The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 349 One Piece Roger

Chapter 349 One Piece Roger

"Then treat this as our secret base, don't tell your lord."

A brawny brat was so courageous that he even stepped on Lu Yan's grave.

Also jumped twice.

"Okay, our secret base!"

"Look, there is still a memorial tablet here, Lu... Zhimo... what does this mean?"

"Maybe it's the name, that's the name of the person buried in this grave."

"That's right, Thomas, you know a lot."

"Of course, I will go to sea in the future!"

"Recently, a lot of strangers appeared in the town. They looked fierce and fierce. They even broke into my house and asked if they had seen a pirate named Lu Yan."

"Well, a stranger came to my house to ask."


The sun rises and the moon sets.

time flies.

The previous brats had changed a lot, and they gradually grew into teenagers.

The only constant is that they will always come to this secret base to play around.

"Thomas, you didn't go to school again today. The teacher said he was going to find your father."

"I've grown up. When I get a boat, I'm ready to go to sea. Who wants to go to school?"

"Really? It's amazing, then I will go to sea with you in the future."

"I want it too, I want it too."

"Okay, when the time comes, let's go to sea together. I will be the captain, Bond and you will be the deputy captain, and Eminem will be the navigator..."


"Have you heard?"

"You mean the news, right?"

"That's right, the newspaper said that the Lockes Pirates wanted to replace the world government and attacked the nobles of the world on the island of gods, but were defeated by Vice Admiral Garp."

"That's right, and I heard that the island of gods disappeared under their battle."

"The navy is terrible, I don't want to be a pirate anymore."

"What, the Roger Pirates were there at the time, I don't believe that a vice admiral alone can defeat Captain Lockes."

"Damn it, just listening to the news about these big shots makes my blood boil!"

"Thomas, I can't wait, let's make a boat by ourselves now, I can't help but let my name resound in the whole sea."


"Thomas Pirates! Set sail!"

"You go, my parents are sick, I will stay and take care of them, but don't worry, I will always pay attention to the news."

"Of course, if you don't make a name for yourself, then you can't blame me."


"Bond, why did you come back alone?"

"How about everyone?"

"Everyone, everyone is dead. I am the only one left alive."

"It's scary, the pirates are scary!!!"


"Bond, you are so old, aren't you going to get married and have children?"

"Al, I'm not reconciled."

"Why are you not reconciled? Have you seen the latest news? Roger is sailing again, and he is already 50 years old."

"So what, haven't you given up the idea of ​​going to sea?"

"Do you think you can compare with Captain Roger? You are just a guy who was kicked back when he first arrived in the New World!"

"And even if it's the Roger Pirates, their deputy captain quit the pirates at a young age."

"What are you still hoping for!"

"It's a dream."

"Dreams are important!"


"The Roger Pirates actually defeated the Golden Lion's Flying Pirates?!"

"How strong is the Roger Pirates, there is such a big difference in numbers."

"The news said it was the cause of a storm."

"After defeating the Golden Lion, no one can stop the Roger Pirates. I'm so envious."

"Whitebeard should be counted as one, but the Whitebeard Pirates don't seem to have any ambitions."

"I'm so envious..."

"Don't be envious, aren't you ready to get married?"


"Bond! Have you seen the latest news?"

"The Roger Pirates have arrived at Ralph Drew!"

"They conquered the great route!!!"

"More and more pirates are calling Roger the One Piece."

"If only I could get on Roger's boat too."


Rogue Town.

Bustling streets, civilians are orderly.

Each is busy with their own business.

A tall man walked slowly down the street.

He was dressed in the coarse cloth clothes of ordinary civilians, but he had a domineering arrogance that overwhelmed everything.

The most impressive thing is his two clenched beards, which look like nose hairs growing out of his nose.

He also had a coffee machine hanging on his wrist.

This is Roger who has become the One Piece, as well as the legendary pirate, the coffee machine.

Yes, with Roger becoming the One Piece, everyone on his ship has been called a big pirate.

He is over 50 years old this year, and the reason why he returned to Rogue Town is mainly because he learned the news from Karp.

I want to try to see if I can find Lu Yan.

Although the time the two spent together was nothing compared to his long journey.

But he did keep the promise.

Until he disbanded the Roger Pirates, no one had served as the deputy captain of the Roger Pirates.

In Luo Jie's eyes, Lu Yan instigated him to go to sea.

Moreover, Lu Yan always said that he could become the One Piece, so Roger never came to look for Lu Yan before he became the One Piece.

Until now, he became the One Piece.

He felt that he could finally look for Lu Yan confidently.

It's just that he didn't know why, he wandered around Rogge Town for a long time, but he didn't find any news about Lu Yan.

This made him suspect that Lu Yan might not be in Rogge Town anymore, and he planned to go to Fengche Village to see if he could find news about Lu Yan.

Roger looked at the street in front of him with a little emotion.

He came to a small fruit stall and grinned: "Give me a melon."

Two older men passed by on the street, talking loudly as they walked.

"Why did Roger disband the Pirates?"

"I can't understand, they are already standing in such a dazzling position."

"This may be why he is the One Piece, but we are just ordinary civilians."

"I'm not a commoner, I'm a member of the Thomas Pirates!"

"Come on, Bond, how long has passed, and you haven't forgotten."

"Then you have forgotten everyone?"

The corner of Roger's mouth curled up.

With his current strength, although the distance is a bit far away, he can still clearly hear the content of the chat between the two.

"Okay, okay, Bond, let's talk about the past."

"Then accompany me to the secret base for a drink."

"Let's go. Speaking of who owns Lu Yan's tomb, I haven't seen anyone clean it for so many years."

Roger: "???"

Coffee machine:"???"

(End of this chapter)

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