The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 307 Sun Tzu Coffee Machine

Chapter 307 Sun Tzu Coffee Machine
Jackie Chan is not Xiaoyu, so he can't appear anywhere at any time.

At this time, Jackie Chan had just reached the second line of defense.

There is no way, Jackie Chan has already fallen into the crowd of man-eating beasts before.

If you want to escape, you will have to face the siege of countless man-eating beasts.

Fortunately, the current goal of the man-eaters is to break through the defense line, and they have not concentrated on dealing with Jackie Chan.

Otherwise, even if Jackie Chan could cheat, he would not be able to survive the siege of thousands of man-eaters.

Jackie Chan ran and squatted down suddenly.

He narrowly avoided a man-eating beast's pounce.

At this moment, a loud sound of propellers sounded above Jackie Chan's head.

"Jackie Chan! Come up!"

Hearing this call, Jackie looked up, and it turned out that Sergeant Black was standing on the door of the helicopter calling him.

Beside the cabin door, a ladder has been thrown down.

Speaking of which, Sergeant Black is also amazing. Most of the time he appeared on the scene, he appeared in a helicopter like this.

It happened to be another man-eating beast.

Jackie Chan jumped up suddenly and stepped on the head of the man-eating beast.

With the help of the body of this man-eating beast, he exerted his strength twice and easily grabbed the end of the ladder.

Finally able to relax, Jackie Chan had time to raise his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

Jackie Chan doesn't have such a hobby of hanging on the ladder all the time.

After climbing into the helicopter along the ladder, he took a few breaths, and then asked, "Sergeant Black, how is the situation of the third line of defense now? Why was the second line of defense broken by man-eating beasts so quickly?" ?”

Jackie Chan had been running for his life before, and he didn't have a God's perspective.

Naturally, they don't know the fact that the three lines of defense have been breached by man-eating beasts.

When Sergeant Black heard this, the expression on his face became even more ugly.

Jackie Chan also saw the clues.

Some asked in disbelief, "Then now? What's going on?"

"Now the three lines of defense have been breached by man-eating beasts." Sergeant Black sighed: "I don't know where Dad and Xiaoyu are yet."

Sergeant Black is also a little disheartened now.

Obviously, in such a chaotic situation, no one would care about the potions of the old man.

No matter how many antidotes are produced, as long as there is no defense, they will soon be destroyed by the man-eating beasts.

After discovering that Valon appeared at that time, Sergeant Black and Jackie Chan chose to split up.

Jackie Chan went to remind the soldiers on the front line, while Sergeant Black went to the commander-in-chief of the defense line, preparing to let them know the existence of magic.

But when Sergeant Black had just arrived at the second line of defense, Valon had already made a move.

Although the situation is irreversible, I still plan to see if I can save it.

It's just that the battle situation has changed too much, and the overall situation has taken a turn for the worse.

After the man-eater broke through the first line of defense, it successfully broke through one after another.

At the most outrageous moment, the man-eater even just ran from the first line of defense to the second line of defense, and rushed out of the second line of defense without encountering any resistance.

This went so smoothly that it didn't look like a positional war, it was like beating a dog in the water.

In this situation, Sergeant Black obviously realized that he couldn't hold on.

Decisively chose to requisition a helicopter, and rescue Jackie Chan first.

When Jackie Chan heard this, his face became a little hideous.

Turn around and prepare to jump off the helicopter directly.

Fortunately, Sheriff Blake has quick eyesight and quick hands, and caught Jackie Chan.

"Jackie Chan, are you going to die?"

Jackie turned around like a raging bull.

Eyes were bloodshot.

He said word by word, "I'm going to find Dad and Xiaoyu back."


in the city.

Lu Yan put down the binoculars in satisfaction.

When the battle situation develops to this extent, the number of man-eating beasts will increase.

Coupled with the chaos on the front line, one ebbs and another ebbs and flows.

Basically, it can be declared that the official countermeasures against man-eaters have failed.

The rest is garbage time.

We can only see how many soldiers can escape from the mouth of the man-eating beast.

The man-eater did not disappoint him.

Even at the expense of the lives of tens of thousands of man-eaters, they finally broke through the line of defense.

After the man-eater spread, it was impossible for the man-eater to forcefully attack the defense line so stupidly.

The power of man-eating beasts can only be maximized in the city.

Humans can still occupy an absolute advantage in a frontal battle like this.

Thinking of this, Lu Yan suddenly laughed at himself.

Why do I feel that my mentality is becoming more and more like a big villain.

This is really impossible.

Seeing Lu Yan put down the binoculars, the infinite coffee machine immediately understood that the war was over.

Immediately poked Lu Yan's calf.

Said softly: "Lu Yan Zuyin, didn't you say you want to put my legs on?"

As soon as the coffee machine finished speaking, he suddenly felt enveloped by a familiar wave of malice.

When he raised his head, he saw Lu Yan staring at him expressionlessly.

His eyes were like pools of stagnant water, and he couldn't guess what he was thinking at all.

The mouthpiece of the coffee machine trembled slightly, and a voice came out: "Lu... Lu Yanzuyin, what's wrong?"

Just as the coffee machine was trembling like a quail waiting for the trial, I felt inexplicably relieved.

The strange malice also dissipated invisible.

The corner of Lu Yan's mouth curled up.

It seems that Lu Yan is in a good mood now, it doesn't look like he is pretending.

In fact, he really didn't hate the coffee machine as much as he made it out to be.

Maybe it's because of Aiwujiwu.

Even though the coffee machine seemed a bit elegant and easy-going after it had life, it was not unacceptable to him.

The reason why he scares the coffee machine so much is because he wants to tease the coffee machine.

If I have to describe it, it's probably similar to the kind of grandpa who likes to tease his grandson.

It is a pity that Lu Yan has lived for so long without having a grandson.

Seeing other old men enjoying family happiness, he still wonders what kind of feeling it is.

Perhaps the coffee machine could provide him with a similar sense of belonging?
With this in mind, Lu Yan took the coffee machine to the toy store downstairs.

In this case, you still have to give the coffee machine a cool pair of legs.

At this time the sky has been misty.

The fight literally lasted all night.

The cannibals have been broken into pieces and dispersed.

Go in a different direction.

I believe it won't be long, when the man-eaters meet again.

There will be more of them than anyone can imagine.

Until their number can be so large that they can overturn the entire world.

Just two man-eaters can occupy San Francisco overnight, and now there are more than hundreds of thousands of man-eaters spreading out.

This gave Lu Yan confidence in ruling the world.

(End of this chapter)

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