The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 328 The Gears of Destiny

Chapter 328 The Gears of Destiny

Roger was bounced back onto the ship by the counterforce.

Under the huge force, the sloop shook for a while.

But no matter how the sailboat shook, Lu Yan still sat cross-legged on the deck steadily.

Roger shook his hand, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

It can be seen that his fist is a little red.

With a loud bang, Garp also fell onto the boat.

Both arms are still covered with armed domineering, it looks as if the arms suddenly turned into two steels.

Garp grinned and said, "Roger is right, he's pretty good."

Although it was a compliment, Roger was very upset by this condescending attitude.

"Be less arrogant."

Roger retorted dissatisfied.

Even if he didn't know what armed domineering was, he still clenched his fists and rushed towards Karp again.

In the world of One Piece, there are several high-end powers, and armed domineering is one of them.

Relying on physique, the special power produced.

Due to the difficulty of cultivation, it can only be seen in the second half of the great route and in the high-ranking navy generals.

Corresponding to this difficulty of cultivation is the tyrannical power of armed color domineering.

In addition to powerful defense and attack power, it can even touch the entities of natural devil fruit ability users.

From this point of view, Garp is indeed very talented. He became a brigadier general of the Navy headquarters at a young age, and he also mastered the domineering style of arms.

Although Roger looks older, he is only 20 years old now.

Luo Jie, who was fooled by Lu Yan to go out to sea, seemed too immature compared with Garp.

After just a few rounds, several colors have already been hung on his body.

There is such a big gap between mastering domineering and not mastering domineering.

Even so, Roger didn't have the slightest intention of retreating, but instead fought more and more.

Garp became more and more frightened.

I thought it was just a little guy who escaped from prison, but I didn't expect his strength to be so strong.

The most important thing is that this guy named Roger didn't eat a devil fruit, and he didn't master the armed color domineering.

It was even possible to fight back and forth with him.

Who is Karp?

The youngest Commodore General in the Navy Headquarters.

Even those pirates with hundreds of millions of bounties couldn't stand in front of him for so long.

Garp's eyes gradually narrowed, if at first he shot only because of a strange premonition in his heart.

So now they really want to arrest Roger and bring him to justice.

This kind of guy cannot be ignored.

Cap is serious!
The iron fist covered with armed domineering slammed down heavily, and the fierce wind of the fist made Roger's face ache.

Garp at this time already has a bit of the demeanor of Iron Fist Garp in the future.

But even under the high pressure of Iron Fist, Roger seemed more and more at ease.

As the battle gradually heated up.

Cap was a little surprised.

He found that Roger seemed to be able to predict the way of his fist, even if he punched from the blind spot of Roger's line of sight, he couldn't easily hit it.

"Is this domineering?"

Roger lowered his head to avoid Garp's punch, and subconsciously asked, "What are you talking about?"

Lu Yan raised his eyebrows.

From his perspective, it looked as if Garp hadn't raised his hand before Roger had already made a dodging motion.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being the One Piece who can awaken the ability to listen to all things. This knowledgeable talent is really innate.

Even if you haven't practiced it systematically, you can use it subconsciously.

Of course, gaps still exist.

Even if Roger is very talented, he cannot be Garp's opponent at this stage.

After arousing the arrogance and arrogance of knowledge, it just made him get beaten less frequently.

Lu Yan stood up, ready to interrupt the battle.

Roger is still too immature, and we have to wait for him to grow up a bit before letting him fight Garp.

But at this moment, Lu Yan suddenly stopped moving again.

Because he noticed that Roger's body began to faintly reveal the unique black of the armed color Domineering.

Lu Yan stroked his chin in surprise: "Is this a natural born strong man who breaks through in battle?"

Roger and Cap's battle isn't over yet.

The two fought into a ball, hit the air from the boat, and fell from the air to the boat.

Roger has already begun to use his armed domineering a little clumsily.

Garp finally felt something was wrong, and he realized that even if he got serious, he couldn't help this guy.

The two landed on the boat again.

"Damn it, a guy who just went to sea is pretty good at fighting."

Roger's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, but he was still alive and well: "Haha, are you going to give up?"

"Are you kidding, the navy will not let any pirate go!"

