushed into the line of defense, the fastest group of man-eaters followed closely behind.

Almost less than 300 meters away from the second line of defense.

Originally, when the second line of defense was organized, it might be able to stop the attack of the man-eating beasts, but as the area of ​​chaos became larger and larger.

Many soldiers on the second line of defense have already started to run to the rear.

Humans have a herd mentality.

Seeing his comrades running away, he would follow subconsciously.

Even if there are still soldiers ready to stand on the line of defense.

But when he saw that the soldiers around him had all fled, a question would come to his mind.

Everyone is running for their lives, knowing that they can't hold on, why should I use my life to buy time for them to escape?
That's why there is a word called the defeat of the army.

Once the rout begins and the army's organizational power is completely dissipated, it is impossible for anyone to reorganize the troops.

The situation on the entire second line of defense took a sharp turn for the worse.

The fastest man-eaters have rushed into the second line of defense.

They didn't even encounter any obstacles, and they were so relaxed that they were a little dazed.

Seeing these frantically fleeing soldiers, appetite re-occupied their minds.

One after another, the man-eating beasts began to bite towards the surrounding soldiers.

Two legs are always better than four legs.

It can only be said that under such circumstances, perhaps not one soldier can run back to the third line of defense.

Fortunately, the command system was finally re-established, and the rout began to gather in an orderly manner.

The third line of defense resumed its heavily guarded scene after a brief commotion.

But just as the soldiers on the third line of defense were concentrating on the front position, a series of screams began to sound behind the soldiers.

It turned out that it was the soldiers who fled back before, and several of them were scratched by man-eating beasts.

Soon it also becomes a cannibal, looking at the dense food around.

No intention of waiting at all.

Go crazy in the crowd on the spot.

Using both hands and claws, he scratched several soldiers at once.

The strongest defenses are always broken from within.

The soldiers on the third line of defense were still on guard against the approaching herd of man-eating beasts.

Unexpectedly, the man-eating beast rushed out from behind him.

In the situation of pinching front and back, how can we fight this?
The order that had been built with great difficulty collapsed at a terrifying speed.

The gray-haired man in military uniform looked at the scene in front of him.

Soldiers fleeing in panic, and man-eaters who bite anyone they see.

There was a dejected expression on the face of this elderly commander.

"It's all over..."

There are three lines of defense in total.

Within half a day, three heavily defended lines of defense were built, plus tens of thousands of elite soldiers.

This level of defense has to be said to be very strong.

Even with the intensity of modern warfare, it shouldn't be able to survive even one night.

It can only be said that it's not that our army doesn't work hard, but the opponent can use magic.

A middle-aged man in military uniform stood behind the old officer and couldn't help persuading him: "Sir, the line of defense has been breached. Let's go. If we don't leave, it will be too late."


The grizzled officer sighed, turned and walked onto the helicopter.

And when the command system of the army has left, it means that these soldiers have been abandoned.

Perhaps none of the soldiers on this line of defense can escape.

A steaming tent.

The curtain of the camp tent was pulled open, and a large puff of white mist came out of the room directly.

There is also a strong spicy smell in the mist.


"Why is it so noisy!"

It was the old man in the khaki vest.

He is still diligently brewing the antidote.

But the roars and screams from outside the tent made him unable to concentrate. He thought that the noise would disappear if he persisted.

Unexpectedly, it intensified instead.

The old man couldn't take it anymore, and immediately decided to come out and swear at others to relax.

The old man opened the curtain of the tent and came out, pointing fiercely: "Can you be quiet! My father has to make an antidote!"

"One more thing! Where did Jackie Chan go! Why didn't he come to help?!"

"Aren't you treating daddy like a free coolie?"

"There is one more..."

The pointing father suddenly fell silent.

Because he's only now noticing.

In front of him were not those well-trained soldiers.

Instead, there were three man-eaters with red pupils.

Staring at him grinning.

Dad is all bad.

Did you say it was safe?
Isn't this the third line of defense?

Can anyone tell Dad why the man-eater has broken through here? !

And no one has come to tell him.

Dad took a deep breath.

He yelled: "What are you looking at! Do you want to compete with Dad?"

The old man first spread out his hands, one in front and the other in the back, in a Tai Chi pose.

Then he spread his arms flat and stood on one foot, another move of white crane spreading its wings.

The three man-eaters looked at each other.

All they had left was their animal instincts, and they couldn't understand what the old man was planning to do.

He simply didn't want to think about it, and rushed towards his father at the same time.

When the father saw this, he turned around and ran, yelling wildly while running: "Jackie Chan!!! Help!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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