The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 344 Karp's Decision

Chapter 344 Karp's Decision

In the eyes of ordinary navy.

Steel bone Kong is the undefeated god.

To a certain extent, the myth of the commander-in-chief can indeed greatly improve the combat effectiveness of his subordinates.

But this approach itself is a double-edged sword.

Once the myth falls, it will be a devastating blow to morale.

Just like now.

The navy soldiers seemed to have lost consciousness, just staring blankly at the figure carrying the huge stone tablet in the distance.

Roger emerged from the surface of the sea and spat out a mouthful of sea water.

Grinning silly, "Great, Lu Yan, you're still alive."

Lei Li also showed a smile on his face. Although he didn't usually show it, after all, after being together on the same boat for so long, he was more or less emotional.

Seeing that Lu Yan was still alive, Lei Li felt relieved.

Only Jabba, with nothing but shock in his mind.

He knew that Lu Yan, whose bounty could reach one billion, was definitely not weak.

But it depends on who he compares with, who is his opponent?

That's empty!The Admiral of the Navy known as Cyborg.

Lu Yan defeated the Admiral of the Navy. If this news is released, it will definitely shake all the forces in the sea.

Zhan Guo swallowed a mouthful of saliva, he didn't know what to do now.

You can't let him go up to deal with that guy named Lu Yan, can you?

Even Steel Gu Kong has been defeated, can he stand it?
Garp didn't think too much about it. After seeing the steel bone empty being thrown into the sea, he decisively plunged into the sea.

Garp simply wanted to fish out the steel bone.

Lu Yan took a deep breath, the blood red steam on his body quickly dissipated, and his body exuded a smell of burnt flesh.

He twisted his neck, walked over with a smile and pulled Roger up from the sea.

Raleigh and Jabba have also come together at this time.

Jabba looked at Lu Yan and opened his mouth.

He was shocked in his heart, and wanted to ask Lu Yan a lot of things, but he felt that he had just met, and he thought that the relationship between the two of them was not good enough to talk about everything.

Seeing Jabba's hesitant appearance, Lu Yan didn't say anything, but turned around and said a word in a kind tone.

"time to go."


Roger froze for a moment before realizing it, and grinned: "That's right, this island has been blown up, let's go to another place."

A group of four people left from area 21 without haste.

The navy who was still alive only dared to watch them leave, and no navy dared to stand in front of them at this time.

It wasn't until the figures of the four were no longer visible that the tense bodies of many marines finally relaxed.

He slumped to the ground.

A certain navy stared blankly at the direction where Lu Yan and the others were leaving, and murmured.

"The sea is about to change."


in the next few days.

During this time, the Roger Pirates were free on the island.

Because the naval command system on the Chambord Islands is in chaos.

There is a saying that good things do not go out, but bad things spread thousands of miles.

The fact that Steel Gu Kong was defeated by the tombstone Lu Yan spread throughout the Chambord Islands in a short period of time.

The Chambord Islands fell into a carnival of pirates.

Even an ordinary little pirate would dare to show up in the area after No. 29.

They all know that there is still a big pirate who can defeat the admiral on this island.

Yes, after Lu Yan defeated Steel Gu Kong, he was officially recognized by the pirates as a great pirate.

Before the naval support arrives, with the current strength of the branch, it is impossible to suppress the Chambord Islands.

Of course, even so, it stands to reason that the navy would not tolerate such arrogance from the pirates.

The reason why such a serious situation is caused is mainly because the navy is hiding one thing.

That is the hollow steel.

The news released by the Warring States Period is that Steel Bone Kong has recovered and is preparing to attack the Roger Pirates.

But in fact.

From being thrown into the sea by Lu Yan, to when Garp fished him out, the steel bone is now...

Steel Gu Kong didn't know why, and had been in a coma the whole time.

Moreover, the reason for Steel Gu Kong's coma has not been clarified until now.

As far as the physique of human beings in this world is concerned, as long as they are still alive, they can recover quickly, let alone a strong man like Steel Gu Kong standing at the top.

But now he has been in a coma, and the Warring States tried various methods without any effect.

The only good news is that Steel Gu Kong's vital signs are still stable, and there is still hope if he is not dead.

This kind of news that would have a great impact on the navy was blocked by the Warring States Period.

Only a few generals knew about it.

It is worth mentioning that during the Warring States period, he temporarily acted as the supreme commander of the branch in the name of Steel Gu Kong.

Leading such an important branch of the Chambord Islands branch with the rank of major general is actually a bit over the line.

But after the actual operation.

Everyone found that Warring States was doing a good job.

In such a difficult situation, the interior of the branch of the Navy stationed in the Chambord Islands seems to be in order, and the situation has not continued to deteriorate.

This kind of flexible wisdom and powerful means of governing the army has been unanimously approved by the generals.

In a heavily guarded ward.

Surrounding the hospital bed was a sea of ​​navy.

Judging from the military ranks on their navy cloaks, the lowest is brigadier general.

They all looked at the steel bone Kong who was unconscious on the hospital bed with worried expressions.

Warring States sighed a little helplessly.

"Marshal Kong has been in a coma for three days."

A bearded navy with the rank of major general said hesitantly: "According to the doctor, Marshal Kong is in good health, right? What's going on?"

Warring States shook his head.

"Under normal circumstances, Marshal Kong should wake up after leaving the sea... Maybe... that guy knows the reason."

"Tombstone Lu Yan?"

At the mention of this name, the ward suddenly became quiet, and a dignified atmosphere permeated the air.

That figure like a demon god has been deeply engraved in the hearts of the navy present.

In such an atmosphere, Garp did not escape as usual.

Some couldn't stand the atmosphere, and walked out of the ward sullenly.

Cap put on his dog's head hat, shading his eyes.

He took out a donut from somewhere and put it in his mouth.

Karp turned his head and glanced at the situation in the ward, as if he had made up his mind, he strode away.

Soon Karp came out from the branch gate.

Without the slightest hesitation, he pressed a little pirate wandering outside the branch to the ground.

That little pirate's face turned green. He just wanted to walk around the entrance of the Navy branch so that he could brag to his brothers while drinking.

Unexpectedly, he was so unlucky that he was caught by Karp.

Cap asked in a low voice.

"Say! Where are the Roger Pirates now?"

(End of this chapter)

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