Garp glanced at the leisurely Lu Yan next to him.

Although part of it is because the battle with Roger was too intense.

But what is certain is that this weirdo with bricks on his back is definitely not simple.

Lu Yan smiled calmly and said, "Your ship is on fire, and it is impossible for the navy to come to support you now, so if you don't leave..."

Speaking of this, Lu Yan twisted his neck: "You won't be able to leave today."

Karp was in a dilemma.

It is already difficult to deal with Roger who is more and more brave as he fights.

If this ignorant brick-backed weirdo is added, maybe he will really be kept.

"What's your name?"

Lu Yan didn't know what kind of mentality he had, and suddenly said maliciously: "My name is the Invincible Tyrannosaurus Dragon God of War."

"Huh? Isn't your name Lu Yan?" Roger decisively broke the stage.

Garp took a deep breath and shouted, "Roger, Lu Yan. I remember you! One day, I will arrest you two together."

As soon as the words fell, Garp moved his feet.

Under the gaze of Lu Yan and Luo Jie, the figure shot towards the shore.

"Hmph, this guy named Garp is not bad."

Roger relaxed, sat down on the deck, panted, and looked towards the port: "What a surprise, I didn't expect there to be such a strong person in the navy."

Lu Yan didn't explain, and turned around with a smile and pulled up the sail.

The boat set sail at full speed.

After confirming that Karp was unable to catch up, Lu Yan sat back on the deck again.

It took a long time to drive slowly.

The bright sunshine shines on the vast expanse of sea, reflecting a piece of sparkling light.

The salty sea breeze directly drilled into people's noses.

"The taste of freedom."

Roger lay at the stern of the boat, stood up suddenly and shouted, "Wuhu! The world! Here I am, Roger!"

Lu Yan looked at the suddenly excited Roger with a smile, and took out the coffee machine.

The coffee machine was very excited: "I finally came out again!"

Lu Yan slapped the machine cover, and after slapping the coffee machine in a daze, he took a sip happily.

Roger heard the movement, turned his head and glanced at the coffee machine, not too surprised.

After all, there are creatures like phone bugs in this world.

Roger scratched his head.

"Lu Yan, since we are going to sea to be pirates, do we have to give our pirate group a name?"

Lu Yan swallowed a mouthful of coffee.

There is a bitter cocoa aroma in the mouth.

He hadn't expected Roger to think about it.

I remember that in the original book, the name of Roger's pirate group is Roger Pirates.

Speaking of this, it seems that the big pirates of this generation are all useless names, like the Whitebeard Pirates, and the Rocks Pirates, all directly use the captain's name as the group name.

Highlight a concise and clear.

That is to say, in the era of Luffy, the name of the pirate group began to be fancy.

Lu Yan waved his hand casually: "You can take it, I have no objection."

Roger pinched his chin and thought for a while, then slapped his thigh violently.

"Yes! I definitely want to be the captain, so of course my name must be reflected in the name of the pirate group, and we are partners who go to sea together, so let's call it the Luo Yan pirate group!"

Lu Yan was silent for a while, and said, "Why don't we call it Roger Pirates."

He forgot about this. In the original book, Roger went to sea alone, so the name of the pirate group is naturally Roger.

But now that there is an extra Lu Yan, Luo Jie will naturally not forget Jia Lu Yan's name.

"I think Luo Yan's Pirates sound nice."

Roger still wanted to hold on.

As a result, Lu Yan didn't bother to talk to him anymore, and lay down on the deck to watch the scenery.

Roger had to sulk all by himself.

The scene of the sea and the sky.

It's always amazing when you see it for the first time.

But when you face the ocean from morning to night, no matter how amazing the scene is, you will also see it.

As it is now.

Lu Yan lay flat on the deck, with a black stone tablet behind him.

It looked like a sun-dried salted fish on a felt board.

Roger and the coffee machine were always interested.

Running around on the boat.

After a thumping sound, a big white bird suddenly landed on the rudder.

A khaki cloth bag is hung around the neck of this big bird.

Lu Yan looked at it and blinked: "This is the reporter...what's his name?"

"Messenger bird, specially dispatching news to ships at sea."

Roger came over, he knew the animal.

