The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 324 The second round of chapter experience

Chapter 324 The Seventh Reincarnation Experience

"Then...then what, big brother, you play first, I'll find a new one?"

Peng Zhi was a little flustered.

Who has seen such a scene.

There are at most two or three big men in the fairy dance.

As soon as he entered the door, he was stared at by dozens of big men, who could resist this.

The man in the room probably didn't expect someone to come in.

In fact, these guys are the members of the island organization that Kuangfeng and the others are looking for.

They, who call themselves kamikaze warriors, certainly don't underestimate the Dragon Kingdom, and it is enough to sneak into the territory of the Dragon Kingdom swaggeringly.

Regardless of whether they are being targeted by the official department of Longguo, they will choose to hide.

You know, they are so cautious, of course, not to make a one-shot deal.

Instead, they want to cause damage in the Dragon Kingdom for a long time.

The three men sitting in the main seat exchanged glances with each other.

One of the men couldn't help asking: "こいつはwho desu ka?"(Who is this kid?)

"Private たちの行方は重露できないので,この野郎をやっつけてください." (Our whereabouts cannot be revealed, get rid of this kid.)
The other man, who was a little thin, showed a kind smile towards Peng Zhi after he finished speaking.

Peng Zhi couldn't understand what they were talking about, but after all, he had years of experience in reading films.

He can still hear which language these people speak.

"Island... island people?!"

Peng Zhi's eyes widened.

In this era, the mountain city is not yet considered an international metropolis.

It is quite rare to see foreigners.

Not to mention seeing a lot of them all at once.

Seeing the leading thin man smiling at him, Peng Zhi also forced a smile.

He thought that the atmosphere in the room was pretty good, taking advantage of this opening, Peng Zhi suddenly turned his head and was about to rush out.

No matter what they were going to do, Peng Zhi knew it was beyond his control.

Seizing the right opportunity to run is the right way.

Unfortunately, in order to ensure that their whereabouts would not be exposed, the kamikaze warriors had no intention of letting Peng Zhi leave from the very beginning.

As soon as Peng Zhi just turned around, he bumped into a burly man with a "bang".

Peng Zhi felt as if he had hit a wall, rubbed his nose and staggered back a few steps.

The pain also made Peng Zhi feel angry.

Anyway, he is also a bastard who has seen blood. If he is really timid and afraid of getting into trouble, that is not enough.

"Fuck, what do you little devils want to do? Where do you think this is?!"

As he spoke, he took out a jumping knife from the pocket of his coat.

Glaring, he yelled at the man blocking the door: "This is Dragon Kingdom!"

Although Peng Zhi was angry, he did not lose his mind.

There are dozens of people on the opposite side, even if he is possessed by Ye Man, he can't fight so many.

Those who know the current affairs are handsome.

The best choice is to scare the guy blocking the door so that he can have a chance to escape.

Under normal circumstances, this choice is actually not a problem.

However, Peng Zhi didn't know that what he was facing was not an ordinary person at all.

Seeing that the man in front of him had no intention of dodging, Peng Zhi gritted his teeth, held the jumping knife and stabbed him.

Obviously stabbing someone with a knife, the imaginary feeling of the knife entering the body did not appear, but there was a sound of gold and iron colliding.

Peng Zhi was dumbfounded.

The force of the shock even made the tiger's mouth of the hand holding the knife a little painful.

Why are people not afraid of being stabbed by a knife these days?
Peng Zhi rubbed his wrist subconsciously, and looked at the man in front of him in disbelief.

No one had anything to explain to him.

Well, maybe Peng Zhi couldn't understand after explaining it.

This burly man clenched his fist and hit Peng Zhi's head heavily.

After the dull sound.

Peng Zhi lost consciousness and collapsed limply on the ground like a pile of rotten meat.

Two members of the kamikaze warriors who were close to each other came over and poked Peng Zhi's head lightly with their toes.

"Are you dead?"

The kamikaze warriors actually don't know that they have been exposed to the reincarnation department of Longguo.

After all, the basic national policy of the Dragon Kingdom is people-oriented, and any case involving hurting people will be taken very seriously.

They didn't want to attract the official's attention so early.

A man stretched out his fingers to probe Peng Zhi's breath, and said, "He's still alive, throw him in and squeeze with those women."

The main purpose of saving his life is to prevent calls from relatives and friends.


Garden District.

This is the name of Duan Jianhui's community.

