The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 327 The old enemy

Chapter 327 The old enemy
Luo Jie looked in the direction of Lu Yan's finger.

On the horizon in the distance, a mighty warship is coming through the waves from the direction of the sunrise.

As the distance between the battleship and the island shortened, the appearance of the battleship became more and more clear.

Roger's mouth grew, as if he could stuff a duck's egg.

Seeing this huge battleship, Roger turned his head stiffly as if his whole body had turned to stone.

Looking at Lu Yan: "Are you serious?"

A fleet of this size must be led by a brigadier general.

Although Roger will become One Piece in the future, he has not gone to sea yet.

In terms of combat effectiveness, it is at most about the Colonel of the Navy Headquarters.

He wasn't reckless enough to directly attack the fleet.

Lu Yan raised his voice.

"What's the matter, don't you like this?"

"Isn't this a question of whether you like it or not?! Let alone whether you can grab it, even if you grab it, the two of us can't drive it, okay?!"

Roger looked excited.

Lu Yan raised his eyebrows, applauded lightly, and said, "As expected of you, although you haven't gone to sea yet, your way of thinking is almost the same as that of pirates."

Roger has black lines all over his head.

Before long, the iconic seagull flag of the Navy on the battleship was clearly visible.

Lu Yan and Luo Jie watched from a distance.

Rows of navies are already standing on the pier outside the Naval Branch of Rogge Town.

A navy with two small flags ran out of the team, waving his arms.

Signal the navy on the battleship.

The current Rogge Town Wharf is just a small port, plus the sailing ships of the branch navy that were originally parked.

It is impossible for warships to get too close, otherwise accidents are prone to happen.

On the deck of the battleship.

"Commander Cap, the branch's navy is directing us where to park."

The watchman said to Garp with a frenzied face.

After all, this is not the first time he has been to such a small island where warships cannot approach. Garp nodded kindly and said, "Go ahead."

The warships sent boats and sampans into the port.

Except for the necessary left-behind personnel on the battleship, all other navies came to the island.

The lieutenant commander of the branch felt uneasy when he saw the rank of brigadier general on Garp's shoulder.

Although he knew that for a fleet of this size, the leader of the fleet would definitely not be too bad, but he didn't expect a brigadier general to come.

And still so young.

The lieutenant commander thought in his mind that this kind of young commodore must either have a strong background or be powerful.

No matter which possibility it is, it is not something he can afford.

After clarifying this point, the branch major's already slightly curved back looked even more curved.

The lieutenant commander of the branch walked up to Karp and said very respectfully: "That...commodore, welcome to Rogge Town. We have prepared delicious food to welcome you and your brothers."

"Your branch seems to have some problems."

Garp touched his chin, then laughed loudly, and said, "But since the food is ready, let's eat first."

Led by Karp, a group of people walked towards the naval branch of Rogge Town.

Laughter and laughter along the way.

On the battleship, the eyes of the left-behind navy revealed their desire for food and wine.

However, after all, he is the elite of the headquarters, no matter what, he will not leave his post without authorization.

Soon, the only sound left on the deck was the sound of wind and waves blowing by the sea.

at this time.

An arm rests on the edge of the battleship, and Roger's goofy face hits the railing.

Like a hanged ghost, he looked around on the deck with a dark face.

It was found that there were only two marines on the deck, and their backs were facing him.

Immediately soared into the air, Bangbang punched twice.

The two navies fell into a coma.

Lu Yan boarded the deck unhurriedly after Luo Jie had finished dealing with it.

Roger whispered: "What are you going to do? How can the two of us start such a big boat."

"Don't worry, isn't there so many navies on this ship?"

Lu Yan didn't panic at all.

He remembered that in the original book, Roger's pirate ship was built with the treasure tree Adam.

It's just that Roger hasn't met Baoshu Adam yet.

Anyway, it will have to be changed sooner or later, and it is the same to get a random boat and drive it now.

Luo Jie froze when he heard Lu Yan's casual answer.

The time returns to 2 minutes ago.


The heads of Lu Yan and Luo Jie popped out of the water next to the battleship.

The two of them fluctuated with the swaying of the waves.

