Chapter 322 Interview
Hear this answer from the reincarnation system.

Lu Yan frowned, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

Showed a sure look.

He guessed right.

According to the reincarnation system, whether it is the will of the god of death, the light of order, or even what Yun Changge has mastered, all will be cut and so on.

These abilities are not only varied, but also belong to the rules-level abilities in terms of weight.

However, these are just appearances.

These abilities are essentially the use of laws.

To put it simply, if the law is the knowledge and materials to make a gun, then the ability is to give you a gun directly.

Although you can use a firearm with a simple practice, this firearm does not belong to you.

But if you have the knowledge and materials for making firearms, you can make all kinds of firearms independently.

The ancients of the Dragon Kingdom said that it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish.

The same applies here.

Lu Yan confidently added the only point to the law of death.

After adding points, the whole person was in a trance.

Lu Yan found himself in the middle of a cemetery.

No, not right.

It should be said that this is a world with only graveyards.

Looking around, it is all lonely and cold pictures.

It was full of the breath of death.

Most of the tombs don't even have a stele, just a small mound of dirt.

And even if there is a tombstone with a tombstone, the words on the tombstone have aged so badly that it is impossible to see what is written on it.

Lu Yan stood in the middle of the cemetery, his whole body seemed to have no strength at all, he had completely lost control of his body, he couldn't even move a single finger of his own.

It's like being a bystander.

Wisps of gray mist visible to the naked eye gushed out from the cemetery, surrounding Lu Yan.

With the influx of gray mist, Lu Yan's originally rosy skin began to gradually become dull.

Hair becomes dry, like a nest of weeds.

In the end, Lu Yan looked like a corpse.

However, his eyes were extremely bright at this moment.

Lu Yan could clearly feel that his body was in a wonderful stage of alternating life and death.

Like a flashback before death.


Due to Lu Yan's own reasons, he has experienced this feeling of life and death more than ordinary people.

So this experience is not unfamiliar to him.

But he has never had the opportunity to be in this special state for a long time like now.

The perception of death is constantly improving.

Lu Yan didn't know what the so-called epiphany looked like, but he felt that his current state should be no worse than epiphany.

Unfortunately, this state did not last long.

The gray mist slowly dissipated from around Lu Yan's body.

The color of blood returned to Lu Yan's face.

【Ding! 】

[Insufficient samsara coins, about to quit the law practice]

The mechanized reincarnation system prompt sounded.

Lu Yan glanced at the world full of cemeteries with some remembrance.

Slowly close your eyes.

When he opened it again, he had already returned to the ninth floor of Samsara Mall.

At this time his palm was still on the cylinder.

Lu Yan's whole body went limp, and he sat down on the ground.

The human stele behind it also hit the ground heavily, making a roar.

Lu Yan paused for a while before looking again at the plain column in front of him.

The fingers bent and tapped on the cylinder.

Taking another look at the skull pattern on the back of his left hand, Lu Yan smiled from the bottom of his heart.

The harvest this time is really quite big.

Get up from the ground, turn around and prepare to go to the state of mind training on the eighth floor to relax.

His body froze suddenly, and he suddenly remembered something.

When he withdrew from the law practice, did the reincarnation system say that there was not enough reincarnation coins?
Quickly click on the personal information interface.


"Where are my coins?"


It took a long time before Lu Yan recovered from his stiff state.

Because he still has more than 8000 samsara coins left.

Before practicing the law, Lu Yan spent [-] samsara coins on the lottery and mental state training.

He originally had a total of more than 8000 reincarnation coins, but after spending [-], he still has more than [-] coins left.

But now, there are only more than 8000 left.

Another [-] samsara coins disappeared out of thin air.

Well, it shouldn't be considered disappearing out of thin air, it is probably spent on law practice.

According to the price of [-] reincarnation coins per hour.

In other words, he spent a full nine hours in the space of law practice.

Lu Yan pressed his temple.

He obviously felt like he hadn't done anything, yet it's been so long.

In other words, he spent a full [-] reincarnation coins to obtain a little power of law.

