The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 325 Team Mission

Chapter 325 Team Mission
【Ding! 】

After hearing the beep, Duan Jianhui collected himself and sat upright.

[After 30 seconds, the seventh reincarnation experience will start. 】

【The host please stay where you are and don't move around, otherwise you will be wiped out. 】

The familiar mechanized prompt sounded in Lu Yan's mind.

Lu Yan deftly ignored the so-called obliteration, and took out the team card that Brother Da Biao gave him.

The countdown had just started, and then the team formation card in Lu Yan's hand gradually disappeared.

[A team card invitation has been detected, do you accept the invitation? 】


After all, I had agreed with Brother Da Biao before.

Lu Yan had no intention of changing his mind midway.

【Ding! 】

[The experience world has been reset. 】

[Transmission starts. 】

Even though it wasn't the first time to carry out a training mission, Lu Yan still felt a little dizzy every time he teleported.

When he opened his eyes again,
The salty sea breeze hits the nostrils, and there is a vast expanse of sea in front of you.

Lu Yan, who was a little sick to his stomach because of the teleportation, suddenly became relaxed and happy when he saw the clear dark blue ocean in front of him.

He has not seen such a beautiful ocean for a long time.

Just when Lu Yan's attention was attracted by the ocean, the notification sound of the reincarnation system sounded at the right time.

【Ding! 】

[Team Mission World: One Piece] (Modified)
[The first ring task: join the camp]

[One: Navy]

[Two: Pirates]

[Three: Revolutionary Army]

[Note 1: There is no time limit for this task]

[Note 2: It was detected that the combat power gap between the two sides of the team was too large, and it has been corrected]

[Mission failure penalty: obliteration! 】

[Japanese proficiency loaded]

There were not many descriptions of the mission, so Lu Yan read it quickly.

Everything else is easy to understand, but Lu Yan didn't quite understand the note 2.

He frowned slightly and knelt down on one knee.

He clenched his fist and slammed it heavily on the ground.

The dull sound made the ground seem to shake.

At the beginning, he didn't feel any change in his strength, but after a simple experiment, it proved that his feeling was not wrong.

So what has been fixed in this reincarnation system?
Lu Yan shook his head, and stood up from the ground with the human stele on his back.

Maybe I have to find Brother Dabiao before I know what has been corrected.

Although a bit unclear.

But he was in a good mood.

Although he hasn't finished watching the One Piece anime, he has roughly watched hundreds of episodes.

You won't be as confused as the previous few experience missions.

And the world is quite big.

Lots of new and interesting gadgets.

Lu Yan collected his mood and began to observe his surroundings.

He is now on a small island.

You can still see the smoke curling from the kitchen on the island. Obviously there are people living in the center of the island, but you can ask someone to find out where he is now.

After you figure it out, you can consider which camp to join.

In fact, the distribution of forces in this world is not as simple as the task gives.

The strongest and biggest force in this world is called the world government.

The world government rules the world, claims to be absolute justice, and has more than 170 affiliated countries.

But this world is huge, and even such a powerful world government cannot fully control every corner of the world.

In addition, this is a world where more than 90.00% is ocean, and the distance between islands is far away.

Such a unique geographical environment breeds a group of special professions, pirates.

Since there are pirates representing chaos, the navy representing order also came into being.

As for the revolutionary army that can be chosen in the end, their goal is to overthrow the world government.

It's just that the strength of the revolutionary army is inferior to that of the world government, and it is impossible to expose it to the public.

So it is the most troublesome one among the three mission options.

It is not that difficult to join the navy, but it is also very troublesome to review the source and so on.

Only pirates are the easiest option. Lu Yan can just find a piece of wood and go to sea to become a pirate.

Fortunately, Lu Yan was not so green in a daze.

The most urgent task is to find out where he is now and find Brother Da Biao.

The combat power of a single player in this world is very exaggerated. Although Brother Da Biao is a one-star reincarnation of the Three Realms, he is easily killed by accident.

The weak Big Biao needs Lu Yan's protection very much.

With this in mind, Lu Yan walked along the coastline.

