Chapter 348

Coffee machine: "So Master Lu Yan forgot about me???"

Riley hummed.

Shaking his head amusedly, he said, "It looks like this."

Roger grinned broadly.

He stretched out his hand and tore the coffee machine off the cabin.

"Don't worry, even if Lu Yan is not around, we will take good care of you."

The coffee machine looked at Roger's silly face close at hand, and his heart was broken.

Why was he abandoned when he woke up?

Yes, the coffee machine does need sleep.

How about saying that the rat spell is related to the power to create life.

If revived by the Rat Charm, except that the body may be a little strange, other aspects are no different from ordinary life.

"I don't need anyone to take care of me!"

The coffee machine sat sulking on the deck.

But losing your temper is losing your temper.

But the coffee machine also knew that under the current situation, it might be too late to go back to find Lu Yan.

There is no other way but to follow Roger and the others on the adventure first.


New world.

Rocks Grand Fleet.

On the mighty main ship, Lockes, wearing a captain's cap, squinted his eyes, blowing the sea breeze leisurely.

at this time.

A tall man hurriedly ran to Lockes and said, "Report to Captain Lockes that the Roger Pirates have entered Murloc Island."

"And according to reliable sources, Tombstone Lu Yan claimed to be tired of the pirate life and left the Roger Pirates."

Rocks narrowed his eyes slightly, as if a little disappointed.

"Tired of the pirate life? Ridiculous."

Without Lu Yan's Roger Pirates, it would not be very attractive to Lockes.

There is no shortage of pirates like Roger with a bounty of [-] to [-] million on his ship.

"Originally, I was going to invite the Roger Pirates in person. In that case, I'll just let Shiji go for a walk."

Hearing the words, the tall pirate immediately flattered: "This is the loss of the tombstone Lu Yan."

"Okay, let's go down and do things."

Rocks waved his hand.


Chambord Islands.

Naval branch station.

A heavily guarded ward.

Warring States and other admirals stood nervously around the hospital bed.

Warring States glanced at Karp beside him, and said in a deep voice: "Today is the seventh day of Marshal Kong's coma, Garp, are you sure Marshal Kong can wake up today?"

Cap nodded hesitantly.

"Lu Yan did say that..."

The surrounding admirals were somewhat dissatisfied with Garp's attitude.

As a navy, meet a big pirate in public.

It was a violation of Navy regulations.

It was only because Garp obtained important information about Cyborg Kong that he reluctantly endured it.

But if this information is wrong, Karp's military career will be greatly affected.

at this time.

Steel bone Kong lying on the hospital bed slowly opened his eyes.

"Great! Marshal Kong, you're awake!"

"It's great to finally wake up!"

"It seems that Lu Yan is really not lying."

The admirals couldn't help showing a relaxed look.

During Steel Gukong's coma, they seemed to have no backbone.

If Steel Gu Kong didn't wake up again, they would have to consider the worst.

The ward suddenly became noisy.

Although he had just woken up, there was no confusion in Steel Gu Kong's eyes.

Steel Bone Kong scanned his surroundings.

Asked in a majestic tone: "How long have I been in a coma? What's the situation now?"

Warring States replied honestly: "You have been in a coma for seven days, and now the situation has been brought under control."

Steel Skeleton nodded.

Quickly understood the general situation.

Looking at Zhan Guo approvingly, he said, "Good job."

Steel Bones Kong stood up from the ground.

Walking out of the ward, the admirals followed him out one after another.

When the marines along the way saw the figure of Steel Gu Kong, their faces immediately showed excitement.

It seemed to become more energetic all of a sudden.

This is the status of Steel Gu Kong in the Navy's mind. As long as he is present, the Navy will not have any troubles.

This kind of status is beyond the reach of the current Warring States Period.

Even working without sleep for several days and nights in the Warring States Period can barely maintain the current situation.

During this period of time, even the Warring States period has been suppressing the news of Steel Gu Kong.

But after all, the steel skeleton has never appeared, and the navies at the bottom will inevitably have some bad ideas.

In fact, the Warring States period is very fortunate, and fortunately Steel Gu Kong woke up in time, otherwise, if we wait for a while, there may be serious problems within the navy.

In the office.

Steel Gu Kong sat down on the main seat without hesitation, picked up the documents on the desk and browsed quietly.

After watching for a while, Steel Gu Kong let out a sigh of relief.

"I see, the Roger Pirates have entered the new world."

Steel Bone Kong looked at Zhan Guo, and said, "Zhan Guo, what do you think about Lu Yan leaving the Roger Pirates?"

On the surface, Steel Bone Kong is still very calm.

But in fact, after seeing the news, he was relieved all the time.

He had fought against Lu Yan, with that terrifying explosive ability, even he was not sure of winning.

Originally, Gang Gukong thought that there would be another big pirate in the new world, but he didn't expect that when he woke up, Lu Yan would not be a pirate anymore.

However, even if a guy with such powerful power is not a pirate, he can't just ignore it.

We must find out what Lu Yan really thinks.

"There are two possibilities. One is that Lu Yan is really tired of drifting at sea. The second possibility is that he wants to do something big and needs to keep a low profile."

Zhan Guo hesitated for a moment, and said: "I personally prefer the second possibility. After all, Lu Yan's age is only about 20 years old. This age is just the beginning. Such a young man possesses such great power."

"I don't think he would choose to just stay silent."

Steel Bone nodded inconspicuously.

His eyes flicked over the faces of the surrounding admirals one by one.

"That's right, that's what I think too. I will go to Wulaoxing to apply for a transfer of CP. I must find out Lu Yan's whereabouts."


As the saying goes, there is no time in the mountains.

In the soil, there is no more.

Lu Yan was buried in the soil, motionless.

From the outside, it looks like an ordinary tomb.

In a windy and watery environment.

The grass growing on Lu Yan's grave is gratifying.

A group of brats were not afraid of danger and climbed to the edge of the sea cliff to play.

He saw Lu Yan's grave naturally.

"Hey, why is there a grave here?"

"I don't know, go back later and ask my dad."

"Are you stupid? If you let the adults know that we are playing here, you will definitely be taught a lesson."

(End of this chapter)

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