Chapter 323 Terrorists

Bai Buou put down the notebook in his hand, put his hands on the table, and leaned forward slightly.

He stared straight at Lu Yan, as if trying to read his thoughts from his expression.

Unfortunately, I could still only see Lu Yan's familiar and kind expression.

There was no change in the face.

This aggressive questioning alone was unable to affect Lu Yan's mood.

Looking at Lu Yan's smiling face in front of him, Bai Buqian felt as if he had punched cotton.

Lu Yan bent his fingers and tapped the table leisurely.


Listening to Lu Yan's flat tone, Bai Buqian always felt that there was a bit of irony in these words.

Did not wait for Bai Buqian to reorganize the language.

Lu Yan took the initiative and said, "Maybe a long time ago, I was as passionate as you."

Bai Buqian's eyes lit up. With the sense of a professional reporter, he was sure that there must be big news here.

As for what Lu Yan said a long time ago, he only regarded it as what Lu Yan said when he was young.

"If you have experienced it yourself, you will know that the will of each individual is different. No matter how hard you try, you can only control a general direction."

"Never expect to be of the same mind. As long as there is no major problem with the main tone, there is no need to change."

"There are people like Yunchangge, should I do it? How should I do it? It won't affect the development of society."

Having said that, Lu Yan stopped and grinned at Bai Bunoo: "After all, I'm not a devil, so I won't insist on confronting the authorities."

Bai Buqian forced a smile with some difficulty, and then seemed to have recovered.

He lowered his head and wrote furiously in his notebook.

Lu Yan's answer made him feel relieved.

Although he didn't intend to join Zhong Gongliang's department, Lu Yan was obviously not the kind of guy with too much ambition.

Bai Buqian actually knew a lot of strong men on the Long Kingdom Reincarnation Stone Tablet.

In the top [-], except for those reincarnated people who hid information, those strong people who can understand are more supportive of the official.

In this patriotic environment, I believe that there will not be any large-scale terrorist organizations in the Dragon Kingdom.

Bai Buqian just got the news that there were riots and splits in the Gallic Rooster Kingdom and the Chariot Kingdom overseas.

For example, Andres, the strongest reincarnation in Chariot Country, established a reincarnation organization, which absorbed nearly half of the reincarnation in Chariot Country to join.

Moreover, Andres also publicly stood up against the official treatment of reincarnated people, insisting that reincarnated people have a lot of privileges.

Many officials of the Chariot Kingdom who stood up to oppose this proposal with a clear-cut stand died at home for no apparent reason.

In other countries and regions, one after another reincarnated organization has sprung up like mushrooms after rain, and chaos abounds.

It's not like living and working in peace and contentment in Longguo, and ordinary people who are a little older don't even know about the reincarnation system.

This is the inevitable chaos of the fusion of novelty and era.

Only the Dragon Kingdom did not have much influence due to its unique political and cultural relations.

The atmosphere of the interview suddenly relaxed.

The interview that followed was like a small talk between two friends.

"Judging from your tone, it seems that you are quite familiar with Yun Changge?"

"That's it."

Lu Yan added, "There was just one fight."

"Huh? Who won? No, I mean, can you tell me?"


Half an hour passed.

Bai Bunoo stood up from his seat, looked at Lu Yan in front of him, and bowed gratefully.

"I'm so sorry it took you so long."

Lu Yan took a sip of the coffee, shook his head, and said with a smile: "After all, I promised you."

Holding the notebook, Bai Bunoo couldn't wait to organize the content of this interview and publish it on the website.

He believes that when this exclusive interview is released, the popularity of the website will definitely rise to a higher level.

Bai Buqian trotted all the way out of the cafe.

Bai Buqian trotted all the way back to the cafe.

"I forgot to tell you. You can also go to the website of ***** when you are free. I will also post the content of this interview on this website."

Lu Yan nodded.

Drank the coffee in your cup.

Smacking his lips in remembrance, he looked out the window at the bustling scene of people coming and going.

Then he calmly turned his head to look at the cup of coffee on Bai Buqian's seat.

The previous interview was too exciting, and Bai Buqian didn't drink a sip.

Considering that extravagance should not be wasted, Lu Yan naturally picked up the cup of coffee that Bai Buqian...


time flies.

