The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 332 Buddha's Warring States

Chapter 332 Buddha's Warring States

A super large island in the first half of the great route.

It could even be called a piece of land.

The kingdom on the island is called the Kingdom of Alabasta, its capital is Albana, and it has a standing army of more than [-].

Kingdoms of this size are rare even on the great route.

Like ordinary pirates, they don't have the courage to make trouble in the Kingdom of Alabasta.

Lu Yan didn't quite understand why Roger suddenly got into a fight with people in the city. Roger and Rayleigh set off together.

Roger had no brains, didn't Rayleigh either?

With this thought in mind, Lu Yan walked unsteadily towards the city.

10 minutes ago.


The city still sits in an oasis.

As one of the few large cities in Alabasta, the city has a large resident population, and the streets are even more overcrowded.

When Roger and Rayleigh entered the city, they went straight to the hospital.

In a small alley in a downtown area.

There were two figures standing furtively in the shadow of the alley, and they could be vaguely identified as Sen Guo and Garp.

They didn't wear navy general uniforms, but chose ordinary suits, obviously not planning to reveal their identities.

Three figures turned from the street into the alley.

They are all tall men in white robes and white faceless masks.

When Garp saw these three figures, his eyes widened subconsciously.

Asked in a low voice to Sen Guo beside him: "This CP0, what is the mission?"

It's no wonder Karp was surprised, mainly because the identities of these three people are amazing.


This is the full name of the CP organization, and CP is also known as the world's strongest spy agency.

It is an institution directly under the world's noble Tianlong people.

There are a total of nine troops in this organization, and the names of the troops are CP1 to CP9.

On top of these nine troops, there is also a special and powerful troop, CP0 known as the strongest shield of the Celestial Dragons.

In later generations, Rob Lucci, known as the strongest player in CP9800, also worked hard for a long time to become CP0.

In terms of establishment, the CP organization is enough to match the navy.

The strength of the navy does not need to be repeated, and the CP organization that can be compared with it is even more terrifying.

It is conceivable how important it is to dispatch three CP0 tasks at once like this.

Warring States kicked Karp calmly, signaling him to be more honest.

Regardless of their current military rank of brigadier general, even if they are admirals standing in front of CP0, they dare not be too arrogant.

One of them, CP0, who was more than three meters tall, walked in front of Garp and Sengoku.

"Don't steel bones know the importance of the mission? Why did you send two little guys over?"

The voice of this CP0 is hoarse and low, and it sounds like an old night owl.

CP0, who stood at the main seat, said indifferently: "It's just paving the way for these two little guys to become generals."

The supercilious tone of these three CP0s made Karp and Sengoku not dare to refute.

After all, this espionage organization has a bad reputation, so it is better not to offend it.

"Let's go, go to the place mentioned in the intelligence."

The three CP0s turned and left.

Garp and Sengoku looked at each other, then turned to follow.

When a group of people walked onto the street, the terrifying aura made the surrounding pedestrians subconsciously distance themselves, not daring to get too close.

The situation shown is that wherever they go, a circular space will be vacated.

at this time.

"Huh? Garp?"

A voice that sounded a bit simple and honest sounded.

Karp turned around when he heard this.

It was the stunned Roger who laughed when he saw Garp: "It really is you, I thought I was wrong."

Lei Li stood beside Roger, rubbing his forehead with one hand, unable to bear to look directly at him.


"Go and solve it. The fewer people who know about this task, the better."

The three CP0s quickly reached a consensus.

Not to mention just two little pirates, even the royal family of Alabasta will die if they see something they shouldn't see.

Garp immediately forgot about the CP0 beside him, and rushed towards Roger with a roar: "How dare you appear in front of me!"

On the way Garp charged forward, the jet-black armed domineering had already covered his fists.

Well done!
Roger didn't panic at all, he clenched his hands into fists, and the same pitch-black armed color appeared, it seemed that he was waiting for this moment.

The last time he was hammered so many times by Garp because he hadn't mastered the domineering color of the weapon, with Roger's character, of course he had to regain his position.

Both of them are not the kind of skillful characters, they just like to punch to the flesh like a reckless man.

Two equally pitch-black fists collided loudly.

The violent air waves scattered in all directions.

Pedestrians on the street, those who were close, fell to the ground directly when this wave of air swept them.

There were screams and curses one after another.

The townspeople screamed and ran away.

The streets were soon deserted, save for the bravest ones peeping from behind cover.

Warring States bowed slightly to the three CP0s, apologizing.

Then he also rushed towards Roger.

This extravagant situation will definitely leave a bad impression on Karp in front of CP0.

But now that everything has happened, the only way to get rid of this pirate who knows Garp as soon as possible.

Lei Li drew his long sword out of its sheath and stood in front of Zhan Guo.

He said lightly: "I can't let you disturb my captain."

Zhan Guo narrowed his eyes slightly, and his short goatee trembled slightly.

"You are Lu Yan, you are really courting death."

Although Sengoku was wondering why this guy didn't carry the stele on his back as the intelligence said, he still knew that there were only two members of the Roger Pirates.

He took Lei Li for Lu Yan as a matter of course.

Rayleigh froze for a moment, but didn't bother to argue.

Zhan Guo shook his head, his body glowed with golden light, and rushed towards Leili.

The three CP0s are still staring at him, there is no time for him to waste.

If they can't be dealt with before the arrival of the Kingdom Army, Sengoku can't guarantee what CP0 will do in order not to be exposed.

So it's all about going all out.

Lei Li didn't even know why Zhan Guo reacted so strongly, he swiped his sword and tried to force Zhan Guo back.

Just when the long sword was about to hit the Warring States period.

A golden masterpiece.

Shaking, Raleigh subconsciously closed his eyes.

Bang! ! !
There was a tooth-piercing sound of metal clashing.

When Lei Li opened his eyes again, he found that his long sword could not penetrate an inch.

A giant Buddha emitting golden light appeared in front of him.

Human fruit·Phantom beast species·Great Buddha form!
"Buddha Fist!"

Warring States shouted violently.

The huge golden fist smashed towards Rayleigh.

There is a huge difference in size between the two, and Raleigh's whole body is not as big as a fist in the Warring States Period.

But Rayleigh did not choose to dodge.

Instead, he gritted his teeth and held the long sword across his chest.

The jet-black armed domineering has covered the long sword, making the long sword seem indestructible.

(End of this chapter)

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