Chapter 333 Rescue
Bang! ! !
Under the impact of a huge force, Lei Li pushed back.

Two feet made a long trail on the ground.

the other side.

The sound of fierce fist clashes was non-stop.

Cap got more and more excited.

When we met for the first time, Roger could only deal with him with the vague arrogance of knowledge.

But how long has passed now, and he can already skillfully use the armed color domineering to confront him head-on.

"Sure enough, I'm not mistaken. If you don't care about this guy, you will definitely become a big pirate."

Roger punched Cap in the face while he was talking.

He laughed loudly: "I didn't expect there to be a guy like you in the navy, it's not bad."

Garp received a solid punch, without even a trance, and punched again like a normal person.

For some unknown reason, the physiques of people in this world are extremely terrifying.

Both endurance and vitality are beyond the human level.

Fighting for three days and three nights like that kind of battle at the general level is just like playing.

High defense and low attack, just the opposite of Naruto World.

Of course, this low attack also depends on what it is compared with.

Garp saw the right moment and suddenly punched Roger hard in the stomach.

Roger's whole body flew upside down like a cannonball.

It smashed through two buildings in a row before stopping.


Roger spat out a mouthful of gravel and grinned: "Go on!"

Warring States is more and more frightened.

At first, he didn't pay much attention to Rayleigh.

The reason why it directly entered the state of full firepower is mainly to solve the Roger Pirates as soon as possible.

But did not expect.

As the captain of Roger, Karp can barely understand that the long-term attack has been fruitless.

This unknown guy is actually so strong.

Until now, even in the Warring States Period, there is no 100% certainty that Lei Li can be defeated.

"The 1000 million bounty placed on you is really a joke."

Lei Li couldn't stop panting, and resisted Zhan Guo's mad attack head-on, even he was a bit powerless.

He didn't have the intention of chatting with the Warring States Period.

Up to now, Raleigh has already given birth to the idea of ​​asking Roger to run away.

Raleigh could see, whether it was on his side or on Roger's side.

All are at a disadvantage.

The most important thing is that there are five people on the opposite side.

The other three strangely dressed guys have yet to make a move.

If you don't run away, you may not be able to run away.

The three CP0s watched the battle of the four calmly, and were not at all moved by such a terrifying scene.

CP0, who was in the main position, seemed a little impatient because he wasted so much time.

He ordered in a light tone: "The current navy is really trash, No. [-], get rid of them."


As soon as the words fell, the CP who was over three meters tall disappeared instantly.

When it reappeared, it had already landed beside Rayleigh.

This is a perfect shave.

Just from this hand, you can know that it is another terrifying strong man.

Number three appeared so suddenly that Raleigh didn't even react.

"Finger gun!"

Three finally stretched his arms out of the robes.

Long-arm family.

With an astonishingly long arm span and the use of finger guns, it is simply a killing weapon.

It pierced Lei Li's abdomen swiftly and quickly, and No. [-]'s attack was not over yet, another two fingers in a row.

puff! ! !

Blood splashed out.

Under the severe pain, Raleigh's mind went blank.

No. [-]'s body rotated, and a roundabout kick was kicked out heavily.

Lei Li's whole body was thrown out like a broken sandbag.

A long bloodstain was drawn on the ground.

"Cough...cough cough."

Raleigh coughed up blood mixed with saliva.

Although he is still alive, he has completely lost his ability to fight.

Warring States returned to human form from the Buddha form, and looked at No. [-] in shock.

As the Commodore of the Navy Headquarters, Six Types is no stranger to Sengoku.

But even in the Navy headquarters, there are not many people who can practice the six styles to this extent.

But any member of CP0 is actually that strong.

What the Warring States Period didn't know was that with the expansion of the navy's power, it absorbed a large number of talents.

CP0 is now in a phase of failure.

In the future, the Five Old Stars will deliberately weaken the power of the navy in order to check and balance.

Of course, these are all for later.

No. [-] cast a cold glance at Zhan Guo: "Is this the new generation of the Navy like you?"

The facts are before our eyes, and the Warring States Period has no capital to refute.


Roger let out an angry roar in the distance.

Running towards this side.

Originally, he was still engaged in a reckless battle with Garp.

Suddenly, I saw Rayleigh being beaten to death by the man wearing strange decorations.

Worrying about his companions overwhelmed everything, he left Garp and ran towards number three.


Because of anger, Roger's expression looked a little hideous.

Armed domineering already covered the fist, and he punched No. [-] recklessly.

No. [-] stood on the spot, didn't even raise his hands, but the armed domineering covered his head.

It was an understatement to take a hard punch from Roger.

Before Roger could close his fist, another finger gun was thrust towards Roger's heart.

Roger's knowledgeable arrogance saved his life, and he controlled his body to move a certain distance in the air with difficulty.

The finger gun pierced Roger's chest.

Roger's mouth was full of blood, and he clenched his teeth and grabbed Number Three's arm that was inserted into his body.

"Without my permission, how could I attack my crew!"

Enduring the severe pain, he punched No. [-]'s arm.

click ~
Three's arms twisted into irregular shapes.

Roger sat down on the ground, the horrible blood hole in his chest was still flowing out of blood.

No. [-] didn't utter the slightest cry, but just twisted his bent arm, and it returned to normal in an instant.

Zhan Guo was stunned: "This is... the return of life."

Roger's eyes widened. He must have broken this guy's arm just now.

Roger struggled to get up from the ground.

It can be said that it is almost hopeless now. These guys in white robes are not the opponents they can face now.

Even so, Roger still insisted on standing in front of No. [-], without the slightest fear in his eyes.

When he decided to go to sea, he already had this awareness.

At such times, Roger grinned instead.

"It's just a pity, Raleigh, you won't blame me."

Rayleigh clutched his wound, and stood up dangling with his long sword: "Who told me to get caught up with a troublesome captain?"

The leading CP0 was not moved by this scene at all.

He said coldly: "Fix it quickly."

at this time.

A man carrying a huge black stone tablet walked over leisurely.

Asked in a gentle tone.

"Am I late?"

(End of this chapter)

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