Several days have passed since Bai Buqian's interview.

At that time, after Lu Yan drank two cups of coffee, he watched the scenery for a while, and then teleported back to Duan Jianhui's home.

When I came back, I found that Duan Jianhui was really at home.

Lu Yan didn't have the nerve to ask Duan Jianhui why he came back without waiting for him.

Carrying the stone tablet on his back, he lay flat on the floor and watched dramas naturally, perfectly explaining what salted fish is.

It is worth mentioning that Peng Zhi has not continued to chat with Zhao Xiaotang on his mobile phone these days.

Instead, they stared at Lu Yan and Duan Jianhui suspiciously.

He's been annoying all this time.

He can be sure that there must be something between Lu Yan and Duan Jianhui that he doesn't know.

That morning, I heard the two of them chatting in the living room, but when I opened the bedroom door, I found that the two of them had disappeared.

Peng Zhi was very wronged, he felt that he was squeezed out by Lu Yan and the two of them.

Obviously he came first!
But if you pester the two of them to ask about the situation during this period of time, I always feel a little hypocritical.

Like a neglected little daughter-in-law.

in the living room.

Peng Zhi looked at them, one lying on a strange big black brick, and the other slumped on the sofa.

The more I think about it, the more uncomfortable I feel.

Taking a deep breath, he suppressed the sour feeling in his heart.

Squeezing out a smile, he asked, "Shall we go out to play with my little sister today?"

On the screen of Lu Yan's mobile phone, the interface of a certain website was displayed.

He was scrolling through the information on the website. He seemed to be fascinated by it. He didn't lift his head. He just tapped his finger on the floor twice to indicate that he wasn't interested right now.

Duan Jianhui's actions were exactly the same.

It's just that it was the coffee table in front of the sofa.

Seeing the tacit reaction between the two, Peng Zhiwei sighed inexplicably.

Then he quickly cheered up, put on a joking tone, and said: "You two dead houses, you don't even go to see girls."

Duan Jianhui waved his hand. He could not be interested in the girl when he might be killed by the reincarnation system at any time.

Looking at the dark sky outside the window, he added with concern: "Remember to bring your coat when you go out, as the temperature in the mountain city has dropped a bit fast recently."

In the past few days, the weather in the mountain city has indeed been abnormal.

It seems to have passed directly from midsummer to cold winter.

Skip autumn.

Fortunately, both Lu Yan and Duan Jianhui were reincarnated, and their physical fitness had been strengthened, so they didn't feel particularly cold.

But Peng Zhi is just an ordinary person, with such a huge temperature difference all of a sudden, if he doesn't pay attention to protection, he can easily catch a cold.

As a good buddy who has known him for so long, Duan Jianhui kindly reminded him.

Bang! ! !
Peng Zhi didn't speak, and slammed the door out.

"Damn it, Peng Zhi is trying to break the door!"

Duan Jianhui cursed.

Lu Yan raised his eyebrows, but did not speak.


The sound of the biting cold wind makes me feel a little chilly just listening to it.

Downstairs in the neighborhood.

Peng Zhi couldn't help shivering, and subconsciously tightened his thin coat.

He felt like he was being targeted by the world.

As soon as he went out, he was shrouded in cold, and the icy air was scraped on his face like a knife.

This is a kind of cold that seems to penetrate deep into the bone marrow, the kind that cannot be completely isolated no matter how tightly wrapped it is.

All of a sudden, his hands and feet were cold, and he couldn't avoid the thought of going back immediately.

It's a pity that Peng Zhi dismissed the idea as soon as it came up.

He just went out, how could he go back in a hurry.

What if Duan Jianhui and the others thought they couldn't get a date with their sister.

He jumped up and down twice, and walked towards the gate of the community.

Along the way, you can also see some grandpas and aunts strolling, and they have all put on heavy down jackets.

If it wasn't for the calendar showing that it was just the beginning of autumn today, Peng Zhi would have thought it would be the New Year in this scene.

It's evening now, which happens to be the rush hour for get off work.

The Dragon Kingdom is different from other countries. Even if there is such a magical thing as the reincarnation system, the basic order can still be maintained.

Even for the majority of ordinary Longguo people, the emergence of the reincarnation system is just an addition for them to talk about after dinner.