Roger pressed his arm on the battleship, and asked in a low voice: "What should I do next? Actually, I still don't quite understand. Even if we snatch such a big ship, it won't be able to move, right?"

Lu Yan bent his fingers, tapped the steel plate of the battleship protruding from the water, and casually said: "Don't worry, get on, I have a solution."

Luo Jie hesitated for a moment, he was already on the verge of death, he decided to trust Lu Yan one more time...


on the deck.

Roger's face turned green, and he really wanted to yell, but he was worried that if there was too much noise, the navy would be attracted.

Looking at the leisurely Lu Yan in front of him, Luo Jie lowered his voice and said like a roar: "No, your solution is to let these marines obey your command?"

"Damn it, aren't you awake? It's impossible for these navies to follow our command!"

Roger slapped himself on the forehead, and the veins on his temples burst out: "I also believe in you again, I am a dog!"

Lu Yan also seemed to feel that he had offended Roger too much.

He patted Roger on the shoulder and said, "Okay, there are some lifeboats on this battleship, we can drive that."

Roger wanted to leave in a fit of anger, but he had to admit that he had knocked out two navies.

It is indeed the best choice now to get a lifeboat and leave.

Glancing fiercely at Lu Yan, he turned and walked towards the cabin.


Rogue Township Naval Branch.

The major of the branch enthusiastically enliven the atmosphere at the dinner table.

Everyone was toasting and toasting, and it seemed that the host and guest enjoyed themselves for a while.

at this time.

A tall navy man hurried in, sweating profusely, panting uncontrollably: "Master...major,'s not good!!!"

"what happened?"

The major frowned, and the Brigadier General Garp, who was watching from the side, also noticed it, and he was even more upset.

I didn't like the flustered subordinates at first, but the officers from the headquarters actually saw them.

Doesn't this show that he is not strict in governing the people.

"The prisoner... found the prisoner! Roger, who escaped last night, and his accomplices!"

Hearing this, the major's eyes lit up, who was a little upset.

The navy members of the branch did not find Roger's trace after patrolling all night. They did not expect Roger to appear on his own initiative now.

It happened to be able to arrest Roger in front of the ministers of the headquarters, which not only showed that their branch was very active, but also showed the strength of their branch.

Isn't this a political achievement delivered to the door?

The major asked happily, "Where is the prisoner?"

The navy who reported the message was a little embarrassed, so he had to whisper: "They were on board and drove away a sailing ship, and before leaving, they set a fire and burned all the ships..."

Major: "..."

Hearing these words, the major only felt a tightness in his chest and almost fainted from anger.

"Trash! It's all trash!!!"

The major kicked the reporting navy out the door.

Then he glared at his subordinates angrily: "Didn't you hear that the escaped prisoner escaped to the sea? Why are you still standing there, hurry up and chase after him!"

The major turned his head to look at Karp, as if changing his face all of a sudden.

Flatteringly said: "Master Brigadier General, don't worry, these are small problems, they can be easily resolved."

Unexpectedly, the major was photographed aside by Garp as soon as he turned his head.

"It's a small matter, didn't you hear that the boat was burned?"

Capton stood up from the stool suddenly.

Go straight to the outside.

As he walked, he shouted loudly: "Everyone has! Return to the boat to fight the fire immediately! Hurry up!"


Hearing Karp's order, the navy members of the headquarters who were still feasting put down the food in their hands and ran towards the port at the fastest speed.

The major general of the branch even saw a marine with a chicken leg stuffed in his mouth. After hearing Garp's order, the marine swallowed it all, bone and skin, and rushed out quickly.

As if they had heard some special order, these naval officers of the headquarters took orders and prohibitions to the extreme.

The major general of the branch looked shocked.

Before the inspection fleet of the headquarters arrived, he was the highest command of the Naval Branch of Rogge Town.

However, he had been the head of the branch for several years, and he never thought that the navy could have such a strong executive power.

If it was his navy, it would take at least a little buffer time to hear such a sudden order.

The displayed picture is that the navy of the headquarters has already rushed out, and the fastest navy of the branch has just stood up.

This officer named Karp is indeed a brigadier general from the Navy headquarters.

