Chapter 626 Shalu
NO.17 and NO.18.

Dr. Gero's proud work, but unfortunately, he really has no control over these two artificial humans.

Even if they were indeed made by him, he couldn't command these two artificial humans.

Therefore, in order to prevent accidents, Dr. Gero had to cut off their energy source to keep them quiet.

It's a pity that he has no other way now, the island is only so big, and his laboratory will be found by Wukong and the others sooner or later.

We can only hope that these two artificial humans can defeat Wukong and the others.

After hesitating again and again, Dr. Gero picked up a rectangular remote control and pressed the button on it.

After a crisp sound, a circle of white mist sprayed out from the gap of the slot machine.

A handsome young man with shoulder-length black hair and a red scarf around his neck stepped out.

There was an indifferent coldness in his eyes.

This is artificial human NO.17.

Strange to say, since Dr. Gero’s artificial humans started from a dozen numbers, the bigger the number, the stronger the strength, not only NO.17 and NO.18, but even NO.13 and NO.14 artificial humans They are stronger than the NO.19 fat man.

It feels like Dr. Gero is getting weaker the more he studies.

Android No. 17 turned his head and saw the remote control in Dr. Gero's hand, his indifferent expression changed immediately.

Bending slightly, he said in a respectful tone, "Dr. Gero, good morning."

Dr. Gero was surprised at first, then overjoyed, and said in disbelief.

"NO.17, are you greeting me?"

"Of course, you are my biological father."

NO.17 had a respectful smile on his face. If he didn't have the indifferent eyes at the beginning, he would feel like a well-behaved boy.

Dr. Gero laughed wildly.

When he had just transformed these two artificial humans, he was almost killed by them. Fortunately, Dr. Gero had defended against them in advance, so he saved his life.

I didn't expect that after sleeping for a while, they became obedient.

"It seems that it has been repaired, then, I will also wake up NO.18."

A white mist rose, and Dr. Gero repeated the previous operation.

Immediately afterwards, the trough-shaped machine marked eighteen on the surface was also opened.

A girl with blond hair and blue eyes came out.

The girl has a cute appearance, combined with her tall figure, she exudes a glamorous aura.

The boy gave the girl a wink, and the girl understood, and turned her head to greet Dr. Gero in the same way.

Dr. Gero was in a good mood, clapping his hands and smiling.

"It seems that you have repaired it by yourself, but this time, the enemy is very powerful, you must obey my command."


"Understood, Dr. Gero."

Although Dr. Gero spoke in an orderly tone, NO.18 and NO.17 also agreed in a very respectful way.

"Very good, come with me!"

After saying this, Dr. Gero turned around and walked out of the laboratory.

Without realizing it at all, I had already handed over the back to NO.18 and NO.17.

The two looked at each other, and at the same time showed a mocking expression towards Dr. Gero.

The young man took a step forward and snatched the controller from Dr. Gero's hand with incomparable speed.

Dr. Gero reacted quickly, turned around immediately, and shouted loudly: "NO.17! What do you want to do?"

"This is the controller that cuts off our energy in an emergency, right?"

NO.17 said something coldly, and then, without giving Dr. Gero a chance to take it back, he squeezed the controller to pieces with a little force with his fingers.

Dr. Gero's face became extremely ugly.

" haven't been repaired at all?"

"What a fool, I don't want to sleep forever, old man!"

The girlish NO.18 said disdainfully, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

When it reappeared, it was already behind Dr. Gero, and a punch directly pierced his back.

Dr. Gero's face was full of disbelief. He really didn't expect that one day he would die by the hands of his own work.

"You... you two ungrateful things..."

Before Dr. Gero could finish his last words, his head was blown away by NO.17's cannonball from his palm.


NO.17 blew a breath into his palm.

That understatement looks like doing a trivial thing.

"Let's go, NO.18, go and have a look at the enemy that this stinky old man said."

NO.17 walked towards the outside of the laboratory, looking quite casual.

NO.18 flicked a few strands of hair in front of her eyebrows with a feminine style, and said with a light smile, "It's finally come out, I don't bother to fight now."

click ~
At this moment, a slight noise appeared.

A trough-type machine with no number marked suddenly opened.

NO.17 and NO.18 looked back at the same time.

"Any other artificial humans?"

NO.17's voice was unhurried: "It doesn't even have a serial number, so it's probably a defective product."

"It seems very interesting, is it our companion?"

Girlish NO.18 tilted her head.

Zi~ Zi~
The power supply of the trough machine seemed to be short-circuited, and there were bursts of undetectable arcs.

Just when NO.17 and NO.18 were waiting impatiently.

A green claw sticks out, pressing on the outline of the slot machine.

Then a monster that looked like a large green insect, with a spiked tail behind it, stepped out.

The monster also has thick mucus on its body, giving people an extremely disgusting feeling.

"This guy is so ugly, NO.18, I object to it becoming our companion."

NO.17 is still not aware of the seriousness of the problem, but has some physical discomfort with the appearance of this monster.

The monster looked up at NO.17 and NO.18, its vertical pupils like poisonous snakes flickered coldly, as if it was looking at its prey.

"Let's go NO.17."

Although this monster is really ugly, from NO.18's point of view, this is Dr. Gero's problem. The monster is also a poor person, and she can't bear to kill the monster just like that.

NO.17 nodded and raised no objection.

However, this monster suddenly spoke at this moment: "Name, Sha...Shalu..."

"Ten... NO.17 and NO.18, I... this king, how dare you disrespect me."

This monster who called himself Sharu seemed to have some problems with his language function at the beginning, but he became more and more proficient later on.

Sha Ru showed a haughty look, and said it as a matter of course.

"There is a voice telling me, as long as I eat you, I will become stronger."

(End of this chapter)

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