At least for now, the reincarnation system has not shown any signs of improving their quality of life.

On the street, you can still see many office workers rushing home with vegetables that are not fresh.

The road is still very congested, and vehicles can only move little by little.

The driver's irritable honking made the temperature seem to rise a few degrees out of thin air.

There are a lot of people living in the mountain city, so it is easy to have such a traffic jam at this time.

Peng Zhi was not surprised either.

Shrinking his neck, he strolled unsteadily on the street.


Mountain Branch.

A conference room.

A tough-looking man was cursing loudly.

His name in the reincarnation system is called Gust.

He is also the current acting director of the Shancheng Branch.

"You guys explain to me, what does it mean that TMD can't be found?!"

Kuangfeng blushed with anger and had a thick neck.

The other members in the conference room all lowered their heads, looking at the documents in front of them without saying a word.

Bang bang!

Kuang Feng clenched his fist and slammed the table twice.

"Are you fucking burying your head in a chamber pot? Such a large organization of reincarnations, if you stare at it, you can fucking lose it. What are you all doing?"

"If innocent citizens are injured or lose their lives because of this organization, who will bear the responsibility?"

The wind was like an angry bull, after venting, it panted quickly.

The organization mentioned by Kuangfengkou actually just entered the territory of Dragon Kingdom not long ago.

The name of this organization is Kamikaze Warriors.

According to the investigation, the predecessor of this organization was a small non-governmental organization in the island country.

Due to the well-known problems left over from history, there are not many such non-governmental organizations in island countries.

Probably because like attracts like, the members of this organization all belong to that kind of existence with relatively extreme personalities.

So after the emergence of the reincarnation system, more than half of the members of this organization have become reincarnations.

As the strength of the reincarnated people in this organization increased, they decided to complete the duties that the predecessors did not complete.

At least, let the people of Longguo recall that period of history again.

The leader of this organization chose the mountain city as his target.

During the war, there was no former political center captured by the island army.

In the beginning, this group of kamikaze warriors entered the territory of Dragon Kingdom in the name of a tour group.

Fortunately, with the emergence of the reincarnation system, Longguo has strengthened the management of entry and exit.

There are reincarnations with special sentient abilities arranged at every international airport.

So at the airport, the members of this organization called Kamikaze Warriors were sensed by an official reincarnation of the Dragon Kingdom.

Such an organized large number of reincarnated people from other countries, and entering the territory of Dragon Kingdom without declaration, obviously has no good intentions.

The Dragon Kingdom reincarnation quickly reported the situation to his superior.

The flow of people at the airport is too large, which may hurt innocent people.

Without absolute certainty, the official reincarnator didn't dare to startle the snake, so he chose to quietly follow the tour group.

After the news was reported, the Shancheng branch attached great importance to it.

While passing the news back to the headquarters, a large number of people were also sent to monitor the tour group, ready to control them at any time.

The headquarters, which is the department where Zhong Gongliang and Yun Changge belonged, quickly found out the origins of these reincarnated people from the island country.

This anti-Dragon Nation organization is no different from a dangerous person to the Dragon Nation.

Decisively order that all these islanders must be arrested.

It's just that these islanders seemed to realize something, and just disappeared under the noses of the surveillance personnel.

The problem is very serious. The combat power of every reincarnation can cause a crushing situation for ordinary people.

With so many malicious island reincarnations lurking in the city, who knows what will happen.

This made Kuang Feng furious in the meeting room.

The gust of wind slowed down for a while, and after his emotions calmed down a little, he continued to speak: "What are you doing in a daze, take your people, and quickly find those islanders for Lao Tzu, don't forget your duty , I would rather see you all dead than hear any casualty reports from ordinary people, do you understand what I mean?"




old Town.

With his hands in his pockets, Peng Zhi wandered aimlessly by himself.

It's really boring.

Decided to find a warm young lady to soothe his wounded heart.

Turned around and walked into a small alley.

Normally, there should be quite a few enthusiastic young ladies in ragged clothes standing in this alley.

Peng Zhi was a little puzzled.

Saw the door of a hair salon ajar.

He stretched out his hand and pushed it away, just about to step in.

Suddenly, he found dozens of men in the room staring at him viciously...

(End of this chapter)

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