Calculated in this way, the power of this law may be very precious.

Although he changed from a local tyrant to a petty bourgeoisie in an instant, Lu Yan didn't feel sorry for those reincarnation coins.

In Lu Yan's life that can be called terrifying, he has never paid much attention to money.

Not to mention the free and easy and self-confidence that comes back after all the money is gone.

But to Lu Yan, only the money spent is called money.

If you keep saving and don’t spend it, it can only be called decoration.

This concept of money is probably the reason why Lu Yan has always been a poor ghost.

He rubbed his stiff face.

Lu Yan walked back to the teleportation point with the human stele on his back.

Nothing to do next.

In addition, he also agreed not to be noisy.

Just go and see what Bai Buqian's so-called exclusive interview looks like.

It's just that it took so long because of the practice of the law.

I don't know if Bai Buqian is still around.

White light flashed.

The figure of Lu Yan with the stele on his back appeared at the teleportation point on the fourth floor of Samsara Mall.

As soon as he appeared, noisy voices came into Lu Yan's ears.

From time to time, bursts of white light flashed around him. These were reincarnated people who were going to try their luck.

At the side of the prize pool, you can also see reincarnators who are either elated or dejected.

The lively and crowded scene formed a sharp contrast with the silence on the ninth floor.

Lu Yan's conspicuous image with a huge black stone tablet on his back can easily attract everyone's attention.

Bai Buqian shuddered and quickly got up from the ground.

Counting the time spent in cultivating the state of mind, Bai Buqian waited here for more than ten hours.

And never left, not even a meal.

It's not that he didn't doubt it.

Did Lu Yan forget him?

After all, Samsara Mall can be teleported directly to the first floor, if Lu Yan teleports directly to the first floor.

No matter how long he waited, he couldn't wait for Lu Yan's.

But Bai Buqian, he stubbornly believed that a boss of Lu Yan's level should not backtrack on what he said.

Of course, the most important thing is that he finally had the opportunity to interview Lu Yan.

If it is because of a combination of circumstances and mistakes that lead to failure.

He is not willing!

Maybe Lu Yan will appear at the teleportation point in the next second.

With this thought in mind.

Bai Bunoo has been sitting here waiting to die, and he is not blind, as soon as Lu Yan appeared, he noticed it immediately.

After seeing Lu Yan, Bai Buqian was about to cry.

Sure enough, opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared.

He trotted all the way to Lu Yan's side.

Bai Buqian didn't dare to ask Lu Yan why he kept him waiting for so long.

Instead, he smiled obsequiously at Lu Yan and said, "Boss, do you have time now?"

Lu Yan didn't answer Bai Buqian, but scanned around the fourth floor first, but he didn't see Duan Jianhui.

Obviously, Duan Jianhui had already gone back.

Who told Lu Yan to spend a full nine hours in the law practice.

Duan Jianhui didn't have reincarnation coins on him, so no matter how curious he was, he couldn't have been watching other people's lottery draws for so long.

However, even Duan Jianhui went back.

Lu Yan turned his head and looked at the thin Bai Buqian on his left.

I have to say that this guy named Bai Buqian is quite sincere.

"Is that how it started?"

Lu's words are gentle.

He did not conduct the so-called interview.

But I haven't eaten pork, haven't I seen a pig run?

Isn't it a bit too hasty to conduct an interview standing in the hall like this?

Bai Bunoo waved his hands frantically, and hurriedly explained: "No, no, let's go to the business district, where there is a newly opened cafe."

Since he wanted to interview Lu Yan, Bai Buqian would definitely do some preparatory work.

And when Lu Yan exchanged weapons for coffee machines at the stall, Bai Buqian was also there.

So Bai Buqian still understood Lu Yan's taste.


As soon as he heard the cafe, Lu Yan's eyes lit up.

"Then go."


coffee shop.

This is a high-end and elegant cafe.

For many reincarnators, the life-and-death experience every seven days makes them look down on things like money.

After all, I might burp someday, so what's the use of keeping money.

Therefore, most reincarnated people will inevitably spend money a little extravagantly.