The branch major suppressed his surprise and followed him out.

In the port, there are marines carrying buckets to put out the fire everywhere.

The major general of the branch was a little bit sore, this Roger ran away, why did he set a fire.

Originally, their branch didn't have many boats, so they were caught off guard like this.

Maybe the humiliating achievement of not having a single ship in the Navy Branch can be achieved.

Garp didn't panic too much. This level of flames couldn't cause any damage to his main ship.

It's just that they can't sail until the fire is extinguished.

Garp's attention is now on the small black spot on the distant sea.

I can see it on the sea in the distance.

A sloop about ten meters long, with a straight bow breaking through the swell in front of it.

Under the influence of the impact of the swell, the bow of the ship was raised high, crushing the broken waves and white foam, and drifting away.

Garp could vaguely see the back of this man and a huge black stone tablet on the boat.

Seeing this back view, Garp felt an inexplicable desire to win in his heart.

This feeling is like finally meeting this destined opponent.

Garp turned his head and asked the major general of the branch: "What's that guy's name?"

"Roger, Gol D. Roger."

The major general of the branch replied hurriedly.

After seeing Garp's well-trained navy, he now respects Garp even more.

"Gol D. Roger?"

Hearing this name, Garp's inexplicable emotion was finally ignited, and he said solemnly: "Since they are criminals, we can't let them escape."

"Quasi... Your Excellency Commodore, now that our ship is on fire, it's not that we don't want to chase after him, it's because we can't do anything about it."

Karp laughed loudly: "It's only a few steps away."

The voice just fell.

Garp's foot moved and he stomped on the ground.

After a loud noise, Karp's figure has jumped up high.

Then, under the adoring eyes of the navy members of the headquarters, Garp started to run in the air.

It is the same movement as running, stepping continuously in the air.

Amidst the sound of an empty explosion, Garp gradually approached the sloop sailing in the distance.

The branch major swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and his shocked eyes could not be calmed for a long time: " this the sixth naval style that only the top generals of the headquarters can master according to the rumors?"

Navy Six Styles, as the name suggests, has a total of six moves.

They are shaving, iron block, paper painting, moon step, haze foot and finger gun, which are collectively referred to as body arts that exceed the limits of human beings.

What Garp used at this time was one of them, the moon step.

On the sloop.

Lu Yan sat cross-legged on the deck. Since the human stele behind him was too big, he couldn't be seen from behind.

He suddenly felt an exuberant breath of life gradually approaching.

I froze for a moment, and looked back.

Spotted a navy running in the sky.

As the distance approached, Roger also noticed Garp's existence: "It's amazing, this navy can actually run in the air, is it a Devil Fruit?"

Garp's loud voice was already in the air.

"Gol D. Roger, this is Commodore Admiral of the Navy, Garp! You are now ordered to return to the voyage immediately. Don't be obsessed with it, or you will bear the wrath of the Navy!"

Lu Yan blinked his eyes.

Although the position is different from what he had imagined, but if nothing unexpected happened.

This guy with a loud voice should be the naval hero in later generations.

He looked at Roger beside him, and then looked up at Garp who was getting closer to them in the sky.

It seems that these two guys will love and kill each other so much for the rest of their lives.

However, if it was Garp, it would definitely not be a devil fruit capable user.

Instead, Roger and Garp can fight. Anyway, this kind of fist-to-hand fight, with him watching, there will be no accidents.

Let's see who is more powerful, Roger or Garp.

Lu Yan stood up and patted Luo Jie on the head.

"Roger, come on!"

Roger was stunned: "Damn it, don't order me!"

Although he was a little upset, when Roger saw the menacing Garp, for some reason, he also felt a little itchy.

Also no longer hesitate.

Leaping forward, he clenched his fist and smashed Garp.

Garp didn't expect that a small prisoner like Roger would not only refuse to persuade him when he heard the name of the brigadier general, but would dare to take the initiative to attack him.

In desperation, he could only hastily raise his arms.

Barely covering both arms with a layer of black armed color.

Bang! ! !
Roger felt like he had hit a block of iron with a fist.

"Damn! What is this thing?!"

(End of this chapter)

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