Since the island is inhabited, there must be a pier.

And it is.

Not far away, Lu Yan saw a small white building complex.

Close to the shore of the complex is a long wooden pier, where a blue and white sailboat is parked.

A plaque hangs over the gate of the small building.

After seeing this plaque, Lu Yan showed a smile on his face.

He didn't have to ask others where it was.

Because the plaque reads the words "Navy Branch in Rogue Town".

When Lu Yan looked at One Piece, he just glanced over it roughly.

If it was another place name, Lu Yan might not know where it was.

But Rogge Town, it is impossible for him not to know.

This is the hometown of Roger, the pirate king, and Roger was executed in this place.

Just when Lu Yan was looking at the Rogge Town branch curiously.

The two navy guards at the gate noticed him.

It was really because Lu Yan's outfit was too weird.

A man he had never seen before carried a huge black stone tablet behind him.

And as soon as he appeared, he stared secretly at the gate of the Navy Division.

It looks like a pirate who is secretly observing and preparing to attack the Navy Division.

The two marines looked at each other and walked up to Lu Yan together.

"Hey! What are you doing, boy?"

There have been more and more pirates going to sea recently, causing the navies stationed on various islands to be more vigilant.

After Lu Yan figured out where he was, he was still in a good mood.

He looked kindly at the two navies in front of him, and said softly, "I'll just take a look."

After finishing speaking, Lu Yan turned around and prepared to leave here.

The main reason is that the attitudes of the two navies are bad. It is better to go to Rogge Town and find out what time it is.

However, Lu Yan's behavior fell into the eyes of the two navies, as if they wanted to abscond in fear of crime after being discovered.


"Sneaky, throw him in jail for interrogation."

Two navies quickly stopped in front of Lu Yan, and one of them raised his flintlock gun and pointed in the direction of the navy branch.

"Come with us."

Lu Yan smiled helplessly.

Stepping on the ground with their toes, they came in front of the two marines in an instant.

No skill was used, just two punches were thrown out cleanly.

The speed was so fast that the two marines were knocked out on the spot before they could even react.

Lu Yan didn't kill him, he stepped over the bodies of the two marines and walked towards Rogge Town.

Although it is only a naval branch, of course there are more than these two navies in it.

Lu Yan shot at the navy in front of the navy branch. This kind of bad behavior is a provocation to the navy.

Soon, a man wearing a naval justice cloak bursts out of the house.

A large number of ordinary navies also quickly assembled.

The man in the naval justice cloak shouted, "What's going on?"

"Report, the Aum brothers were knocked out by a pirate."

"What? It's so bold! Do you see what it looks like? Where did that pirate go?"

"It's a man with a huge stone tablet on his back, walking in the direction of Rogge Town."

"Then what are you waiting for? Catch that pirate for me!"


Rogue Town.

On the streets of the town, there was a man with a black stone tablet on his back, looking left and right like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

It was Lu Yan.

He wandered around the town leisurely, not worried at all about knocking out the two marines.

Residents in the town are well-organized, there is a navy stationed there, and on the surface it is still a scene of living and working in peace.

Everyone is doing their own thing.

At this moment, a man wearing a straw hat passed by Lu Yan.

Glanced briefly.

Lu Yan gasped inwardly.

The style of this straw hat is very familiar.

Turning around, the man in the straw hat was standing in front of a melon stall.

Taking a closer look, Lu Yan was a little uncertain.

At first he thought it was Luffy, but after careful observation, he didn't feel like it.

You know, Luffy was only 17 years old when he went to sea, and this man wearing a straw hat looks almost thirty.

Although it is said that from Two-dimensional to three-dimensional, there will definitely be some changes in appearance.

But no matter what, it is impossible to change so much.

But in One Piece, there are more than one straw hats like this, maybe people like this style.

Lu Yan stepped closer to the man in the straw hat.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

The man in the straw hat looked up and looked around.

He raised his finger again and asked a little strangely, "Are you talking to me?"


"Haha, but I don't know you, man."

The man in the straw hat grinned.

Lu Yan suddenly felt that this man's silly smile was familiar, but is there such a person in One Piece?

