The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 343 Roger's Action

Chapter 343 Roger's Action

"What kind of monster is this???"

Jabba jumped high, ax in hand, just to avoid the aftermath of the attack.

Even as rebellious as him, he was shocked by this scene.

It can only be said that it is indeed the strongest combat power of the navy.

Roger's eyes were red.

He saw with his own eyes that Lu Yan was hit on the top of the head by Steel Gu Kong's hammer.

Now fell into the sea, life and death unknown.

With a heart-piercing roar, Roger threw down the marines in front of him, and rushed straight to the steel skeleton like a shell.

Even though the power displayed by the steel bone was terrifying, Roger did not show the slightest fear.

Looking back at Sengoku and Garp, they immediately showed relaxed smiles.

"Marshal Kong is still strong."

Don't forget, Zhan Guo and Karp watched Lu Yan crush No. [-] with their own eyes.

The terrifying figure that looked like a demon god left a deep shadow on them.

Fortunately, Steel Bone Kong's performance is even stronger.

Forcibly smashing Lu Yan into the ground, at the same time the aftermath exploded the island.

Now if someone stood in the sky and looked down, he would see that the entire No. 21 island had collapsed into pieces one after another.

A large number of navies fell into the sea, and there were a lot of splashes on the sea.

The steel skeleton stands on a huge tree root floating on the water surface. With the flow of sea water, it looks like the ground is shaking.

But Gang Gukong's current mood is not as optimistic as that of Zhan Guo and others.

He lowered his head and silently watched the water.

The feeling of steel bone hollow is very clear.

Although the blow was so loud, the feedback from the touch of his fists let him know that this blow did not penetrate Lu Yan's defense.

For people in this world, this degree of injury probably doesn't even count as a serious injury.

However, there is a consensus in this world that those with devil fruit abilities cannot touch sea water.

Once it touches the sea water, the power in the fruit user's body will disappear immediately.

Judging from Lu Yan's performance, although Steel Gu Kong couldn't guess what kind of devil fruit it was, he took it for granted that he was a devil fruit capable user.

So Steel Gu Kong just looked at the sea cautiously, and didn't take too much precaution in his heart.

Steel Gu Kong was about to ask Garp to go into the sea to fish out Lu Yan, but a roar sounded behind him.

"Bastard! Die for me!"

Roger fell sharply from the air, and the jet-black domineering armor had already covered his fists.

Steel Gu Kong just turned around and watched the falling Roger calmly, even his expression didn't change much.

Jabba held the ax and his face turned green when he saw this scene.

Does his new captain have no B number in mind?

When Steel Bone Kong became famous in the sea, Roger probably hadn't even been born yet.

How dare you?
The corner of Rayleigh's mouth twitched, and he felt as if he had been shot in the knee.

If it wasn't too late now, he would have wanted to knock Roger unconscious and take him away regardless.

Roger in the air was completely unmoved, his eyes were fixed on Steel Gukong's every move, his pupils were burning with angry flames.


Although the other party was a pirate, Koya Sora nodded approvingly.

At least when facing him, he didn't show the slightest fear.

It's a pity that Steel Gu Kong, as an admiral with rich combat experience, has experienced countless battles, large and small.

Roger's action and courage are good, but only good.

The empty arm of the steel frame vibrated, as if a thick pillar swept across.

In the next second, Roger seemed to be swatted away by Steel Bone Kong like a fly.

But at this moment, Roger's figure swayed ghostly, and he avoided Steel Bone Kong's attack wonderfully.

Steel Bone was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Roger strangely.

Roger's movement is too smooth, so smooth that even knowledgeable and domineering people can't do it, there is no time for reaction.

Of course it was as if Roger knew he would shoot like this.

Steel Gu Kong was stunned, but Roger was not.

A flash of white light flashed through the jet-black armed domineering color, and it hit Steel Gu Kong's cheek firmly.

However, the image of blood splattering in Roger's imagination did not appear, but a golden iron buzzing sounded instead.

Steel Bones Kong's head didn't even shake.

"Young pirate, you are still too far behind."

As Gang Gukong said, the gap in hard power is too great.

Even if Roger hit Steel Bone Kong with his anticipation ability, he couldn't penetrate Steel Bone Kong's defense at all.

When the gap in strength reaches a certain level, no matter how tricky they are, there will be no chance.

"Okay, I don't have time to play with you, so let me fall obediently."

The muscles in the steel-bone empty arm swelled, and he was about to knock Roger unconscious with a punch.

At this moment, a muffled sound came from the bottom of the sea.

boom! ! !
Violent power erupted from under the steel bone, and a large amount of seawater poured in from the cracks in the ground.

The sea surface around the island even stirred up a water curtain tens of meters high.

The strength of the steel bone is strong, but he still can't ignore the side effects of the devil fruit.

If the sea water touches his body, it will also make him lose his strength.

In desperation, he had no choice but to give up attacking Luo Jie and leave the ground before the water curtain rolled down.

The seawater fell, and it turned out to be a man-made heavy rain.

On another piece of broken ground, Steel Bones Kong was breathing in a hurry, his eyes fixed on a certain position.

In that position, blood-red steam was emitting from Lu Yan's body.

Steel Gu Kong was too shocked, his pupils narrowed sharply: "This kid, isn't he a devil fruit capable user?"

"I never said I was either."

Unexpectedly, Lu Yan's gentle voice sounded above his head unexpectedly.

So fast!

Only such a thought had time to pop up in Steel Gu Kong's mind.

Lu Yan exerted strength from his waist, turned around in the air, and kicked heavily on the head of King Kong who had been made of hollow steel.

Under the transmission of power, the ground under Steel Bone Kong's feet was directly shattered.

Gang Gukong only felt a terrifying force acting on his head, and he was smashed into the bottom of the sea on the spot.

Bang! ! !
The violent vibration spread everywhere, and Lu Yan actually created a small tsunami by relying on pure physical strength.

One by one, the marines were like soaked chickens, most of their bodies were soaked in the sea, and they all hugged the roots of the trees tightly, for fear of being washed away by the waves.

"Marshal Kong actually?"

"No! It's not true!"

When they saw Gang Gukong being knocked into the sea by Lu Yan's blow, there was no further movement.

There was a look of despair on the faces of the marines.

"Who else can defeat this monster?!"

(End of this chapter)

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