At the gate of the community, a black car slowly drove in.

Stop at the downstairs of Duan Jianhui's house.

Brother Da Biao, who was all in black, got out of the car and looked up at the scene upstairs.

He smiled helplessly.

Although at the beginning, after learning that Lu Yan was the God of War of the Invincible Tyrannosaurus, Brother Da Biao took the initiative to send money and got a chance for Lu Yan to help.

But this is just Brother Da Biao's habit of expanding his network.

I didn't expect this favor to come in handy so soon.

Duan Jianhui's family.

living room.

Two burly men in black suits stood behind Da Biao with their hands behind their backs, and Da Biao sat on the sofa in a stern manner.

Duan Jianhui was next to Lu Yan, and he was not in the mood to play with his mobile phone.

On the tea table in front of the two of them, there were still several stacks of banknotes.

"...That's the way it is. Brother Lu's previous promise should still count."

Brother Da Biao looked steady and serious on the surface, but he was a little uneasy in his heart.

Brother Da Biao was clear in his heart, and according to Lu Yan's ranking on the combat power list, he would exchange money for his help, and the little money he sent before was definitely not enough.

Not to mention it was just a verbal agreement, if Lu Yan didn't bother to help, Brother Da Biao couldn't do anything about it.

Duan Jianhui secretly observed Lu Yan's expression, but didn't dare to say anything.

Lu Yan reluctantly looked away from the banknotes and looked at Brother Da Biao.

He smiled kindly: "I'll take this job."

Hearing Lu Yan's answer, Brother Da Biao's heart that had been hanging over him finally fell.

As a reincarnation, he is sure.

As long as Lu Yan agrees to help, there will be absolutely no problems.

Lu Yan agreed, not because of the money, but mainly because what Brother Da Biao said was quite interesting.

According to what Brother Da Biao said, in the reincarnation space, there is a reincarnation person named God Fortune Teller.

This magic operator ranks No. 80 and seventh on the reincarnation stone tablet.

Combat power is nothing to Lu Yan, but he has a golden quality item.

Fortune can be calculated.

Of course, there are also a lot of restrictions on items related to causality. First of all, there will be a seven-day cooling time for single individuals.

And the calculated results are all vague speculations.

However, even with such and other restrictions, this item is worthy of the golden quality.

To say that this magic operator is also a very business-minded guy.

Other reincarnations have such a treasure, wishing to hide it tightly and make a fortune by themselves.

The magic fortune teller is different, although it takes seven days for a person to calculate again.

But the number of reincarnated people can't stand it.

After the reincarnation space was opened, the divine operator resolutely set up a fortune-telling booth.

The main type of business is to calculate the probability of death for the next reincarnation experience of the customer.

Brother Da Biao couldn't bear to die like this, so before the reincarnation experience, he would ask the fortune teller to calculate it.

If the death rate is found to be too high, it will be strengthened from various aspects.

But just now, after Brother Da Biao got the result of the calculation, he was in a daze.

The calculation results show that the next reincarnation experience of Da Biao's death rate is [-]%.

There are still a few hours left before the next reincarnation experience, even if you cram for the time being, there is no way to improve the survival rate much.

In order to survive, Brother Da Biao bought a team card with a lot of money.

The role of the team card is to invite a reincarnation person to enter the same experience world in the next mission.

The side effect is that the task difficulty of the invitee will be randomly increased by a part, and the reincarnation level of the invitee must be in the same realm as the inviter.

To put it simply, Brother Da Biao is now one star in the three realms, and at most he can only invite one reincarnated person who is three stars in the three realms.

Under these restrictions, the team card is actually not as popular as imagined.

But who let Brother Da Biao know the existence of a BUG level.

The Invincible Tyrannosaurus Rex God of War ranked third on the reincarnation stele, but his reincarnation level is only three stars in the three realms.

Brother Da Biao believes that as long as he can get Lu Yan to help him, he should survive this reincarnation experience without any problems.

Lu Yan naturally put away the banknotes on the coffee table.

Brother Da Biao groped in his arms, took out a card and handed it to Lu Yan.

Lu Yan picked it up and looked it over.

He has never seen the team formation card, but from the material point of view, it is somewhat similar to the task settlement card.

It can only be said that they are all produced by the reincarnation system.

Brother Da Biao stood up from the sofa.

"Since that's the case, it will all depend on Brother Lu."

It was already past nine o'clock in the evening, and there were less than three hours left before the reincarnation experience at twelve o'clock.