"Hello, my name is Lu Yan."

"No, no, what are you doing?"

The man in the straw hat looked confused, he just wanted to buy a melon, how could he meet such a weird guy.

This is too familiar.

There is no way to sum up social bullying, this person should be called a social terrorist.

The man in the straw hat hesitated before replying, "Well, hello, my name is Roger."

Lu Yan blinked his eyes.

Taking half a step back, he looked at the man in the straw hat from top to bottom.

"Gol D. Roger?"

A look of vigilance appeared on Roger's face, and he said, "How do you know?"

Now Lu Yan couldn't accept this fact in his heart.

The timing of this transmission is too early.

Even One Piece hasn't gone to sea yet, so he has no impression of the plot during this time.

And he has a vague guess, that is the so-called task modification.

It is very likely that he and Brother Dabiao were sent in two time points.

That is to say, at this point in time, Brother Da Biao, there is a high probability that he has not yet come to the world of One Piece.

Lu Yan raised his hand and pressed his temple, forcing himself to accept this fact.

Re-lock your eyes on this big, silly face.

Taking a deep breath: "When are you going to go to sea?"


Roger was even more confused. Although he had the idea of ​​going to sea, he hadn't started preparing yet.

How did this strange man with the stele on his back know?
at this time.

On the other side of the street in the town, a team of navy has come up.

With the image of Lu Yan carrying a huge black stone tablet like this, it is not easy for the navy to pretend that they did not see it.

"found it!"

"It's him! It's this kid who knocked me out!"

"Catch him back quickly, don't let him run away."

There are still many residents on the street, and the navy did not shoot.

They drew their knives and rushed forward.

The residents of the small town were ordinary people, and they exclaimed to make way for a passage.

Roger was about to say something.

Lu Yan bent down and pushed Roger out in the direction of the navy.

At the same time, he shouted loudly: "Don't worry, it's just some miscellaneous soldiers. With the strength of you and me, we can easily kill them."

"Wait a minute, what are you doing?!"

Luo Jie looked at the team of navy in front of him, and then turned to look at Lu Yan who was smiling behind him.

I saw black lines all over his head.

what is happening?
Who still remembers that he just wanted to go to the street to buy a melon.

"I didn't expect to be an accomplice."

"It's okay, just two little pirates."

"Then get rid of the guy in the straw hat first."

The navy didn't listen to Roger's explanation, and they swung their knives and slashed at him.

Luo Jie excelled at the physiological reaction of self-preservation, subconsciously raised his foot and kicked a navy in front of him out.

Looking at the navy that had charged up and surrounded him, the corners of Roger's mouth twitched.

Aren't these marines here to catch that weird guy with the stele on his back?

Why is it now that he is fighting with these navies.

Roger took the time to look back: "Damn it! What the hell are you doing?!"

The hateful guy that Luo Jie was talking about was lying half-lying in the stall with a lazy expression, holding half a melon in his arms.

Lu Yan scooped up a piece of tender melon meat with a spoon and put it into his mouth, smacking his lips.

He didn't mean to cheat Roger on purpose.

He just wanted to see what Roger's fighting style looked like.

The idea came after it was determined that the man in the straw hat was Roger.

Actually, in the One Piece anime.

Lu Yan has never seen the scene of the One Piece King Gol D. Luo Jie fighting.

At most, it's just a clip of slashing with a knife.

But he was able to overwhelm the Golden Lion and Whitebeard and become the One Piece.

It is unlikely that Roger has no fighting power.

So how does the guy who can become the One Piece fight?How strong is the strength at this point in time?
Lu Yan was very interested in these questions.

Now that he has the opportunity, Lu Yan certainly wouldn't mind seeing it with his own eyes.

There was a burst of smoke and dust, accompanied by the screams of the marines.

The battle is finally over.

Roger is no loss, Roger, although he has not yet reached his peak, but it is still easy to clean up thirty or forty ordinary navy.

Roger pressed the straw hat on his head.

Looking at Lu Yan with a dark face: "Aren't you going to explain to me?"

(End of this chapter)

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