But as the saying goes, the same rice feeds all kinds of people.

Not all reincarnators choose instant gratification.

Especially the reincarnated people who have relatives, they will choose to leave some material things to their family members as much as possible.

As time goes by, many business-minded reincarnations choose to set up shop in the reincarnation space.

All kinds of shops popped up one after another.

As Bai Buqian said, this cafe has just opened and there are not many customers.

Of course, even the space of reincarnation hasn't been opened for long.

The shops in the entire reincarnation space can basically be said to have just opened.

A window seat.

Lu Yan and Bai Buqian sat facing each other.

Bai Buqian took out a notebook, placed it on the seat, and held a pen in his hand.

Seeing the concentrated appearance, he was ready to record Lu Yan's words at any time.

After finishing the preparatory work, Bai Buqian opened up the chatter box and said with some excitement.

"I can finally interview you. You may not even know how many people want to know your information."

"Actually, I built a website in the real world. Not only reincarnations, but also many ordinary people want to know what the top powerhouses in the reincarnation space look like."

Bai Buqian's words are actually a bit modest.

In fact, although there is no official official announcement yet.

But after the officials let go, it has gone through the fermentation of these days.

About the reincarnation system and reincarnation, it can basically be said to be the hottest topic on the Internet.

And a website built by reincarnators, full of forums where reincarnation people gather, is fatal to ordinary people.

Not to mention that on this website, ordinary people can still see Bai Buqian's real-time updated reincarnation combat power list and Longguo reincarnation stone tablet list.

The traffic is so high that the server of this website crashes several times a day.

Bai Buqian even took the initiative to pay and hired several professionals to maintain the website.

It can be said that once Bai Buqian publishes the content of the exclusive interview with Lu Yan on this website, countless people will definitely see it.

Not to mention Lu Yan, who is one of the top three reincarnators in the Dragon Kingdom, would have received a lot of attention.

To use a more professional term to describe it, it means self-contained traffic.

Bai Buqian seemed a little worried that Lu Yan would not want to expose himself to the public eye.

Hastily added: "Big Tyrannosaurus, don't worry, I won't ask about your identity in real life. The content of this interview will only be about the Invincible Tyrannosaurus God of War."

Lu Yan looked at Bai Buqian with a smile.

Shaking his head lightly.

Don't look at it for nothing, this guy's previous job was a paparazzi.

But after getting along during this period of time, he really doesn't dislike Bai Buqian.

This guy does have some bright spots, whether it's dealing with people or dealing with people, he has done a good job.

Obviously it's a job like a paparazzi that is easily disgusting, but it will not make Lu Yan feel uncomfortable.

A female reincarnation came over with a tray and put two cups of coffee on the table.

Seeing that Lu Yan was looking at her, the female reincarnation also smiled shyly.

Obviously she recognized that it was the Invincible Tyrannosaurus Rex God of War.

However, he didn't bother Lu Yan to say anything, he just smiled shyly and retreated politely.

From this, we can see how strict the management of this coffee shop is.

Presumably, Bai Buqian has also carefully planned the location of this interview.

"Then let's get started."

Bai Buqian took a deep breath.

The whole person immediately entered a professional state.

He is no longer the paparazzi who flattered and laughed with him before, but instead looks like a real reporter with a strong sense of morality and a skillful hand writing articles.

"Boss Tyrannosaurus, what do you think about the emergence of the reincarnation system? What impact do you think the emergence of the reincarnation system will have on the current society?"

It was such a serious topic in the beginning.

There was nothing wrong with Lu Yan.

He even picked up his coffee and took a sip leisurely.

Then he said unhurriedly: "I personally like the reincarnation system, this thing is very interesting, isn't it?"

"As for the impact on society, this shouldn't be something that Yun Changge and his officials should worry about."

Bai Bunoo recorded something in his notebook, and asked aggressively, "Interesting?"

"From my personal point of view, I admire you very much, but if you only have this view, I will be a little disappointed."

"As the strongest group of reincarnators in Dragon Kingdom, I don't see the slightest sense of responsibility in you."

(End of this chapter)

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