But Brother Da Biao did not choose to stay at Duan Jianhui's house, and got up to leave.

After Brother Da Biao left, Duan Jianhui smiled.

He opened his mouth and said, "Okay, Lu Yan, it's becoming more and more popular to hang out with you, even Brother Da Biao has to beg you for help in such a low voice."

"That guy Peng Zhi knows how to find a woman, so he missed such a good show."

Lu Yan counted the banknotes with a smile, and said gently: "Would you like to go to the Samsara Mall to buy something to arm yourself, I still have some Samsara Coins here, I can use them for you first."


Duan Jianhui thought for a while and said, "Anyway, Peng Zhi went out to find his sister, so he probably won't be back tonight."


The reincarnation department of the Dragon Kingdom.

Headquarters building.

In an office on the top floor of the building, Zhong Gongliang had an ugly face, anxious eyes, and was making a certain phone call.

He also just received the news.

In the reincarnation space of the island country, kamikaze warriors are not a small organization.

It can even be called famous.

The three leaders of this organization are all strong men who have boarded the reincarnation stele of the island country.

As the number of reincarnated people around the world gradually increased, everyone basically ranked the level of the strong.

After all, slightly larger countries and regions will open a reincarnation space.

Therefore, the ranking of the stele of reincarnation is only relatively convincing in the local area.

The reincarnated people who walk around the world, all they value are the reincarnated combat power list.

In addition, the reincarnation combat power list has been opened for some time.

Some organized a sample survey and came up with a more credible evaluation.

The top [-] on the combat power list is a grade.

Below [-] is another grade.

To be more precise, there are also the top one thousand, the top three hundred, the top one hundred, and the top ten.

Reincarnators of the same level, their combat power will be relatively close, and they belong to the kind that cannot be easily resolved with each other.

In order to facilitate the identification of these grades, a title is added to these grades.

For example, the top [-] on the power list are C-level powerhouses, the top [-] are B-level, and the top [-] are A-level.

As for the top three hundred, this rare powerhouse is S rank.

The top [-] is SS rank.

As for Lu Yan, he was in the top ten from the very beginning.

After several reincarnation experiences, his current ranking improvement is not too great, but he has reached the sixth place in the combat power list.

The top ten reincarnations are called SSS-level reincarnations.

The list has been refreshed several times, but the top [-] have not changed much.

After each reincarnation experience, the reincarnation system will also update the combat power list, and there is no need to worry about errors in the combat power of these reincarnations.

If the combat power is not improved enough, it will naturally be surpassed by the people behind.

This classification method has also been unanimously approved by the reincarnation practitioners.


The reason why Zhong Gongliang was so flustered was mainly because the three bosses of this kamikaze warrior were all A-level reincarnations.

You must know that there is only one strong man assigned to the mountain city by the Dragon Kingdom's official reincarnation department.

And like the three bosses of the kamikaze warriors, they are also A-level reincarnations.

At most, it's just that the personal ranking is higher than those three bosses.

But they are all at the same level of combat power. In a one-on-one situation, even if there is an advantage, it is not that big.

Not to mention such a level, there are three opponents.


The office door was pushed open.

Yun Changge, dressed in white, walked in unhurriedly, and said calmly, "What happened to you looking for me so anxiously?"

Zhong Gongliang forcibly suppressed the restlessness in his heart, and said, "Changge, I might have to trouble you to go..."

Zhong Gongliang quickly explained the matter.

But Yun Changge had a smile on his face instead.

"If you care about it, you will be confused. Have you forgotten that in the mountain city, the position of the strongest is not the turn of Brother Fengfeng."

"You mean?"

Zhong Gongliang's eyes lit up: "Are you sure who will make a move?"

"Give it a try. Anyway, it's too late to dispatch people now. I've been in contact with that person. It shouldn't be a problem to ask him to help."

Speaking of this, Yun Changge smiled: "After all, that SSS-level reincarnation like me, hehe, don't mention it, the classification created by the Salvation Organization is quite interesting."


Duan Jianhui's family.

on the sofa.

Duan Jianhui smiled at Lu Yan. After spending so many reincarnation coins, he is very confident in his reincarnation experience this time.

Lu Yan stretched his waist, holding the team card given by Brother Da Biao in his hand.

It's twelve o'clock.

【Ding! 】

ps. The last chapter was harmonized and republished.

Apologize to brothers and sisters...

(End of this chapter)

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