Generally speaking, the content of these newspapers is divided into sea areas. For example, they are in the East China Sea now, and the contents of the newspapers are only what happened in the East China Sea.

Unless it is a big event like the arrest of One Piece, the whole world will report it.

Roger took out a newspaper from the bag hanging around the bird's neck, and took out a Bailey from his pocket and put it in.

Roger unfolded the newspaper and glanced at it briefly, feeling a little overjoyed.

"What's the matter, smiling so happily?"

Lu Yan touched Luo Jie's forehead: "I don't have a fever either."

Luo Jie slapped Lu Yan's palm off.

"No! Look, we have a bounty."

Luo Jie unfolded the newspaper and put it in front of Lu Yan.

Lu Yan was a little surprised: "It's ok, the first time the Navy's arrest warrant is [-] million Berries."

In this era, the bounty is not as inflated as in the later generations, and a random pirate is hundreds of millions.

The bounty of this era is hundreds of millions, which can be regarded as a big pirate.

But this is not surprising, being able to confront a Commodore of the Navy head-on, and also possessing the talent of cultivating knowledgeable and armed qualities.

A bounty of [-] million can still be justified.

Roger seemed satisfied with the result, giggling all the time.

After a while, he spoke again and said: "This is just the beginning, it won't take much, and I will definitely become a big pirate with a reward of several billion."

"By the way, Lu Yan, your bounty is also on it."

Lu Yan glanced at it, then looked away indifferently.

He did have a reward, but only 1000 million Baileys.

As a rookie pirate, this bounty is not bad, even a bit of a premium.

The main reason is that Lu Yan didn't do anything.

At most, they knocked out two branches of the navy, and the bounty was so high that it was thanks to Roger.

Roger scratched the back of his head and folded the newspaper in half.

He suddenly wanted to know what Lu Yan's strength was.

They have known each other for a while, but they have never seen Lu Yan make a move.

Luo Jie is going to let Lu Yan practice with him.

Before he could speak, he saw an island appearing on the sea level in the distance.

To think that they have been floating at sea for some time.

Roger made a suggestion: "Let's go to the island to replenish some fresh water."

Lu Yan waved his hands with a smile and said, "You are the captain, you have the final say."


on the sandy beach of the island.

Roger took the bow rope, wrapped it around a stake, and then drove the stake violently into the sand.

He patted the dust off his hands, and grinned at Lu Yan with a disheveled face.

The smile on Lu Yan's face became brighter.

He felt that the scene looked like he was a contractor and Roger was his little black slave.

Roger rubbed his forehead with the back of his hand.

"How is the situation on the island?"

"There are traces left by someone in the woods. There should be a village on the island."

Lu Yan explained casually: "Let's go and have a look."

Luo Jie had no choice but to follow Lu Yan to the island.

The size of this island is not large, and it is likely that such a small island will not be recorded on the sea chart.

So there is no naval branch on this island, or even a naval garrison.

There is only one small village on the island.

Probably because this island has not been visited by outsiders for a long time. As soon as the two of them reached the entrance of the village, they were stopped by an uncle with beards.

The uncle was holding a rusty hoe and waving it vigorously, obviously not welcoming outsiders.

Both Lu Yan and Luo Jie are not the kind of guys who bully others just because of their strength.

Since they're not welcome, go the other way, get some fresh water and go straight back to the boat.

After the two walked for a while, they saw a freshwater lake.

Roger happily took out the water bag and walked towards the lake.

However, Lu Yan noticed that before they arrived, there was a man half lying under the big tree by the lake.

This is a man with pale blond hair and scholarly glasses.

He crossed his legs and hummed an unknown song.

After Roger filled the water bladder, he also noticed the man under the tree.

Greeted enthusiastically: "Hi! How are you!"

The blond man shook his head lazily.

Lu Yan narrowed his eyes, he felt that this man looked familiar.

The guy who can make him feel familiar in this era, if he doesn't admit his mistake, must be a big shot in the future.

Roger pressed the straw hat on his head, and then said, "What's your name?"


Rayleigh's voice was also lazy, but there was something reliable about it.

"Rayleigh? My name is Roger, and the guy carrying the stele is Lu Yan."

Roger raised his voice and shouted: "I like you very much."

(End of this chapter)

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